Artemis Hospital Gurgaon in Gurgaon (India)
Clinic specialization
Artemis Hospital is a general hospital accredited in 2013 by the Joint International Commission for the Improvement of Quality and Safety in Medicine (JCI). The clinic has 11 specialized centers and 40 departments. The main directions are:
One of the features of the clinic is that doctors not only provide patients with a comprehensive diagnosis and effective treatment, but also develop individual rehabilitation schemes. This allows patients to return to their usual lifestyle in the shortest possible time. Modern operating rooms with the latest equipment allow to perform minimally invasive operations of various complexity using robots and computer technologies, including children's cardiac surgery and the removal of various neoplasms. The presence of its own Blood Bank and internal bio-storage facilities makes it possible to conduct individual donor operations around the clock. The Artemis clinic has created optimal conditions for the speedy recovery of patients. All patients are placed in comfortable wards, where they are constantly accompanied by polite and caring nurses. For foreign citizens, the clinic staff provides assistance in organizing flights and staying in the country, provides airport transfers to and from New Delhi, as well as a personal interpreter and assistant.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
Artemis Hospital Gurgaon in Gurgaon (India)
This is a bad doctor, please do not visit this doctor for any questions related to nephrology, and do not go to Artemis Hospital for this problem.
You are going to waste money and time, she gets money, but you don't get proper treatment
This is a bad doctor, please do not visit this doctor for any questions related to nephrology, and do not go to Artemis Hospital for this problem.
You are going to waste money and time, she gets money, but you don't get proper treatment