Beverly Wilshire Medical Center in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Clinic specialization
The Beverly Wilshire network of clinics consists of 4 medical centers in 3 cities of Malaysia and offers clients a wide range of medical services in the field of aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery, dermatology and dentistry.
The Beverly Wilshire Medical Center in Kuala Lumpur is the largest clinic in the network, licensed by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and it is considered to be the best plastic surgery center according to the International Journal of Medical Tourism (IMTJ). The main services provided in the centre are the following:
breast augmentation and reconstruction;
hair transplant;
reconstruction of cleft palate and lip;
increase/decrease lip size;
The clinic also provides non-invasive treatments, such as Botox injections. The high quality of care in Beverly Wilshire is ensured by the development of an individual treatment plan for each patient and the use of advanced technology. The medical center has a department for foreign patients, which organizes transfers and provides translation services. For accommodation, the clinic offers comfortable wards equipped with everything you need.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
Beverly Wilshire Medical Center in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
All the nurses and staff were very professional, friendly and hospitable. I highly recommend BWMC.
I like body modeling because it can help me get rid of stubborn fat, and I personally feel healthier because my body hurts less. The treatment didn't hurt at all, and it tightened my stomach and thighs surprisingly well.
He also has extensive experience in the treatment of fillers and botox, as my face retains a young shape and does not change my appearance - I have been his regular customer for the last 3 years.
All the nurses and staff were very professional, friendly and hospitable. I highly recommend BWMC.
I like body modeling because it can help me get rid of stubborn fat, and I personally feel healthier because my body hurts less. The treatment didn't hurt at all, and it tightened my stomach and thighs surprisingly well.
He also has extensive experience in the treatment of fillers and botox, as my face retains a young shape and does not change my appearance - I have been his regular customer for the last 3 years.