Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
10 reviews

Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)

Russia , Novosibirsk

Clinic specialization

Narcology and alcoholism
The Result Drug Treatment Clinic is a modern medical center specializing in the treatment of addictions. It has developed its own effective methods that allow patients to get rid of alcoholism, tobacco smoking, gambling and substance abuse with a minimum percentage of relapses.
  The center operates on the principle of a full cycle. The treatment begins with detoxification and ends with complete resocialization of the patient. In the process of rehabilitation, all conditions are created in order to avoid breakdowns.
  The center accepts patients around the clock. If necessary, the patient can be taken to the clinic by staff on their own transport, they will help persuade him to accept help. Practice shows that 9 out of 10 addicts agree to take the course. The treatment is completely anonymous.
  The most popular program of the clinic is called "28 days" because of its duration. Throughout this time, narcologists, psychologists, social workers and non-medical consultants, who themselves once passed this path, work with the patient.
  The clinic isalso working with codependents: family members who will have to build new sober relationships. There are group classes and personal consultations with a psychologist. After the end of the program, the patient can seek help from the center's staff at any time, which helps to maintain a stable remission.


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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Diagnosis of alcoholism
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Rehabilitation with the Re-step system
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Rehabilitation with the Vector Gait system
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Occupational therapy with head computer mouse
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Free consultation
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
The clinic is normal, in less than two days they brought a person out of a binge. The payment was daily. The only thing is unclear why the administrator Olga tried to write out not treated. But in the end , they paid extra and put them on their feet normally . Clean, light, tolerable food, tea is always in the cooler.There is a shower and toilet, they also offered to wash things. Special thanks to the nurse Marina and Dr. Pavel
Dmitry S
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
We went to the clinic to get out of the binge, we paid 18 thousand for three days, lay for two days from 29.062021 to 02.07.2021, we did not give the difference for a day. my son didn't like the clinic
Natalia M.
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
We went to the clinic with a problem, alcohol addiction, paid for the procedure according to the Dovzhenko method, the procedure was carried out by the head.doctor Tatiana Yurievna, treated the patient irresponsibly. There was a negative from the clinic... The head doctor is not in his place.
The doctor is good, attentive, knowledgeable. I was satisfied. I won't go into details, it's still a very personal matter.
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
Terrible treatment, I didn't see a single doctor for 4 days, only the doctor came to put a catheter from another institution. for extra money, as well as staff (I'm not sure even medical)he puts ivs, even removes a cardiogram, and then looks at it with a smart look, the treatment did not help, although they promised the opposite, I had to be treated elsewhere, except for the money thrown out, there were severe pains in my legs, this clinic is for pumping money out of my pockets, and not about help, I do not recommend it to anyone
We moved our relative. I liked a lot, starting from the location of the clinic, we also had a good doctor, as well as organized a full meal, for us it was important.They wanted to be in a separate ward, but they were busy, so they had to be placed in a common room.
I applied to this clinic to help get rid of drug addiction.

It so happened that after a long period, more than 15 years, it happened again to get up to speed in this slow swamp.

Taking into account my age of 45 years, well, it was unrealistically embarrassing and unpleasant to realize that I can't cope myself, and I need to turn to medicine to relieve physical dependence.

After calling the clinics, I liked how they talked to me on the phone at the clinic "Result", and I went to give up. For those who consciously read the review, I will draw attention to the fact that at the age of 45, jumping out of physical dependence is not at 25, the body has completely different resources...

Despite the decision I made, I went to the clinic in a bad mood and already feeling pretty bad.

The most annoying thing was that I, at my 45, now have to explain something, answer questions, like, Well, what are you so, and so on. I was so set up, that's just something I don't like, I'll turn around and leave.

To my surprise (although the state was not particularly up to emotions, however), no one there loaded me with anything, did not read morals. The relationship with me was respectful, and mutual understanding with the staff was achieved quickly, while, I emphasize, it was very important for me, no one was rude to me during the conversation, no one tried to reproach me, read morals, and make it clear that I was a junkie and the dregs of society. Then, together with the doctor, a physical exit plan was adopted for 5 days, and an agreement was reached that if this was not enough, it could be extended.

Next came the medical process, withdrawal withdrawal. I must say right away that in 5 days the main symptoms were removed, and I decided that I would be able to endure the remaining physical discomfort at home myself.

In general, about the clinic: I was satisfied. first of all, the attitude. In the course of treatment, it was always possible to make some kind of request, ask to add medicine, and at the same time not feel like an unnecessary scum of society, from which money was siphoned off. Many thanks to the medical staff for their attentive and respectful attitude.

For me, this was probably the most important factor.

Health to all, I hope someone helped to make a choice, in the next morning, dial the number of the clinic, not the dealer...
Secret Flamper
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
On 12/28/2020, we applied to the Anonymous Narcological Clinic "Result", in order to detoxify after alcohol in the clinic and encode. Over the phone, they were convinced that after coding, the patient would not and would not be able to take alcohol, and in this the clinic gives a 100% result (which is why it is proudly called "Result"), as well as a 100% guarantee for a period of 1 year. The price of such medical services was announced:

5000 rubles per day - detoxification in a hospital

8000 rubles - coding by sewing, there in the hospital

Total 13,000 rubles. Not cheap! But it is necessary to help a person to find sobriety as a norm of life. It's decided, let's go. Clinic address: Blucher 71/1. Time 19:30

1. The signing of a contract for the provision of paid medical services is not legal, but formal. A person in a state of alcoholic intoxication and poisoning, in principle, does not understand and does not realize what is written in this contract.

2. As it turned out, after paying 5000 rubles, both alcohol and drug addicts lie in the ward where detoxification is carried out. I immediately remembered a poster hanging in the lobby of the clinic about the prevention of hepatitis B and C. And for some reason they gave me a blanket without a duvet cover. After the remark that there were yellow spots on the blanket, the duvet cover was still put on.

On 12/29/2020 at 14:00 I call the clinic to ask how the procedures are going and how much to pick up. They said everything was fine, they brought it at 19:30, it was necessary to pick it up before 19:30 (so that the second day of the hospital did not go - another 5000 rubles)

At 19:30 I arrive at the clinic, and the patient is sleeping?! The doctor comes out and asks a strange question: "Will you be coding?"

And you thought we came to you to drink water from the cooler and sleep!? I had to explain to the doctor again that the encoding is needed!!!, that we turned to you precisely because of it!!! That the encoding should be efficient, long-lasting and rigid. What if the patient, even after a month, decides to take a sip of a low-alcohol drink, would get a reaction similar to what you have on testing. The doctor once again assured us that coding by stitching is what we need. People are only different, and in case of alcohol consumption, someone will be sick, someone will vomit, cramps, headaches, pressure, difficulty breathing, etc., but there will be a reaction!!! , immediately and tough!!! After discussing all the nuances and paying for the second medical service - encoding 8000 rubles, the patient was taken to the operating room. After 20 minutes, the encoding was completed. It should be noted that the stitching, this is an incision and the imposition of two stitches in the scapula area, was done by the doctor without any local anesthesia - "profit". And the seams themselves do not dissolve, after five days you have to go to remove. Either the price is not provided, or in order to save money.

What a surprise it was when, a day later on 31.12.2020, at a New Year's feast, a coded patient mixed up the glasses and instead of "children's" champagne, he drank alcohol-containing. I waited-nothing happens, I had a little beer, I waited-nothing happens again, I got drunk so safely, and on 01.01.2021 I calmly hung over.

01.01.2021 at 9:00 I call the clinic. What kind of encoding is this? The patient drinks beer and sings songs! The answer is come, we'll see. To go from Altai for 400 km so that the doctor looks at the drunk person? And there is no trust in the clinic anymore! I asked when the head doctor will be, we will solve the issue with her. They said after the holidays (from 11.01.2021)

08.01.2021 returned from Altai and immediately to the clinic. Strangely enough, the head physician of the Long Tatiana Yuryevna turned out to be in the clinic and took us in. We demanded a refund for the falsified encoding - 8000rub and wrote a claim about it. However, the negotiation strategy that Tatiana Yurievna chose was more like instilling non-existent guilt in the patient:

1. The patient did not come to the clinic immediately! after the first sip of champagne.

Is it like throwing a holiday, and on New Year's Eve to get from Altai on foot or hitchhiking 400km? Why such a rush and why? The patient feels well and there is a warranty period of 1 year, during which they promised a guaranteed effect.

2. The patient did not follow the recommendations

When a person buys shoes and is recommended to treat them with a water-repellent spray, these are recommendations, and then the person was allegedly sold shoes in a sealed box and recommended not to open the box (so that he would not see that there are no shoes there) this is already more like a scam!

3. The patient has such an organism that there was no reaction to alcohol after encoding.

How so! In the clinic, on a control test, they put a cotton wool soaked with alcohol under the tongue – there was a reaction (spasms and suffocation went), and after a day the body became different or something?

How not to twist puzzles here, the picture turns out to be one: DECEIVED!

The claim will be considered as much as 30 days. Depending on the result, I will write to the Ministry of Health and the Prosecutor's Office.

I summarize the results of the Anonymous Drug Treatment Clinic "Result":

The result is ZERO

Guarantees - ZERO

Responsibility - ZERO
I was here for the first time, a very good clinic, attentive staff, comfortable stay, thank you very much.
I want to say a huge thank you to the doctors. Due to the steady drug addiction of our son, we constantly had problems of both a psychological and family nature. The last year was very difficult, the son could not do without drugs, increased doses and could not get out of this state on his own. Finding my son with an overdose, they called a doctor at home. The doctor visited his son for three days, did detoxification – brought him out of critical condition. We continued the treatment already in the clinic, having connected a psychologist. This gave a very good result, and now the son is gradually gaining weight, putting his psyche in order. People suffering from drugs are very difficult patients, and to work with them, you need to have a lot of courage and kindness. Our family is very grateful to the doctors of the clinic
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
The clinic is normal, in less than two days they brought a person out of a binge. The payment was daily. The only thing is unclear why the administrator Olga tried to write out not treated. But in the end , they paid extra and put them on their feet normally . Clean, light, tolerable food, tea is always in the cooler.There is a shower and toilet, they also offered to wash things. Special thanks to the nurse Marina and Dr. Pavel
Dmitry S
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
We went to the clinic to get out of the binge, we paid 18 thousand for three days, lay for two days from 29.062021 to 02.07.2021, we did not give the difference for a day. my son didn't like the clinic
Natalia M.
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
We went to the clinic with a problem, alcohol addiction, paid for the procedure according to the Dovzhenko method, the procedure was carried out by the head.doctor Tatiana Yurievna, treated the patient irresponsibly. There was a negative from the clinic... The head doctor is not in his place.
The doctor is good, attentive, knowledgeable. I was satisfied. I won't go into details, it's still a very personal matter.
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
Terrible treatment, I didn't see a single doctor for 4 days, only the doctor came to put a catheter from another institution. for extra money, as well as staff (I'm not sure even medical)he puts ivs, even removes a cardiogram, and then looks at it with a smart look, the treatment did not help, although they promised the opposite, I had to be treated elsewhere, except for the money thrown out, there were severe pains in my legs, this clinic is for pumping money out of my pockets, and not about help, I do not recommend it to anyone
We moved our relative. I liked a lot, starting from the location of the clinic, we also had a good doctor, as well as organized a full meal, for us it was important.They wanted to be in a separate ward, but they were busy, so they had to be placed in a common room.
I applied to this clinic to help get rid of drug addiction.

It so happened that after a long period, more than 15 years, it happened again to get up to speed in this slow swamp.

Taking into account my age of 45 years, well, it was unrealistically embarrassing and unpleasant to realize that I can't cope myself, and I need to turn to medicine to relieve physical dependence.

After calling the clinics, I liked how they talked to me on the phone at the clinic "Result", and I went to give up. For those who consciously read the review, I will draw attention to the fact that at the age of 45, jumping out of physical dependence is not at 25, the body has completely different resources...

Despite the decision I made, I went to the clinic in a bad mood and already feeling pretty bad.

The most annoying thing was that I, at my 45, now have to explain something, answer questions, like, Well, what are you so, and so on. I was so set up, that's just something I don't like, I'll turn around and leave.

To my surprise (although the state was not particularly up to emotions, however), no one there loaded me with anything, did not read morals. The relationship with me was respectful, and mutual understanding with the staff was achieved quickly, while, I emphasize, it was very important for me, no one was rude to me during the conversation, no one tried to reproach me, read morals, and make it clear that I was a junkie and the dregs of society. Then, together with the doctor, a physical exit plan was adopted for 5 days, and an agreement was reached that if this was not enough, it could be extended.

Next came the medical process, withdrawal withdrawal. I must say right away that in 5 days the main symptoms were removed, and I decided that I would be able to endure the remaining physical discomfort at home myself.

In general, about the clinic: I was satisfied. first of all, the attitude. In the course of treatment, it was always possible to make some kind of request, ask to add medicine, and at the same time not feel like an unnecessary scum of society, from which money was siphoned off. Many thanks to the medical staff for their attentive and respectful attitude.

For me, this was probably the most important factor.

Health to all, I hope someone helped to make a choice, in the next morning, dial the number of the clinic, not the dealer...
Secret Flamper
Patient treated Alcoholism in the clinic Drug treatment clinic Result in Novosibirsk (Russia)
On 12/28/2020, we applied to the Anonymous Narcological Clinic "Result", in order to detoxify after alcohol in the clinic and encode. Over the phone, they were convinced that after coding, the patient would not and would not be able to take alcohol, and in this the clinic gives a 100% result (which is why it is proudly called "Result"), as well as a 100% guarantee for a period of 1 year. The price of such medical services was announced:

5000 rubles per day - detoxification in a hospital

8000 rubles - coding by sewing, there in the hospital

Total 13,000 rubles. Not cheap! But it is necessary to help a person to find sobriety as a norm of life. It's decided, let's go. Clinic address: Blucher 71/1. Time 19:30

1. The signing of a contract for the provision of paid medical services is not legal, but formal. A person in a state of alcoholic intoxication and poisoning, in principle, does not understand and does not realize what is written in this contract.

2. As it turned out, after paying 5000 rubles, both alcohol and drug addicts lie in the ward where detoxification is carried out. I immediately remembered a poster hanging in the lobby of the clinic about the prevention of hepatitis B and C. And for some reason they gave me a blanket without a duvet cover. After the remark that there were yellow spots on the blanket, the duvet cover was still put on.

On 12/29/2020 at 14:00 I call the clinic to ask how the procedures are going and how much to pick up. They said everything was fine, they brought it at 19:30, it was necessary to pick it up before 19:30 (so that the second day of the hospital did not go - another 5000 rubles)

At 19:30 I arrive at the clinic, and the patient is sleeping?! The doctor comes out and asks a strange question: "Will you be coding?"

And you thought we came to you to drink water from the cooler and sleep!? I had to explain to the doctor again that the encoding is needed!!!, that we turned to you precisely because of it!!! That the encoding should be efficient, long-lasting and rigid. What if the patient, even after a month, decides to take a sip of a low-alcohol drink, would get a reaction similar to what you have on testing. The doctor once again assured us that coding by stitching is what we need. People are only different, and in case of alcohol consumption, someone will be sick, someone will vomit, cramps, headaches, pressure, difficulty breathing, etc., but there will be a reaction!!! , immediately and tough!!! After discussing all the nuances and paying for the second medical service - encoding 8000 rubles, the patient was taken to the operating room. After 20 minutes, the encoding was completed. It should be noted that the stitching, this is an incision and the imposition of two stitches in the scapula area, was done by the doctor without any local anesthesia - "profit". And the seams themselves do not dissolve, after five days you have to go to remove. Either the price is not provided, or in order to save money.

What a surprise it was when, a day later on 31.12.2020, at a New Year's feast, a coded patient mixed up the glasses and instead of "children's" champagne, he drank alcohol-containing. I waited-nothing happens, I had a little beer, I waited-nothing happens again, I got drunk so safely, and on 01.01.2021 I calmly hung over.

01.01.2021 at 9:00 I call the clinic. What kind of encoding is this? The patient drinks beer and sings songs! The answer is come, we'll see. To go from Altai for 400 km so that the doctor looks at the drunk person? And there is no trust in the clinic anymore! I asked when the head doctor will be, we will solve the issue with her. They said after the holidays (from 11.01.2021)

08.01.2021 returned from Altai and immediately to the clinic. Strangely enough, the head physician of the Long Tatiana Yuryevna turned out to be in the clinic and took us in. We demanded a refund for the falsified encoding - 8000rub and wrote a claim about it. However, the negotiation strategy that Tatiana Yurievna chose was more like instilling non-existent guilt in the patient:

1. The patient did not come to the clinic immediately! after the first sip of champagne.

Is it like throwing a holiday, and on New Year's Eve to get from Altai on foot or hitchhiking 400km? Why such a rush and why? The patient feels well and there is a warranty period of 1 year, during which they promised a guaranteed effect.

2. The patient did not follow the recommendations

When a person buys shoes and is recommended to treat them with a water-repellent spray, these are recommendations, and then the person was allegedly sold shoes in a sealed box and recommended not to open the box (so that he would not see that there are no shoes there) this is already more like a scam!

3. The patient has such an organism that there was no reaction to alcohol after encoding.

How so! In the clinic, on a control test, they put a cotton wool soaked with alcohol under the tongue – there was a reaction (spasms and suffocation went), and after a day the body became different or something?

How not to twist puzzles here, the picture turns out to be one: DECEIVED!

The claim will be considered as much as 30 days. Depending on the result, I will write to the Ministry of Health and the Prosecutor's Office.

I summarize the results of the Anonymous Drug Treatment Clinic "Result":

The result is ZERO

Guarantees - ZERO

Responsibility - ZERO
I was here for the first time, a very good clinic, attentive staff, comfortable stay, thank you very much.
I want to say a huge thank you to the doctors. Due to the steady drug addiction of our son, we constantly had problems of both a psychological and family nature. The last year was very difficult, the son could not do without drugs, increased doses and could not get out of this state on his own. Finding my son with an overdose, they called a doctor at home. The doctor visited his son for three days, did detoxification – brought him out of critical condition. We continued the treatment already in the clinic, having connected a psychologist. This gave a very good result, and now the son is gradually gaining weight, putting his psyche in order. People suffering from drugs are very difficult patients, and to work with them, you need to have a lot of courage and kindness. Our family is very grateful to the doctors of the clinic

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7