Asklepios Nord Clinic in Hamburg (Germany)
Clinic specialization
Asklepios Nord is the largest hospital in German famous medical network, Asklepios Clinic. It is a multidisciplinary clinic that treats 72,000 patients annually. It regularly gets to the top positions of ratings in such areas as proctology, dentistry and ophthalmology.
The clinic consists of 6 specialized centers and 22 departments. This is the only medical facility in Hamburg that has received a CERTKOM certificate for pain-free treatment. Each patient here is selected the optimal method of anesthesia. The hospital has been awarded an ISO certificate, the compliance of which is regularly confirmed.
The neurosurgical department is equipped with the most modern devices, including intraoperative MRI, which is available in only a few hospitals in Germany. This device made it possible to increase the success rate of brain interventions to 100%. Operations here are performed by minimally invasive methods with the preservation of the maximum number of healthy tissues.
In the gastroenterology department, most operations are ednoscopic or laparoscopic. These are minimally invasive methods that significantly shorten the recovery period and do not leave noticeable scars.
The Children's department includes neuropediatrics and surgery. It accepts patients from birth to 18 years of age. The clinic also has the largest ophthalmology department in Germany.
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Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
Asklepios Nord Clinic in Hamburg (Germany)
Maybe they just need more employees.
However, I would no longer be treated in Asclepios.
Maybe they just need more employees.
However, I would no longer be treated in Asclepios.