K.A. Rauhfuse's Children's City Hospital in St. Petersburg (Russia)
9 reviews

K.A. Rauhfuse's Children's City Hospital in St. Petersburg (Russia)

Russia , St. Petersburg

Clinic specialization

Pediatric cardiac surgery
Pediatric neurosurgery
Pediatric oncology
Infectious diseases
Orthopedics and traumatology
Maxillofacial surgery
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The Children's City Hospital named after K. A. Rauhfus is an advanced children's medical institution that provides high standards of pediatric care. It has been working since 1869, and today it is the leader of Russian pediatrics.
  The clinic has special equipment adapted for children. Minimally invasive operations are performed here, and harmless treatment methods, that do not harm the child's body, are chosen.
  On the basis of the clinic there is a consultative and diagnostic center, where the parents of a small patient can hear a "second opinion" from an experienced specialist, get a professional analysis of the diagnosis and the prescribed treatmentalready made.
  There is also a specialized endocrinology center where the problems of children's diabetes, growth retardation, obesity and other pathologies are solved.
  The rehabilitation center at the hospital helps patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral and central nervous system to recover and develop motor skills. Each child is developed a separate treatment system that corresponds to the age and diagnosis. Children aged from 3 to 18 years are accepted for treatment.
  The doctors of the hospital pay great attention to informing and educating parents, because the success of the treatment and postoperative rehabilitation largely depends on them. Returning home after hospitalization, the child's relatives know exactly what kind of care he needs.
  There are special schools for parents whose children suffer from allergies or diabetes. These chronic diseases allow you to lead a full life, but only if certain rules are followed. Experts tell parents how to build a child's life so that he does not become a hostage to the disease.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
8 - 20
EEG (Electroencephalography)
26 - 71
Comprehensive diagnosis of epilepsy
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EEG of wakefulness with transition to sleep
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Electromyography (EMG)
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Online consultation with a thoracic surgeon
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Spinal surgeon online consultation
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Online consultation of a vascular surgeon
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Free consultation
Phone number
and (optional)
You need your consent to the processing of personal data.
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
K.A. Rauhfuse's Children's City Hospital in St. Petersburg (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
Good afternoon! We were in maxillofacial surgery, the attending physician Kishtiliev M.Z., a wonderful doctor, a low bow to him, my child is happy, and this is the most important thing... Yes, there is a sluggishness of the medical staff in the emergency room, there is a misunderstanding at the post in the department itself, when you ask an elementary Valerian for yourself, because you are shaking, you are worried about your child, and they tell you that this is not a pharmacy, the water in the tap is cold, instead of hot, it is not convenient to sleep on the same bed together, your back hurts terribly...all this can be experienced, the main thing is when a child (6 years old) he follows the doctor wherever he calls you without fear, and you trust him..Everything worked out for us ... THANK you all very much!!!
The doctors at the hospital are excellent, but the work of the reception department, namely the administrators, is disgusting. We sat in an almost empty waiting room for an hour, only after I began to be indignant with a 2-year-old child in my arms, they gave me to sign the documents and sent me to the 5th box, in which there was no one. After another 15 minutes, I left with the baby. I will look for paid branches to help.

Indifference and rudeness: on the part of the administrators Gorbunova Darya Valeryevna and Nechaev Sergey Vasilyevich (of course, if I was given the right names, no one wears badges) . When I said I would complain, the receptionist almost burst out laughing in my face. Like, oh scared.

But I, dear Daria, will still get to the point that will be able to restore order in your reception area. Your indifference and arrogance only indicates that most likely you do not have children, and you have no idea what hell I went through today, thanks to you.

A separate story drafts in the reception. We spent an hour there, at my request to do something about it, I received... well, you guessed it, ridicule and indifference
On the medical side - TO ALL doctors working in the Hospital, a low bow and only words of gratitude. BUT!!! ... We received a referral for examination on a general basis to the 5th department of neurology. In order not to wait for the queue for 3 months, we agreed to register through a paid branch. The daughter of 11 years went to bed literally for 3 days and 2 nights. The examination was scheduled in advance . Everything is according to plan. At one o'clock in the morning of the second night, my daughter calls, complains of feeling very unwell. Knowing that this could be the case, it was agreed in advance with the attending physician that she could come up and ask for help from the nurse on duty. Where I sent her. We were unlucky. That night, nurse GRIGORIEVA MARINA YURIEVNA was on duty. Instead of providing immediate help, she felt entitled to tell the 11-year-old girl what she thinks about all the patients at the department in general and about her personally in particular...The child, not used to insults, was shocked and informed me about what had happened only after lunch the same day when we left the hospital. The first desire was to go to the prosecutor's office and write a statement on a person prone to moral sadism (actually an abuser) working in a public institution with children... I decided to find out the name first and get an explanation from the hospital management.... I found out. MARINA YURIEVNA GRIGORIEVA. We received an apology from the management and a promise that appropriate measures will be taken to this employee... I am writing now so that when new children are admitted to this department, parents immediately draw the attention of doctors to what they know about nurse MARINA GRIGORIEVA and her penchant for abusing... So that no child will suffer from her rudeness, insults and humiliations anymore, at least within the boundaries of this respected hospital.
Arseniya S.
1) unbearable attitude towards patients.
I am lying in the ENT department, with sinusitis, during my first puncture in my life I screamed loudly, at that time there was a nurse in the dressing room and rudely called me,, stupid,, I did not have anything to answer her, because it was ugly on MY part.
2) I'm lying in the ward at about 21:00, it was already lights out and a cockroach runs through the room, tin
A review about an attempt to enter maxillofacial surgery on 08/18.21. After a consultation at the CDC, they were recorded for a planned operation to remove all 8 teeth. Registered for a paid operation (free - in a year). At the consultation, we received a list of what needs to be collected - tests, certificates, etc. Upon admission, it suddenly turns out that PCR is needed for covid - but it was not on the list! A nurse from the department came running, claims she called everyone and said everything. I remember - there was a call, I took it when I was either in the store or on the street, from what I heard - you are doing such and such, tests are needed. I confirm - yes, we plan to be, yes, we are passing tests. How do I know it's about Covid? No additional information - that, they say, pay attention to the changes, look at the information somewhere else - on the website or call. That's it, the phone is on. I actually found out that this PCR was needed upon admission, they refused to do it right at the hospital, they did not offer any other options. An indifferent attitude. The result is that the operation was disrupted and we are unlikely to be able to get to it and continue to undergo treatment
They performed an operation on 18.07.21 for a 5-year-old child. Anesthesia is unknown what was given, the operation lasted 20 minutes, the child was taken out on a gurney, moaning, crying.he can't stand pain.this is the first such incident. When asked to help the baby, the medical staff gave a pill, it did not help.
When the conversation was already in a raised tone, they gave an injection, again it is unknown what. The child felt better.
To the questions about the operation, how it went, what was, in what condition, what consequences could there be (testicular surgery), there was one answer-everything was done.
We do not recommend this hospital, it is better to contact the Avant-garde.
P. S.
After the operation, I picked up the child, waited for a taxi, and a grandmother with memory loss came to the hospital from the reception of transfers to patients. So she was escorted out, I approached the hospital staff and told them to call an ambulance for my grandmother (I had to leave with the child, I couldn't wait) so the guard, a young guy began to be rude to me, in general, so that I would go about my business)
I called an ambulance for my grandmother, explained where she was sitting.
I was born in this city, I've seen a lot, but this is the first time I've encountered such an attitude. And the hospital used to be in very good standing.
Take care of your children and if there is an opportunity and time, do not set foot in this hospital
We arrived by ambulance in an acute condition: convulsions in a child of 8 months of unknown origin for the first time in his life.
We arrived at 2:30 and only got to the ward at 4:40!!!! And we were the only ones in the emergency room!
Instead of neurosurgery, they put him in pulmonology, explaining that there were no places.
With an 8-month-old baby in her arms and a huge bag, she ran after a special employee who escorted her to the department and delivered honey there.the map.
There was no reaction to the request to wait!!!! Apparently, patients are not the people who can turn to this important specialist.
Received from Sat to Sun. In the sun, instead of doing research and making a diagnosis, I received an answer that neurologists in this hospital have a day off in the sun, and also do not do eeg on weekends! On Monday, a nurse canceled a clinical blood test from a vein, explaining that the "clinic" was taken at admission. The neurologist did not reach us on Monday (the child is 8 months old!!!), in the evening, when the morning medical staff had already changed, after collecting tests, a neurosurgeon came, who said that he works mainly with acute conditions and ordinary neurology is not his area. I was very surprised that the clinical analysis from the vein was canceled, explaining that it turns out there is a difference between taking blood from the capillary bed and veins. Beautiful isn't it?! I told them to wait for neurologists, who will definitely come when they receive a description of the studies conducted by my child.
They found themselves in the ward with an autistic child. Who, of course, was accompanied by his mother. To put it mildly, the child is special. A boy, 8 years old. Slightly smaller in height than his mother. In Mon, the hospital was apparently on duty, and from the beginning, a boy with a compression fracture of the spine was placed in our ward from 4 beds, who should sleep with his mother on one single bed!!! And half an hour later they came and asked the autistic mother to free her bed and lie down with her son, saying that a child with a concussion would lie in her place. The place was vacated. Not only can they not sleep physically in two, so the child also began to worry and show his excitement by shouting and hitting the wall. Me and the mother of a child with a compression fracture decided to talk to the medical staff about finding another place for the injured child to leave the autistic mother and son together and in different beds for the peace of the autistic and injured child and our peace of mind.To which we received the answer that it is the doctor of the emergency room who decides, not our nurse. We asked to call this doctor and then the most interesting thing began: a doctor came, a young one, did not introduce herself and immediately went to the autistic boy's mother to make room, although the mother had already freed him, it was just that the child was restless from this and his excitement was already growing. After it became clear to this doctor that it was not my mother who objected, but we were neighbors on the ward, forced to arrive with our children in these conditions and realizing that it was easier to negotiate with an adult doctor than with an autistic child, we received an answer that it would be only this way and no other way, urgent patients would lie in the wards, and not in the corridor))) and this is provided that the autistic person is not put to rest, he would be about to "raise the whole department by his excitement. That's right, why treat children, it's much more important to exercise your own power. I was outraged by such treatment of patients: an autistic person worries and screams, my child cannot fall asleep, apparently the condition of the convulsions suffered affects (despite the fact that we have four children in our family and we are not used to sleeping with noise
In terms of medical care, the hospital is certainly advanced, but junior medical workers are aggressive and not endowed with intelligence people. What is it worth trying to transfer things and products to my wife, who is lying there with TWO! children!!!
At the entrance to the transmission window, some elderly lady will meet you with anger in her voice and say: why are you carrying so much, throw the bags on the scales and declare: your package weighs 2.1 kg, and it is supposed to be 2 kg!!! Next, this misunderstanding will read a lecture in a voice hissing with anger that there are no movers here (although they carry transfers on trolleys) and send them to look for packages that would be less than two kg in a package.
Dear hospital staff, remember: You get your salaries from the taxes WE pay, so be kind enough to respect the people who feed you!!
We arrived with a baby in a portable cradle. At the entrance, it immediately became interesting. A dim-witted security guard sits and lets only one parent and child through, to all explanations that mom cannot carry herself and the baby and the portable cradle that is needed for transportation, that it is difficult for her to do this and needs a spouse, I have INSTRUCTIONS. Make a fool pray to God, he'll break his forehead. Give him a medal in the whole belly, let him wear it according to the instructions, so that it was hard. Health and happiness to this holy and naive man..
Good afternoon! We were in maxillofacial surgery, the attending physician Kishtiliev M.Z., a wonderful doctor, a low bow to him, my child is happy, and this is the most important thing... Yes, there is a sluggishness of the medical staff in the emergency room, there is a misunderstanding at the post in the department itself, when you ask an elementary Valerian for yourself, because you are shaking, you are worried about your child, and they tell you that this is not a pharmacy, the water in the tap is cold, instead of hot, it is not convenient to sleep on the same bed together, your back hurts terribly...all this can be experienced, the main thing is when a child (6 years old) he follows the doctor wherever he calls you without fear, and you trust him..Everything worked out for us ... THANK you all very much!!!
The doctors at the hospital are excellent, but the work of the reception department, namely the administrators, is disgusting. We sat in an almost empty waiting room for an hour, only after I began to be indignant with a 2-year-old child in my arms, they gave me to sign the documents and sent me to the 5th box, in which there was no one. After another 15 minutes, I left with the baby. I will look for paid branches to help.

Indifference and rudeness: on the part of the administrators Gorbunova Darya Valeryevna and Nechaev Sergey Vasilyevich (of course, if I was given the right names, no one wears badges) . When I said I would complain, the receptionist almost burst out laughing in my face. Like, oh scared.

But I, dear Daria, will still get to the point that will be able to restore order in your reception area. Your indifference and arrogance only indicates that most likely you do not have children, and you have no idea what hell I went through today, thanks to you.

A separate story drafts in the reception. We spent an hour there, at my request to do something about it, I received... well, you guessed it, ridicule and indifference
On the medical side - TO ALL doctors working in the Hospital, a low bow and only words of gratitude. BUT!!! ... We received a referral for examination on a general basis to the 5th department of neurology. In order not to wait for the queue for 3 months, we agreed to register through a paid branch. The daughter of 11 years went to bed literally for 3 days and 2 nights. The examination was scheduled in advance . Everything is according to plan. At one o'clock in the morning of the second night, my daughter calls, complains of feeling very unwell. Knowing that this could be the case, it was agreed in advance with the attending physician that she could come up and ask for help from the nurse on duty. Where I sent her. We were unlucky. That night, nurse GRIGORIEVA MARINA YURIEVNA was on duty. Instead of providing immediate help, she felt entitled to tell the 11-year-old girl what she thinks about all the patients at the department in general and about her personally in particular...The child, not used to insults, was shocked and informed me about what had happened only after lunch the same day when we left the hospital. The first desire was to go to the prosecutor's office and write a statement on a person prone to moral sadism (actually an abuser) working in a public institution with children... I decided to find out the name first and get an explanation from the hospital management.... I found out. MARINA YURIEVNA GRIGORIEVA. We received an apology from the management and a promise that appropriate measures will be taken to this employee... I am writing now so that when new children are admitted to this department, parents immediately draw the attention of doctors to what they know about nurse MARINA GRIGORIEVA and her penchant for abusing... So that no child will suffer from her rudeness, insults and humiliations anymore, at least within the boundaries of this respected hospital.
Arseniya S.
1) unbearable attitude towards patients.
I am lying in the ENT department, with sinusitis, during my first puncture in my life I screamed loudly, at that time there was a nurse in the dressing room and rudely called me,, stupid,, I did not have anything to answer her, because it was ugly on MY part.
2) I'm lying in the ward at about 21:00, it was already lights out and a cockroach runs through the room, tin
A review about an attempt to enter maxillofacial surgery on 08/18.21. After a consultation at the CDC, they were recorded for a planned operation to remove all 8 teeth. Registered for a paid operation (free - in a year). At the consultation, we received a list of what needs to be collected - tests, certificates, etc. Upon admission, it suddenly turns out that PCR is needed for covid - but it was not on the list! A nurse from the department came running, claims she called everyone and said everything. I remember - there was a call, I took it when I was either in the store or on the street, from what I heard - you are doing such and such, tests are needed. I confirm - yes, we plan to be, yes, we are passing tests. How do I know it's about Covid? No additional information - that, they say, pay attention to the changes, look at the information somewhere else - on the website or call. That's it, the phone is on. I actually found out that this PCR was needed upon admission, they refused to do it right at the hospital, they did not offer any other options. An indifferent attitude. The result is that the operation was disrupted and we are unlikely to be able to get to it and continue to undergo treatment
They performed an operation on 18.07.21 for a 5-year-old child. Anesthesia is unknown what was given, the operation lasted 20 minutes, the child was taken out on a gurney, moaning, crying.he can't stand pain.this is the first such incident. When asked to help the baby, the medical staff gave a pill, it did not help.
When the conversation was already in a raised tone, they gave an injection, again it is unknown what. The child felt better.
To the questions about the operation, how it went, what was, in what condition, what consequences could there be (testicular surgery), there was one answer-everything was done.
We do not recommend this hospital, it is better to contact the Avant-garde.
P. S.
After the operation, I picked up the child, waited for a taxi, and a grandmother with memory loss came to the hospital from the reception of transfers to patients. So she was escorted out, I approached the hospital staff and told them to call an ambulance for my grandmother (I had to leave with the child, I couldn't wait) so the guard, a young guy began to be rude to me, in general, so that I would go about my business)
I called an ambulance for my grandmother, explained where she was sitting.
I was born in this city, I've seen a lot, but this is the first time I've encountered such an attitude. And the hospital used to be in very good standing.
Take care of your children and if there is an opportunity and time, do not set foot in this hospital
We arrived by ambulance in an acute condition: convulsions in a child of 8 months of unknown origin for the first time in his life.
We arrived at 2:30 and only got to the ward at 4:40!!!! And we were the only ones in the emergency room!
Instead of neurosurgery, they put him in pulmonology, explaining that there were no places.
With an 8-month-old baby in her arms and a huge bag, she ran after a special employee who escorted her to the department and delivered honey there.the map.
There was no reaction to the request to wait!!!! Apparently, patients are not the people who can turn to this important specialist.
Received from Sat to Sun. In the sun, instead of doing research and making a diagnosis, I received an answer that neurologists in this hospital have a day off in the sun, and also do not do eeg on weekends! On Monday, a nurse canceled a clinical blood test from a vein, explaining that the "clinic" was taken at admission. The neurologist did not reach us on Monday (the child is 8 months old!!!), in the evening, when the morning medical staff had already changed, after collecting tests, a neurosurgeon came, who said that he works mainly with acute conditions and ordinary neurology is not his area. I was very surprised that the clinical analysis from the vein was canceled, explaining that it turns out there is a difference between taking blood from the capillary bed and veins. Beautiful isn't it?! I told them to wait for neurologists, who will definitely come when they receive a description of the studies conducted by my child.
They found themselves in the ward with an autistic child. Who, of course, was accompanied by his mother. To put it mildly, the child is special. A boy, 8 years old. Slightly smaller in height than his mother. In Mon, the hospital was apparently on duty, and from the beginning, a boy with a compression fracture of the spine was placed in our ward from 4 beds, who should sleep with his mother on one single bed!!! And half an hour later they came and asked the autistic mother to free her bed and lie down with her son, saying that a child with a concussion would lie in her place. The place was vacated. Not only can they not sleep physically in two, so the child also began to worry and show his excitement by shouting and hitting the wall. Me and the mother of a child with a compression fracture decided to talk to the medical staff about finding another place for the injured child to leave the autistic mother and son together and in different beds for the peace of the autistic and injured child and our peace of mind.To which we received the answer that it is the doctor of the emergency room who decides, not our nurse. We asked to call this doctor and then the most interesting thing began: a doctor came, a young one, did not introduce herself and immediately went to the autistic boy's mother to make room, although the mother had already freed him, it was just that the child was restless from this and his excitement was already growing. After it became clear to this doctor that it was not my mother who objected, but we were neighbors on the ward, forced to arrive with our children in these conditions and realizing that it was easier to negotiate with an adult doctor than with an autistic child, we received an answer that it would be only this way and no other way, urgent patients would lie in the wards, and not in the corridor))) and this is provided that the autistic person is not put to rest, he would be about to "raise the whole department by his excitement. That's right, why treat children, it's much more important to exercise your own power. I was outraged by such treatment of patients: an autistic person worries and screams, my child cannot fall asleep, apparently the condition of the convulsions suffered affects (despite the fact that we have four children in our family and we are not used to sleeping with noise
In terms of medical care, the hospital is certainly advanced, but junior medical workers are aggressive and not endowed with intelligence people. What is it worth trying to transfer things and products to my wife, who is lying there with TWO! children!!!
At the entrance to the transmission window, some elderly lady will meet you with anger in her voice and say: why are you carrying so much, throw the bags on the scales and declare: your package weighs 2.1 kg, and it is supposed to be 2 kg!!! Next, this misunderstanding will read a lecture in a voice hissing with anger that there are no movers here (although they carry transfers on trolleys) and send them to look for packages that would be less than two kg in a package.
Dear hospital staff, remember: You get your salaries from the taxes WE pay, so be kind enough to respect the people who feed you!!
We arrived with a baby in a portable cradle. At the entrance, it immediately became interesting. A dim-witted security guard sits and lets only one parent and child through, to all explanations that mom cannot carry herself and the baby and the portable cradle that is needed for transportation, that it is difficult for her to do this and needs a spouse, I have INSTRUCTIONS. Make a fool pray to God, he'll break his forehead. Give him a medal in the whole belly, let him wear it according to the instructions, so that it was hard. Health and happiness to this holy and naive man..

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7