"CardioExpert" Medical Center in Perm (Russia)
10 reviews

"CardioExpert" Medical Center in Perm (Russia)

Russia , Perm

Clinic specialization

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The Medical center "CardioExpert" is a center of modern cardiology in Perm, where services for the diagnosis and detection of diseases in adults and children are provided. Since the opening of the Center in 2018, more than four thousand people have received qualified assistance here.
On the basis of the center, doctors of the following areas work:
  • cardiologist;
  • arrhythmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • therapist;
  • pediatric cardiologist;
  • pediatric rheumatologist.
Here the following services are provided:
  • ultrasound;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • functional diagnostics;
  • x-ray densitometry;
  • external counterpulsation;
  • densitometry;
  • collection of materials for research and injection.
CardioExpert doctors are specialists of the highest category, leading a long-term practice.Highly qualified personnel and modern equipment ensure the quality and safety of procedures.
You should contact the CardioExpert medical center if you experience regular dizziness, heart rhythm disorders and other concerns related to the work of internal organs.
The institution operates in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Health of the Perm Region.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
8 - 20
Stomach resection
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Gallbladder resection
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Removal of a polyp of a duodenum
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Comprehensive diagnosis of autism
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Endoscopic ultrasound
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Electrophoresis of blood serum proteins
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Free consultation
Phone number
and (optional)
You need your consent to the processing of personal data.
We will contact you ASAP

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
"CardioExpert" Medical Center in Perm (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
I put the SMAD device on the morning of May 3. For the first time. In the afternoon, the batteries ran out (although they were charged, as I was assured), they were not warned that they might need to be changed, there was no possibility to replace them. Therefore, a tip for the future: stock up on batteries and ask again at the clinic about the charge level
I didn't like the nurse's behavior very much. Usually such people work in free clinics.
Detained for 30-40 minutes.
It would be the first time I would put one star.
Apparently I was unlucky today.
I was at a consultation with L.V. Babushkina about osteoporosis. A very competent, friendly doctor - carefully studied the results of the examination, asked the necessary questions, answered mine. Only from her I received detailed information about the drug that I was prescribed and recommendations for use, the clinic staff also made a good impression.
Friendly polite staff, I was at a rheumatologist's appointment with Grandmother Lyubov Viktorovna, I have been watching for 7 years, I am very happy, one of the best rheumatologists in the city, good luck and success to everyone.
Excellent modern clinic! The doctors are wonderful! A pediatric cardiologist is one of the best in the city! I recommend it!
Excellent clinic with excellent caring specialists. I recommend it to everyone!
I liked the Cardioexpert clinic. They even called me in advance and reminded me about the future reception. I got clear information about my health for myself. The attitude of the staff towards me was quite respectful. The situation in the clinic seemed quite comfortable to me. There was everything you needed to wait, in terms of water, tea or coffee. I was satisfied with everything, I was not disappointed in my visit. I got what I wanted
The quality of service at the Cardioexpert clinic completely satisfied us, everything was just wonderful! The reception started on time, without delay. The attitude of the staff towards us was simply excellent. The doctor we contacted helped. Everything that he had to do, he did everything at the highest level. Our reception was on the day of the appointment, so we didn't have to remind us about the upcoming visit. In terms of the situation of the clinic, we were also satisfied with everything, nothing needs to be changed there, in our opinion. The overall impressions were good, we will definitely come there again.
I'm writing a review in hot pursuit, so to speak. I have just left the Cardioexpert clinic on Pushkin 6, the acquaintance with which did not really begin. I had an entry on 03/20.21 at 10:30. I came to the clinic at 10:27 (the clock is synchronized daily). The clinic administrator at the same time tells me "they were late, another patient has already come in" (minus a point for not waiting for the patient for a while). To my surprised "how late I am, is it 10:27 only?" she asks again what time I have a recording and shrugs her shoulders with a slightly indistinct "well, I don't know" (another minus point for not being able to really explain why I still can't go in at the appointed time – the meaning of the recording then – so they would say "live queue").
I entered the office only at 10:45 (I won't say that it was critical for me that day), I'm just trying to describe the whole experience. I went into the office, they told me to undress to the waist and lie down on my left side, which I did, followed by "oh, I forgot to put a bed sheet" - again, not critical – the human factor. 2 specialists worked, one woman conducted a study, the other recorded the readings. Judging by the fact that the height and weight were asked approximately (although there were at least scales in the office), the readings were probably also taken approximately. But in general, the study was conducted quickly and professionally (with the premise that the indications are correct – which of course needs to be rechecked in another clinic).
I liked the work of the specialist who recorded the testimony and filled out the protocol – she tried to give some explanations and asked clarifying questions. In general, it seemed that everything was put on stream without any individual approach and attentiveness to the patient (the exception in my case is the protocol study).
It is worth noting the cleanliness in the room and the politeness of the cleaner (when she was washing, I reflexively began to pick up my feet so as not to interfere, which she noticed and asked not to worry about it).
I give this institution a solid three (four, if not the first impression).
Definitely recommend it! I went for an ultrasound.
Excellent customer service, the girl at the reception is very polite and attentive (tea, coffee, soft green sofas). The corridors and offices are clean and tidy. No noisy queue.
The doctors are competent, friendly, smiling, cheerful)) They will tell you everything, show you, explain and give recommendations. Excellent clinic, definitely I will come again
I put the SMAD device on the morning of May 3. For the first time. In the afternoon, the batteries ran out (although they were charged, as I was assured), they were not warned that they might need to be changed, there was no possibility to replace them. Therefore, a tip for the future: stock up on batteries and ask again at the clinic about the charge level
I didn't like the nurse's behavior very much. Usually such people work in free clinics.
Detained for 30-40 minutes.
It would be the first time I would put one star.
Apparently I was unlucky today.
I was at a consultation with L.V. Babushkina about osteoporosis. A very competent, friendly doctor - carefully studied the results of the examination, asked the necessary questions, answered mine. Only from her I received detailed information about the drug that I was prescribed and recommendations for use, the clinic staff also made a good impression.
Friendly polite staff, I was at a rheumatologist's appointment with Grandmother Lyubov Viktorovna, I have been watching for 7 years, I am very happy, one of the best rheumatologists in the city, good luck and success to everyone.
Excellent modern clinic! The doctors are wonderful! A pediatric cardiologist is one of the best in the city! I recommend it!
Excellent clinic with excellent caring specialists. I recommend it to everyone!
I liked the Cardioexpert clinic. They even called me in advance and reminded me about the future reception. I got clear information about my health for myself. The attitude of the staff towards me was quite respectful. The situation in the clinic seemed quite comfortable to me. There was everything you needed to wait, in terms of water, tea or coffee. I was satisfied with everything, I was not disappointed in my visit. I got what I wanted
The quality of service at the Cardioexpert clinic completely satisfied us, everything was just wonderful! The reception started on time, without delay. The attitude of the staff towards us was simply excellent. The doctor we contacted helped. Everything that he had to do, he did everything at the highest level. Our reception was on the day of the appointment, so we didn't have to remind us about the upcoming visit. In terms of the situation of the clinic, we were also satisfied with everything, nothing needs to be changed there, in our opinion. The overall impressions were good, we will definitely come there again.
I'm writing a review in hot pursuit, so to speak. I have just left the Cardioexpert clinic on Pushkin 6, the acquaintance with which did not really begin. I had an entry on 03/20.21 at 10:30. I came to the clinic at 10:27 (the clock is synchronized daily). The clinic administrator at the same time tells me "they were late, another patient has already come in" (minus a point for not waiting for the patient for a while). To my surprised "how late I am, is it 10:27 only?" she asks again what time I have a recording and shrugs her shoulders with a slightly indistinct "well, I don't know" (another minus point for not being able to really explain why I still can't go in at the appointed time – the meaning of the recording then – so they would say "live queue").
I entered the office only at 10:45 (I won't say that it was critical for me that day), I'm just trying to describe the whole experience. I went into the office, they told me to undress to the waist and lie down on my left side, which I did, followed by "oh, I forgot to put a bed sheet" - again, not critical – the human factor. 2 specialists worked, one woman conducted a study, the other recorded the readings. Judging by the fact that the height and weight were asked approximately (although there were at least scales in the office), the readings were probably also taken approximately. But in general, the study was conducted quickly and professionally (with the premise that the indications are correct – which of course needs to be rechecked in another clinic).
I liked the work of the specialist who recorded the testimony and filled out the protocol – she tried to give some explanations and asked clarifying questions. In general, it seemed that everything was put on stream without any individual approach and attentiveness to the patient (the exception in my case is the protocol study).
It is worth noting the cleanliness in the room and the politeness of the cleaner (when she was washing, I reflexively began to pick up my feet so as not to interfere, which she noticed and asked not to worry about it).
I give this institution a solid three (four, if not the first impression).
Definitely recommend it! I went for an ultrasound.
Excellent customer service, the girl at the reception is very polite and attentive (tea, coffee, soft green sofas). The corridors and offices are clean and tidy. No noisy queue.
The doctors are competent, friendly, smiling, cheerful)) They will tell you everything, show you, explain and give recommendations. Excellent clinic, definitely I will come again

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7