Medical Center Enel-Med in Warsaw (Poland)
Clinic specialization
Medical Center ENEL-MED is located in Warsaw and consists of two medical clinics: Zacisze Hospital and Hospital Center.
The main specializations of the center are the following ones:
accurate diagnosis,
Zacisze Hospital is equipped with the most modern facilities and regularly performs surgical operations of various complexity, during which the latest methods of anesthesia and monitoring of the patient's condition are used. The hospital has 19 single-and double-bed wards of increased comfort. The Hospital Center, the second division of ENEL-MED, specializes mainly in orthopedic operations and subsequent rehabilitation. The center provides its patients with 28 comfortable wards, equipped with everything necessary for people with special needs. In addition to face-to-face treatment, ENEL-MED specialists conduct remote consultation of patients from all over the world with the help of modern diagnostic imaging tools.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
Medical Center Enel-Med in Warsaw (Poland)
In emergency situations, I strongly recommend visiting the SOR. You'll have to wait a bit, but at least they know their job.
Of course, they do not have replacements and are offered by some doctors with an insignificant opinion (the only free visits). I miraculously managed to catch a visit to another doctor with good reviews, who is familiar with my lady doctor and told me that it was not your doctor who canceled his patients, but Enel Med canceled it because of cost cuts, and let the patients handle it themselves. I was in shock. How can you treat a doctor and a patient like that? The company's behavior and approach are below criticism.
In emergency situations, I strongly recommend visiting the SOR. You'll have to wait a bit, but at least they know their job.
Of course, they do not have replacements and are offered by some doctors with an insignificant opinion (the only free visits). I miraculously managed to catch a visit to another doctor with good reviews, who is familiar with my lady doctor and told me that it was not your doctor who canceled his patients, but Enel Med canceled it because of cost cuts, and let the patients handle it themselves. I was in shock. How can you treat a doctor and a patient like that? The company's behavior and approach are below criticism.