Dr. Khitrin and Colleagues Dental Clinic in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)
10 reviews

Dr. Khitrin and Colleagues Dental Clinic in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)

Russia , Nizhny Novgorod

Clinic specialization

Maxillofacial surgery
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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Dr. Khitrin and Colleagues is a clinic that provides a full range of dental services. It was founded by Maxim IosifovichKhitrin in 2002 and has been continuously developing since then. Here they gathered specialists with 20 years of experience each. The clinic is provided with the most modern equipment, which minimizes the human factor and makes treatment as safe as possible.
  The clinic's specialists work in several areas:
  •   Therapy – dental treatment of any complexity. These are emergency dentistry, planned treatment of" cysts " of teeth, pulpitis, periodontitis, oral hygiene.
  •   Prosthetics – veneers, crowns, removable prostheses, prostheses based on an implant, temporary prostheses, stump inlays.
  •   Implantation – two-stage, one-stage (immediately after tooth extraction), with immediate loading, according to the "All for 4" technology, sinus lifting.
  •   Surgery – microsurgical operations to preserve teeth, apical microsurgery (removal of cysts of teeth and jaws), atraumatic removal, plastic frenulum of the upper lip and tongue.
  •   Orthodontics – correction of the dentition.
  •   Pediatric dentistry – a full range of services for the removal and treatment of teeth in children.
  The clinic is located in a convenient area, equipped with underground parking.



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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Teeth whitening
от 179
Dental implantation
от 376
Installation of veneers
от 147
Installation of composite (direct) veneer
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Lumineer installation
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Free consultation
Phone number
and (optional)
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Dr. Khitrin and Colleagues Dental Clinic in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
I go to the clinic to two specialists: to Maria Mikhailovna Khitrina for 10 years, she even put implants on me, and to Lyudmila Anatolyevna Kanysheva, too, for many years. Accordingly, their work suits me completely. Dentistry "Dr. Khitrin and colleagues" is very good, I really like it. It opened not so long ago, I was there for the first time. But it's not so much the clinic that interests me as the doctors, wherever they work, I always follow them. The clinic itself is very comfortable and very convenient. Due to the epidemiological situation, everyone was only wearing masks, all sanitary standards were observed. Prices are also quite normal, in my opinion, as everywhere in all centers. For me, there is a very convenient territorial location, literally 5 minutes from home. Car parking and identification signs are available. I can also note the good attitude on the part of the staff, they always remind you of a future visit by phone or SMS. The dentistry building is new, recently built, the premises are also very good, the equipment is modern. There is no waiting, usually everything is strictly on time, without queues. I actually have no wishes or complaints about the medical center, everything is very good there, I recommend it to everyone.
I really liked the clinic. Doctors are great professionals. I got into this clinic after refusing [...] to accept me. The day before I had an unsuccessful tooth extraction. I turned to the clinic "Khitrin and colleagues" and did not regret it. Very competent doctors, masters of their craft - Maxim Iosifovich Khitrin, Lyulina (Kiseleva) Irina Valentinovna, Lydia Nikolaevna Lynova - they had to fix what another doctor could not do to me the day before, I had a difficult removal, and I am very grateful to them for that. Junior medical staff is also worthy of praise, doctors understand from a half-glance. It is clear that this is a wonderful team, everything is very well coordinated. The clinic itself does not look like a medical institution, quiet, calm, very clean. I tried not to be late for the appointment and always arrived before the time of the appointment, Dr. Lynova L. N. took me as soon as she released the previous patient. At the reception, the doctor was very attentive, asked me about my well-being and gave detailed recommendations. I am very happy that I got here. I recommend it to everyone, and I will only apply here myself. My score is 10 points out of 10.
I liked the atmosphere in this clinic. I didn't have the feeling there at all that I was in a medical institution where I would have to endure all the "delights" of dental treatment. Clean, fresh, no unpleasant hospital odors, comfortable in the lobby. The administrators are polite and pleasant in communication. I was quickly registered. I was waiting for a doctor's appointment, but only because I myself arrived at the clinic 20 minutes before my appointment — it was my first time and I didn't think that they would issue it quickly. But waiting was not a burden, I felt comfortable there. I visited the dentist Kiseleva, she cured and sealed my sore tooth. I also consulted her as an orthopedist about crowns. But these are plans for the future. I liked "Dentika plus", my rating is excellent.
My favorite dentist! I've been treating teeth only from Lyudmila Anatolyevna for a long time! Very caring, attentive, friendly and competent!
Thank you for your hard work and professionalism! And all the clinic staff are very attentive! Thanks! Your regular patient is Anna Yemelyanova. :)
I happened to meet this wonderful doctor in 2016, when my attending physician "sentenced" all four lower incisors. At the next examination, where I insisted on a routine scan, they found a huge cyst on the root of one of these teeth. The verdict was announced very quickly: "Four implants are not subject to treatment." I was terrified. It was bitter and insulting that such a calamity appeared with regular visits to the dentist. Thank God that my sister gave me the contact details of Maxim Iosifovich with the words that "he will definitely come up with something." At the first inspection, Maxim Iosifovich answered all my questions in great detail. Suggested a solution to the problem is not so radical. I had an operation to remove a cyst and restore bone tissue. Everything went well. All four teeth are in place, the bone tissue has "taken root". Since then, I have been turning to him for all surgical issues in the field of dentistry. The last such appeal was in August 2020. The wisdom tooth ached terribly, and at that time I was a nursing mother of a two-week-old baby. I was urgently assisted, had a tooth extraction and was sent home with detailed instructions. Everything went well, even without antibiotics. Do I need to say after that that now I am being observed in the clinic "Dr. Khitrin and colleagues", where a team of super professionals has gathered! Maxim Iosifovich, I bow low to you! You are a professional in your field! PS: I was surprised that there is not a single review, I'm even pleased to be the first.
I love Lyudmila Anatolyevna for her professionalism. He will always explain it clearly, sign the treatment, and never dilute it for money. Everything is on the case, always saves every tooth to the maximum. Very pleasant in communication, a professional in her field. And, of course, the best aestheticist in the city. She just has golden hands. I follow her to various clinics and recommend her with confidence.
When they put a seal on my CHI, then, apparently, they did it "blunder-blunder", because I now have a "notch" that constantly injures the gum in one place. The seal was placed unevenly, it was not sanded. I was told to rinse and everything will pass, but Lyudmila Anatolyevna explained that it will not pass, because the inflammatory process in the gum has already begun. She explained in great detail why I have such feelings, why they arose, how the treatment will take place, what will need to be done. Konysheva L.A. is an attentive doctor, she promised me to fix the problem. She made a positive impression on me, she is very friendly in communication, a very pleasant woman. She is calm, smiling and positive. I have already visited her before, when she worked in another clinic. I contacted her on various issues and she helped me in everything.
Sergey Anatolyevich made three crowns. First, the doctor spoke in detail about the types of crowns, their advantages, disadvantages and cost. At each significant stage, he told and showed what is being done now and why. I answered all the questions that arose in detail and patiently, although, as it turned out, I was one of the suspicious patients. At the same time, to my surprise, the process went so neatly that anesthesia was not required, although at some moments Sergey Anatolyevich offered to give an injection. It is also good that Sergey Anatolyevich also has the education of a dental technician, i.e. "from the inside" understands how stump tabs and crowns are made and, if necessary, can sharpen them. I was pleasantly surprised how he turned out plastic temporary crowns relatively quickly at one of the receptions. The price is satisfied. The price cannot be called either economical or exorbitant, despite the fact that my primary goal was to exclude overtreatment. Moreover, Sergey Anatolyevich initially predicted the price quite accurately, taking into account the stump tabs and many other little things. It was possible to pay in installments. At the end, recommendations were given on the care of crowns, how to prolong their life and other nuances.
I liked everything. Since childhood I have been afraid of dentists) now I know where to turn. I removed a tooth, I feel good. I liked the doctor's attitude
The best clinic! With the best professionals!
I put braces at Belyakova O.V., I am happy with the result, always, everyone explains what, where and why!
In my experience, I will give advice, never skimp on health!
I would also like to mention Maxim Iosifovich! I tore out all 8 without any pain and quickly, warned about all possible consequences.
In general: all the staff of the clinic are good-natured, responsible people, I advise and recommend this clinic!
No one paid for the review
I go to the clinic to two specialists: to Maria Mikhailovna Khitrina for 10 years, she even put implants on me, and to Lyudmila Anatolyevna Kanysheva, too, for many years. Accordingly, their work suits me completely. Dentistry "Dr. Khitrin and colleagues" is very good, I really like it. It opened not so long ago, I was there for the first time. But it's not so much the clinic that interests me as the doctors, wherever they work, I always follow them. The clinic itself is very comfortable and very convenient. Due to the epidemiological situation, everyone was only wearing masks, all sanitary standards were observed. Prices are also quite normal, in my opinion, as everywhere in all centers. For me, there is a very convenient territorial location, literally 5 minutes from home. Car parking and identification signs are available. I can also note the good attitude on the part of the staff, they always remind you of a future visit by phone or SMS. The dentistry building is new, recently built, the premises are also very good, the equipment is modern. There is no waiting, usually everything is strictly on time, without queues. I actually have no wishes or complaints about the medical center, everything is very good there, I recommend it to everyone.
I really liked the clinic. Doctors are great professionals. I got into this clinic after refusing [...] to accept me. The day before I had an unsuccessful tooth extraction. I turned to the clinic "Khitrin and colleagues" and did not regret it. Very competent doctors, masters of their craft - Maxim Iosifovich Khitrin, Lyulina (Kiseleva) Irina Valentinovna, Lydia Nikolaevna Lynova - they had to fix what another doctor could not do to me the day before, I had a difficult removal, and I am very grateful to them for that. Junior medical staff is also worthy of praise, doctors understand from a half-glance. It is clear that this is a wonderful team, everything is very well coordinated. The clinic itself does not look like a medical institution, quiet, calm, very clean. I tried not to be late for the appointment and always arrived before the time of the appointment, Dr. Lynova L. N. took me as soon as she released the previous patient. At the reception, the doctor was very attentive, asked me about my well-being and gave detailed recommendations. I am very happy that I got here. I recommend it to everyone, and I will only apply here myself. My score is 10 points out of 10.
I liked the atmosphere in this clinic. I didn't have the feeling there at all that I was in a medical institution where I would have to endure all the "delights" of dental treatment. Clean, fresh, no unpleasant hospital odors, comfortable in the lobby. The administrators are polite and pleasant in communication. I was quickly registered. I was waiting for a doctor's appointment, but only because I myself arrived at the clinic 20 minutes before my appointment — it was my first time and I didn't think that they would issue it quickly. But waiting was not a burden, I felt comfortable there. I visited the dentist Kiseleva, she cured and sealed my sore tooth. I also consulted her as an orthopedist about crowns. But these are plans for the future. I liked "Dentika plus", my rating is excellent.
My favorite dentist! I've been treating teeth only from Lyudmila Anatolyevna for a long time! Very caring, attentive, friendly and competent!
Thank you for your hard work and professionalism! And all the clinic staff are very attentive! Thanks! Your regular patient is Anna Yemelyanova. :)
I happened to meet this wonderful doctor in 2016, when my attending physician "sentenced" all four lower incisors. At the next examination, where I insisted on a routine scan, they found a huge cyst on the root of one of these teeth. The verdict was announced very quickly: "Four implants are not subject to treatment." I was terrified. It was bitter and insulting that such a calamity appeared with regular visits to the dentist. Thank God that my sister gave me the contact details of Maxim Iosifovich with the words that "he will definitely come up with something." At the first inspection, Maxim Iosifovich answered all my questions in great detail. Suggested a solution to the problem is not so radical. I had an operation to remove a cyst and restore bone tissue. Everything went well. All four teeth are in place, the bone tissue has "taken root". Since then, I have been turning to him for all surgical issues in the field of dentistry. The last such appeal was in August 2020. The wisdom tooth ached terribly, and at that time I was a nursing mother of a two-week-old baby. I was urgently assisted, had a tooth extraction and was sent home with detailed instructions. Everything went well, even without antibiotics. Do I need to say after that that now I am being observed in the clinic "Dr. Khitrin and colleagues", where a team of super professionals has gathered! Maxim Iosifovich, I bow low to you! You are a professional in your field! PS: I was surprised that there is not a single review, I'm even pleased to be the first.
I love Lyudmila Anatolyevna for her professionalism. He will always explain it clearly, sign the treatment, and never dilute it for money. Everything is on the case, always saves every tooth to the maximum. Very pleasant in communication, a professional in her field. And, of course, the best aestheticist in the city. She just has golden hands. I follow her to various clinics and recommend her with confidence.
When they put a seal on my CHI, then, apparently, they did it "blunder-blunder", because I now have a "notch" that constantly injures the gum in one place. The seal was placed unevenly, it was not sanded. I was told to rinse and everything will pass, but Lyudmila Anatolyevna explained that it will not pass, because the inflammatory process in the gum has already begun. She explained in great detail why I have such feelings, why they arose, how the treatment will take place, what will need to be done. Konysheva L.A. is an attentive doctor, she promised me to fix the problem. She made a positive impression on me, she is very friendly in communication, a very pleasant woman. She is calm, smiling and positive. I have already visited her before, when she worked in another clinic. I contacted her on various issues and she helped me in everything.
Sergey Anatolyevich made three crowns. First, the doctor spoke in detail about the types of crowns, their advantages, disadvantages and cost. At each significant stage, he told and showed what is being done now and why. I answered all the questions that arose in detail and patiently, although, as it turned out, I was one of the suspicious patients. At the same time, to my surprise, the process went so neatly that anesthesia was not required, although at some moments Sergey Anatolyevich offered to give an injection. It is also good that Sergey Anatolyevich also has the education of a dental technician, i.e. "from the inside" understands how stump tabs and crowns are made and, if necessary, can sharpen them. I was pleasantly surprised how he turned out plastic temporary crowns relatively quickly at one of the receptions. The price is satisfied. The price cannot be called either economical or exorbitant, despite the fact that my primary goal was to exclude overtreatment. Moreover, Sergey Anatolyevich initially predicted the price quite accurately, taking into account the stump tabs and many other little things. It was possible to pay in installments. At the end, recommendations were given on the care of crowns, how to prolong their life and other nuances.
I liked everything. Since childhood I have been afraid of dentists) now I know where to turn. I removed a tooth, I feel good. I liked the doctor's attitude
The best clinic! With the best professionals!
I put braces at Belyakova O.V., I am happy with the result, always, everyone explains what, where and why!
In my experience, I will give advice, never skimp on health!
I would also like to mention Maxim Iosifovich! I tore out all 8 without any pain and quickly, warned about all possible consequences.
In general: all the staff of the clinic are good-natured, responsible people, I advise and recommend this clinic!
No one paid for the review

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7