Autonomous institution of the Voronezh Region "RRCCAD — Sail of Hope" in Voronezh (Russia)
10 reviews

Autonomous institution of the Voronezh Region "RRCCAD — Sail of Hope" in Voronezh (Russia)

Russia , Voronezh

Clinic specialization

Orthopedics and traumatology
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 The autonomous institution of the Voronezh Region "RRCCAD" Sail of Hope" counts its history since 1995 and carries out social rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical correction of children and adolescents with disabilities and provides social and legal assistance to families. Every year, 2 thousand children undergo a rehabilitation course here.
The main directions of medical care provided by the center are the following:
  • rehabilitation;
  • social and medical services;
  • activities aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • observation;
  • consultation;
  • social and psychological services;
  • social and educational services;
  • social and labor services;
  • social and legal services;
  • training of disabled people (disabled children) in the use of technical means of care and rehabilitation;
  • training in the skills of behavior in everyday life and public places;
  • psychotherapy;
  • speech therapy;
  • correction of motor disorders and physical therapy;
  • massage;
  • hardware methods of treatment;
  • functional diagnostics;
  • physical therapy;
  • swimming pool. 
“The Sail of Hope” Center is located in four specially equipped buildings and it is provided with modern rehabilitation equipment and transport. The staff of the Center has many years of practical experience and constantly improves their qualifications. Over the years, the team of "Sails of Hope" has returned thousands of children and teenagers to a full life, including participants of the Paralympic Games, Special Olympic Games, winners and laureates of creative competitions.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy
от 6
Rehabilitation after a spinal injury
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MRI Guided Focused Ultrasound Ablation (MRI FUS)
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Medical treatment for epilepsy
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Multiple sclerosis drug treatment
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Rehabilitation for arthritis (in 1 day)
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Rehabilitation after stroke (in 1 day)
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Rehabilitation after stroke (in 1 day)
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Free consultation
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Autonomous institution of the Voronezh Region "RRCCAD — Sail of Hope" in Voronezh (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
A one-of-a-kind center with very attentive staff. Specialists of the center help children with serious problems. The center has a swimming pool with excellent mentors, I never believed that my son would be able to learn to swim at the age of 2, but under the strict guidance of teachers, Dima learned to swim and stopped being afraid of water. Classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist in combination with medical procedures have borne fruit-the child has speech. Many thanks to the center for the help and care!
A wonderful rehabilitation center for children, an excellent team and teachers. There is a hotel, a medical center, a pedagogical, a swimming pool, and a buffet)
Wonderful rehabilitation center! Good specialists, excellent technical base.
The Sail of Hope employs highly qualified specialists and teachers. I would like to express my special gratitude to the speech therapist-defectologist Chursina O.A., ART therapy teacher Petrukhina N.P.
There should be more such centers than pubs, and there is one and another on Plekhanovskaya. It is very difficult to get there for those who do not live in the center or in the north. And so, of course, the center is good, excellent teachers, but the teacher's workload is terrible and he physically cannot give the child full-fledged pedagogical assistance, as well as with physical therapy and with a swimming pool, maybe someone will decide to open another branch of this center, there are a lot of people in need, and the teacher's resource time is not enough for everyone because of this lowered the assessment.
The playground and the surrounding area are super, it's a pity that access is difficult. A good center.
There is Parking, the entrance to the building is equipped with a ramp for wheelchair users, very polite staff. Convenient access.
A good, conscientious team, where children are treated sensitively and with understanding.
An excellent center for classes with children with disabilities.
Without him, I don't even know what they would have done.
It's a pity there are only few streams.
A one-of-a-kind center with very attentive staff. Specialists of the center help children with serious problems. The center has a swimming pool with excellent mentors, I never believed that my son would be able to learn to swim at the age of 2, but under the strict guidance of teachers, Dima learned to swim and stopped being afraid of water. Classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist in combination with medical procedures have borne fruit-the child has speech. Many thanks to the center for the help and care!
A wonderful rehabilitation center for children, an excellent team and teachers. There is a hotel, a medical center, a pedagogical, a swimming pool, and a buffet)
Wonderful rehabilitation center! Good specialists, excellent technical base.
The Sail of Hope employs highly qualified specialists and teachers. I would like to express my special gratitude to the speech therapist-defectologist Chursina O.A., ART therapy teacher Petrukhina N.P.
There should be more such centers than pubs, and there is one and another on Plekhanovskaya. It is very difficult to get there for those who do not live in the center or in the north. And so, of course, the center is good, excellent teachers, but the teacher's workload is terrible and he physically cannot give the child full-fledged pedagogical assistance, as well as with physical therapy and with a swimming pool, maybe someone will decide to open another branch of this center, there are a lot of people in need, and the teacher's resource time is not enough for everyone because of this lowered the assessment.
The playground and the surrounding area are super, it's a pity that access is difficult. A good center.
There is Parking, the entrance to the building is equipped with a ramp for wheelchair users, very polite staff. Convenient access.
A good, conscientious team, where children are treated sensitively and with understanding.
An excellent center for classes with children with disabilities.
Without him, I don't even know what they would have done.
It's a pity there are only few streams.

Clinic doctors

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7