About Us

Who are we?
FindHospital is an international company that organizes treatment both abroad and in your country. We have been working since 2012 and by this time we have already helped thousands of patients.
It usually happens, then after the diagnosis a person is lost in a huge amount of information not only about the disease itself, but also about where and how it can be effectively cured. Our medical coordinators who have many years of treatment organizing experience, will help you to arrange all this data and quickly and competently make an individual and well-balanced treatment program for every wish and budget.
The FindHospital database contains almost900 clinicsfrom all over the world
Our coordinators know special features of all them. You can be sure that out of the many possible options, we will make the best choice of both a doctor and a medical institution that will suit you well!
When contacting FindHospital, you do not pay for our services. Choosing an individual treatment program, you will pay for the medical procedures directly at the medical institution itself, it makes our service predictable and reliable.

Why should I contact FindHospital?
High-quality treatment of some diseases is not easy: sometimes it is nearly impossible to find it in your hometown or even in your country. Effective treatment does not depend on the city or country, but on whether a particular clinic has advanced technologies, whether it has the latest generation of equipment and, most importantly, with highly qualified doctors with extensive experience and specialization in a particular type of disease. Sometimes it also happens that a patient needs a very highly specialized, and sometimes even unique experimental treatment that can be obtained only in a few clinics in the whole world.
At FindHospital we keep our eye on the ball. Every day we learn about new scientific methods, actual prices in hundreds of medical institutions and offer our patients the most effective treatment at the most affordable price.
Even in difficult cases, when the patient has already undergone intensive and conscientious treatment at home, but did not get the result, we will always help you choose an alternative and individual treatment option in a clinic in another city or country and find the best specialists.

How does it work?
To get highly qualified medical care with us, you need to take a few easy steps:
Contact us
Tell us about yourself
To make your treatment more effective, we need to know you better. That is why our medical coordinator will ask you some questions that will help determine the initial action plan. Of course you will also be able to ask any questions to find any useful information about our service. Mutual trust is an important step on the way to success!
Provide us your medical data
If you have any results of medical examinations, X-rays, MRI, ultrasound, angiography, PET, etc — send them to us! The more complete you provide your medical history, the more accurate the medical opinion, on the basis of which we will draw up an individual treatment plan, will be.
Study your treatment plan
You will be able to get acquainted with the treatment plan draft ASAP. Within 48 hours, our medical coordinators will contact the best clinics in the world and receive a list of necessary studies and consultations, the cost of examination and treatment. We will give you all this information for review.
Make a decision
After learning all details of the upcoming cooperation, you will have to make a decision: are you ready to walk all this way with FindHospital? If yes, then we will start acting according to our plan. If not — we will always be happy to add any additional requests and find alternative options for your treatment.
Prepare for the trip
We will book a place at the clinic, provide you with a visa invitation and, if necessary, provide accommodations for you and accompanying persons. We also undertake the coordination of all issues with the hospital, consultations and any other help to organize your treatment. Just don't forget to pack your luggage and grab your passport!
Get your treatment at the clinic
Upon arrival at the airport of the destination country, you will be met and taken to the place of residence and treatment. Throughout your stay at the clinic, you will be accompanied by a coordinator who will help you overcome the language barrier during consultations, examinations and appointments with foreign doctors. If desired, we will regularly report on the progress of treatment to your relatives who have stayed at home.
Come back home!
At the end of the treatment course we will stay in touch! We’ll help you translate the general medical documents, conclusions and recommendations on your native language. If it is necessary, we will also make a detailed report for your attending doctor back at home and will help to resolve any possible communication issues with the attending foreign doctor.
We wish you to be in the best health!