CHA Fertility Center Clinic in Seoul (South Korea)
Clinic specialization
The main directions of the center are the following:
obstetrics and gynecology,
infertility treatment and IVF,
The specialists of the CHA Fertility Center practice not only traditional methods of infertility treatment, but also use the latest technologies in the treatment and diagnosis of reproductive disorders, for example, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). The clinic also deals with the treatment of ovulation disorders, male infertility and habitual miscarriage. For women planning a pregnancy in the future, social and biological banking services are offered for the preservation of eggs. The specialists of the clinic pay a lot of attention to the comfort and privacy of patients, offering separate wards and rest rooms, hidden from prying eyes. For foreign patients, the services of an interpreter and a personal supervisor are provided, accompanying and supporting the patient throughout the treatment.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
CHA Fertility Center Clinic in Seoul (South Korea)
As a patient with one ovary and extremely low AMH, my doctor, Dr. Lee, was professional with me, taking the time to answer my questions in detail, being realistic with me. I still don't know the final results, but in any case, I would definitely recommend the services of this clinic.
As a patient with one ovary and extremely low AMH, my doctor, Dr. Lee, was professional with me, taking the time to answer my questions in detail, being realistic with me. I still don't know the final results, but in any case, I would definitely recommend the services of this clinic.