Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
9 reviews

Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)

Germany , Magdeburg

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Infectious diseases
Orthopedics and traumatology
Plastic surgery
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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Burghausen District hospital has been operating since 1961. It provides comprehensive care to more than 23 thousand patients annually. The institution is multidisciplinary, with the following areas of work represented in six departments of the hospital:

  • pediatrics;

  • orthopedicsandtraumatology;

  • surgery;

  • internalmedicine;

  • midwifery;

  • gynecology;

  • geriatrics;

  • otorhinolaryngology;

  • gastroenterology;

  • radiology;

  • plasticandaestheticsurgery;

  • anesthesia;

  • intensivecare;

  • cardiology.

The hospital provides assistance to foreign patients. The quality of services is guaranteed by compliance with the ISO 9901:2008 standard. The hospital is equipped with the latest technology, and the staff continuously improves their professionalism and has access to the latest treatment methods, thanks to cooperation with the Medical Faculty of the University of Magdeburg. Some of the clinic's staff speaks Russian. High-quality medical care is unthinkable without accurate and fast diagnosis. The Burghausen hospital has everything you need for a complete diagnosis of the body, MRI diagnostics, ultrasound, radiography, endoscopy.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
1500 - 6000
MRI of one area
1000 - 1500
1000 - 1500
Online consultation with a surgeon
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Free consultation
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)

We publish only real reviews
Top clinic, very professional, friendly staff. Thanks!
Brian Hunt
Patient treated Liver metastases in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
This clinic has worked wonders for my wife and her metastatic breast cancer on her liver. In the fall of 2017, Canadian doctors gave her a month or less before liver failure and there are no other options. We immediately came to the clinic, and since then she has had amazing results! Most of the cancers on her liver have now passed. This treatment gave my wife more time with her daughters and loved ones. Treatment does not work for all people and all types of cancer, and the clinic does not pretend to do so. They will give you realistic results on your cancer and condition based on the statistics they have for over 30 years during this type of treatment.
All the staff here were amazing and it is located in a beautiful part of Germany on the border with Austria.
Larisa Bartuli
Patient treated Gallbladder cancer in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
My mother was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in March 2017. One tumor turned out to be inoperable. In Hamburg, all doctors recommended only systematic chemotherapy.
I am a doctor, I have read a lot of special oncological literature and I understand that systematic chemotherapy does not help with this tumor. My mother underwent real treatment (RCT) in this clinic. During the treatment, my mother had a good quality of life. The professional team of the clinic gave Mom a good year.
Daniel Abrashin
Patient treated Intervertebral hernia in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
At the Burghausen Clinic, I was treated for a herniated disc. I had a very difficult case, so I decided not to take any chances and get treated in Germany. Before that, I considered different options, compared the cost of treatment in Israel and Germany, and still my choice was in favor of the German clinic. I never cease to admire the qualifications of doctors in Germany, I have seen this from my own experience. If financial opportunities allow, I recommend treatment in German clinics
Thanks to this clinic, I have a new life. After all the methods of treatment did not help, I turned to this clinic with hope. I can recommend the clinic to everyone, I enjoy excellent health and can finally breathe again. This clinic, without a doubt, gave me a new life. Thank you for getting rid of this suffering after painful years. I can only advise everyone to try and get advice. Thanks to the professors, all the sisters and everyone else on the team.
Evgeny Vinogradov
Patient treated Arthrosis in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
He recently returned from Germany, where he treated his knee joint after osteoarthritis at the Burghausen Hospital. Why did you apply to this particular clinic? It's just that a friend of mine was treated there last year, they advised me to go to the same hospital. Indeed, the service there is excellent. The quality of treatment is also very high. The only inconvenience for me is that I do not know German and often had to turn to the services of an interpreter.
Great team in the emergency department, thank you.
I am very happy, I had an operation on my shoulder by Dr. Bert's team, I felt that I was in good hands, after 2 years I can finally move my arm correctly again, thank you again :)))
I was on an outpatient appointment (nuclear medicine). I was very pleased, the nurses were very friendly and the information from the doctor was also good.
Top clinic, very professional, friendly staff. Thanks!
Brian Hunt
Patient treated Liver metastases in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
This clinic has worked wonders for my wife and her metastatic breast cancer on her liver. In the fall of 2017, Canadian doctors gave her a month or less before liver failure and there are no other options. We immediately came to the clinic, and since then she has had amazing results! Most of the cancers on her liver have now passed. This treatment gave my wife more time with her daughters and loved ones. Treatment does not work for all people and all types of cancer, and the clinic does not pretend to do so. They will give you realistic results on your cancer and condition based on the statistics they have for over 30 years during this type of treatment.
All the staff here were amazing and it is located in a beautiful part of Germany on the border with Austria.
Larisa Bartuli
Patient treated Gallbladder cancer in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
My mother was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in March 2017. One tumor turned out to be inoperable. In Hamburg, all doctors recommended only systematic chemotherapy.
I am a doctor, I have read a lot of special oncological literature and I understand that systematic chemotherapy does not help with this tumor. My mother underwent real treatment (RCT) in this clinic. During the treatment, my mother had a good quality of life. The professional team of the clinic gave Mom a good year.
Thanks to this clinic, I have a new life. After all the methods of treatment did not help, I turned to this clinic with hope. I can recommend the clinic to everyone, I enjoy excellent health and can finally breathe again. This clinic, without a doubt, gave me a new life. Thank you for getting rid of this suffering after painful years. I can only advise everyone to try and get advice. Thanks to the professors, all the sisters and everyone else on the team.
Great team in the emergency department, thank you.
I am very happy, I had an operation on my shoulder by Dr. Bert's team, I felt that I was in good hands, after 2 years I can finally move my arm correctly again, thank you again :)))
I was on an outpatient appointment (nuclear medicine). I was very pleased, the nurses were very friendly and the information from the doctor was also good.
Daniel Abrashin
Patient treated Intervertebral hernia in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
At the Burghausen Clinic, I was treated for a herniated disc. I had a very difficult case, so I decided not to take any chances and get treated in Germany. Before that, I considered different options, compared the cost of treatment in Israel and Germany, and still my choice was in favor of the German clinic. I never cease to admire the qualifications of doctors in Germany, I have seen this from my own experience. If financial opportunities allow, I recommend treatment in German clinics
Evgeny Vinogradov
Patient treated Arthrosis in the clinic Burghausen Regional Hospital in Magdeburg (Germany)
He recently returned from Germany, where he treated his knee joint after osteoarthritis at the Burghausen Hospital. Why did you apply to this particular clinic? It's just that a friend of mine was treated there last year, they advised me to go to the same hospital. Indeed, the service there is excellent. The quality of treatment is also very high. The only inconvenience for me is that I do not know German and often had to turn to the services of an interpreter.

Clinic quality certificates

ISO 9001
The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS) is a set of standards that helps organizations ensure they meet customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7