Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)
13 reviews

Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)

Germany , Solingen

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Cardiac surgery
Orthopedics and traumatology
Plastic surgery
Phlebology · Vascular Surgery
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Bethanyen is one of the largest frequent clinics in Germany, which includes 20 specialized medical centers and departments. The main directions of the clinic are the following:

  • surgery;

  • cardiology;

  • phlebology;

  • gastroenterology;

  • pulmonology;

  • radiology;

  • oncology;

  • neurosurgery;

  • pediatrics;

  • plastic surgery;

  • radiology;

  • gynecology;

  • dermatology.

Bethanien Hospital is considered to be one of the best in the country for the diagnosis and treatment of various lung diseases. In addition, it is an interregional clinic of pulmanology and allergology, a center for somnology and artificial lung ventilation. Every year, about 5,000 patients are treated on an outpatient basis in the clinic, and more than 1,500 patients are treated in the hospital. The clinic actively uses traditional methods and modern advanced technologies, which allow it to diagnose accuratelyand start treating patients,even with complex diseases,quickly. They are offered excellent quality of service and well-established work of specialists. The cooperation of local doctors with foreign colleagues, a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment, the selection of the optimal treatment method based on the accumulated experience allow the doctors to offer the patient the best quality of treatment and especially effective results, that is confirmed by the DKG certificate.


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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
2500 - 3500
Online consultation with an oncologist
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MRI of one area
840 - 1260
Comprehensive diagnosis of leukemia
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Comprehensive diagnostics of oncology
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Comprehensive diagnostics for skin cancer
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Biological therapy
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Chest CT scan
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MRI of the brain with contrast (FLAIR mode)
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Free consultation
Phone number
and (optional)
You need your consent to the processing of personal data.
We will contact you ASAP

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)

We publish only real reviews
It sucks. The people I had meetings with didn't show up. I met with others who seemed to doubt my records and then claimed that my medical imaging revealed no problems. I returned home and now I seem to have pneumonia in the upper part of the lungs around the vertebra, which are known to have damage
Since childhood, she suffered from bronchitis. A little bit, the cough reached the impossible. I passed more than one doctor in Moscow, however, I was not given a specific diagnosis. I decided to go to Germany. My choice fell on the Bethany Clinic. After the diagnosis, the doctors there managed to find the cause of my problem, and prescribed therapy. Thank them for the fact that for six months now I have absolutely not been plagued by a cough.
About two years ago, I began to gain weight strongly and quite quickly, which began to affect my heart. I visited a couple of local nutritionists and each prescribed his own diet, which did not bring much result. The weight practically did not go away. After studying this topic, I went to Bethany. He was diagnosed, as a result of which malfunctions in the body were detected, which led to weight gain. I spent almost a month in a special department of dietetics – the results were impressive. While leaving, I also received advice and a nutrition schedule to continue losing weight at home. Many thanks to the doctors and the international department for the quality work.
Patient treated Lungs' cancer in the clinic Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)
I was diagnosed with lung cancer, but the doctors said that the chances were great and advised me to go to a good medical center in Germany. After searching the Internet, I came across the Bethany Hospital, contacted the Department of international patients there. Everything was quickly organized, and a week later I was diagnosed with them. The doctors' intervention was timely and prompt, which helped to save my lung. A couple of months later, I returned for a routine checkup and the doctors confirmed that I no longer have cancer. Thank you all very much.
Our son had an allergy almost from birth, but no one could understand why. It was unbearable to look at a child who was constantly coughing and sneezing, his eyes were sprinkled and flowed. Doctors prescribed a bunch of medications, but nothing helped. Let's go to Germany. At the clinic, the baby was given a full examination, blood tests for all markers. As a result, it turned out that the child had a false allergy, which was immediately treated. I don't even know how to thank the hospital doctors. God grant them all health!
A year ago, breathing problems began, in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, the doctor assured me that it was cancer. She immediately refused treatment in Russia and began looking for a German clinic. I read a lot of good things about Bethany, who specialize in pulmonology and oncology. I contacted the international department, sent my medical card. They also helped me quickly get a visa and fly to Germany. After passing the examination, the initial diagnosis was not confirmed, but I was prescribed therapy to treat my problem. Thank you all very much!
I suffered from insomnia for a long time – only sleeping pills helped. At some point, I realized that it could not continue like this. Friends living in Germany offered to come to them and undergo an examination and, possibly, treatment at a clinic nearby. A whole group of doctors worked with me - psychologists, sleep specialists, physiotherapists. They identified it, and then prescribed therapy that helped eliminate the cause of sleep disorders. Now I sleep well and have forgotten what insomnia is. Thank you to everyone who helped me in this – the doctors and nurses of the Bethany Clinic!
There have been problems with bronchi since childhood. As long as I can remember, my mother cooked potatoes for me and put them on my chest, forced me to breathe over pairs of potatoes, did some compresses. The situation has not changed with age. As soon as I had a little cold, bronchitis immediately made itself felt. A few years ago, I had an attack resembling an asthma attack. The doctors, after conducting an examination, said that it was okay. After a while, everything happened again. I traveled to several clinics and nowhere could they give me a clear answer about what it is. A friend advised me to go to Germany, get examined, and then decide what to do next. I found out that diagnostics is not so expensive, so I decided not to joke with my health, but to go and talk to specialists. I didn't have any asthma. My problem was that due to the constant cough, the size of the bronchi somehow decreased and something was broken. The doctor prescribed me a course of treatment, which I was already at home. After that, I went again for a consultation with the same doctor. I haven't had colds for a year, and I completely forgot about coughing.
My children sent me to the Bethany Clinic due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. I turned to many specialists here and was prescribed treatment, but the situation was not resolved. I was worried about pains, constipation and other moments. Therefore, having collected money, the children literally forced me to go to the hospital. Frankly, I was very worried, but my fears were in vain. I got a very good doctor. So calm, sociable. After passing the diagnosis, an accurate diagnosis was made and treatment was started. I never thought that my problem, which has plagued me for years, could be solved in just a few months. I didn't have time to go through a full course of treatment, as I began to feel much better. Many thanks to the real professionals in their field who work in the clinic. Treatment in Germany is an opportunity to regain health.
Patient treated Breast cancer in the clinic Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)
The level is high. but all obligations are not fulfilled.
Terrible. Dr. Milicevic treated me like an idiot because I asked questions about laser hair removal.
I chose it because of the good reviews. The other doctor, the younger one, is much nicer. I
will continue with her, but I will not return.
A super good team and a very competent dermatologist who takes the time to answer questions and explain everything in detail.
I was there in psychiatric practice for depression. My meeting was at 10:30 in the morning. At 11:30 I was allowed to talk. First, my sleep was analyzed and given advice that I should use an internal sleep lab first. After that, I told a few things. Among other things, about my course of illness and that I recently had a heart attack. The conversation was going very fast, and I had a prescription for an antidepressant in my hands. I took half of the pill as recommended. After that, I felt very bad physically. The next day, while looking through the information brochure, I found a warning that heart patients, talking people who have had a heart attack or attack or have recently undergone heart surgery should not take this drug. The reason for this may be that the active substance causes a rapid heartbeat. In the worst case, it could be fatal.
It sucks. The people I had meetings with didn't show up. I met with others who seemed to doubt my records and then claimed that my medical imaging revealed no problems. I returned home and now I seem to have pneumonia in the upper part of the lungs around the vertebra, which are known to have damage
Since childhood, she suffered from bronchitis. A little bit, the cough reached the impossible. I passed more than one doctor in Moscow, however, I was not given a specific diagnosis. I decided to go to Germany. My choice fell on the Bethany Clinic. After the diagnosis, the doctors there managed to find the cause of my problem, and prescribed therapy. Thank them for the fact that for six months now I have absolutely not been plagued by a cough.
About two years ago, I began to gain weight strongly and quite quickly, which began to affect my heart. I visited a couple of local nutritionists and each prescribed his own diet, which did not bring much result. The weight practically did not go away. After studying this topic, I went to Bethany. He was diagnosed, as a result of which malfunctions in the body were detected, which led to weight gain. I spent almost a month in a special department of dietetics – the results were impressive. While leaving, I also received advice and a nutrition schedule to continue losing weight at home. Many thanks to the doctors and the international department for the quality work.
Patient treated Lungs' cancer in the clinic Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)
I was diagnosed with lung cancer, but the doctors said that the chances were great and advised me to go to a good medical center in Germany. After searching the Internet, I came across the Bethany Hospital, contacted the Department of international patients there. Everything was quickly organized, and a week later I was diagnosed with them. The doctors' intervention was timely and prompt, which helped to save my lung. A couple of months later, I returned for a routine checkup and the doctors confirmed that I no longer have cancer. Thank you all very much.
Our son had an allergy almost from birth, but no one could understand why. It was unbearable to look at a child who was constantly coughing and sneezing, his eyes were sprinkled and flowed. Doctors prescribed a bunch of medications, but nothing helped. Let's go to Germany. At the clinic, the baby was given a full examination, blood tests for all markers. As a result, it turned out that the child had a false allergy, which was immediately treated. I don't even know how to thank the hospital doctors. God grant them all health!
A year ago, breathing problems began, in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, the doctor assured me that it was cancer. She immediately refused treatment in Russia and began looking for a German clinic. I read a lot of good things about Bethany, who specialize in pulmonology and oncology. I contacted the international department, sent my medical card. They also helped me quickly get a visa and fly to Germany. After passing the examination, the initial diagnosis was not confirmed, but I was prescribed therapy to treat my problem. Thank you all very much!
There have been problems with bronchi since childhood. As long as I can remember, my mother cooked potatoes for me and put them on my chest, forced me to breathe over pairs of potatoes, did some compresses. The situation has not changed with age. As soon as I had a little cold, bronchitis immediately made itself felt. A few years ago, I had an attack resembling an asthma attack. The doctors, after conducting an examination, said that it was okay. After a while, everything happened again. I traveled to several clinics and nowhere could they give me a clear answer about what it is. A friend advised me to go to Germany, get examined, and then decide what to do next. I found out that diagnostics is not so expensive, so I decided not to joke with my health, but to go and talk to specialists. I didn't have any asthma. My problem was that due to the constant cough, the size of the bronchi somehow decreased and something was broken. The doctor prescribed me a course of treatment, which I was already at home. After that, I went again for a consultation with the same doctor. I haven't had colds for a year, and I completely forgot about coughing.
My children sent me to the Bethany Clinic due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. I turned to many specialists here and was prescribed treatment, but the situation was not resolved. I was worried about pains, constipation and other moments. Therefore, having collected money, the children literally forced me to go to the hospital. Frankly, I was very worried, but my fears were in vain. I got a very good doctor. So calm, sociable. After passing the diagnosis, an accurate diagnosis was made and treatment was started. I never thought that my problem, which has plagued me for years, could be solved in just a few months. I didn't have time to go through a full course of treatment, as I began to feel much better. Many thanks to the real professionals in their field who work in the clinic. Treatment in Germany is an opportunity to regain health.
Patient treated Breast cancer in the clinic Bethanien Hospital in Solingen (Germany)
The level is high. but all obligations are not fulfilled.
Terrible. Dr. Milicevic treated me like an idiot because I asked questions about laser hair removal.
I chose it because of the good reviews. The other doctor, the younger one, is much nicer. I
will continue with her, but I will not return.
A super good team and a very competent dermatologist who takes the time to answer questions and explain everything in detail.
I was there in psychiatric practice for depression. My meeting was at 10:30 in the morning. At 11:30 I was allowed to talk. First, my sleep was analyzed and given advice that I should use an internal sleep lab first. After that, I told a few things. Among other things, about my course of illness and that I recently had a heart attack. The conversation was going very fast, and I had a prescription for an antidepressant in my hands. I took half of the pill as recommended. After that, I felt very bad physically. The next day, while looking through the information brochure, I found a warning that heart patients, talking people who have had a heart attack or attack or have recently undergone heart surgery should not take this drug. The reason for this may be that the active substance causes a rapid heartbeat. In the worst case, it could be fatal.
I suffered from insomnia for a long time – only sleeping pills helped. At some point, I realized that it could not continue like this. Friends living in Germany offered to come to them and undergo an examination and, possibly, treatment at a clinic nearby. A whole group of doctors worked with me - psychologists, sleep specialists, physiotherapists. They identified it, and then prescribed therapy that helped eliminate the cause of sleep disorders. Now I sleep well and have forgotten what insomnia is. Thank you to everyone who helped me in this – the doctors and nurses of the Bethany Clinic!

Clinic quality certificates

Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (DKG)
The German Cancer Society includes about 8,000 individual scientific members organized in 25 working groups and 16 regional cancer societies

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7