Europe-Asia Medical Center in Yekaterinburg (Russia)
10 reviews

Europe-Asia Medical Center in Yekaterinburg (Russia)

Russia , Yekaterinburg

Clinic specialization

Plastic surgery
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  Europe-Asia is a modern clinic for the treatment of headaches and facial pain, opened in Yekaterinburg in 2011. The leading neurologists of the region work hereunder the guidance of Doctor of Sciences, doctor of the highest category Elena Razumovna Lebedeva.The main activity of the center is the treatment of headaches. Every day millions of people experience an undiagnosed or misdiagnosed headache, drown it out with painkillers and cannot get rid of the disease completely. This reduces the efficiency and quality of life in general. Only the correct diagnosis will help to recover. Often, this does not require a computer or magnetic resonance imaging, because the pain is not associated with brain pathology, it is provoked by migraines or tension. It is impossible to delay the treatment. It is proved that patients with migraine are 10 times more likely to have a stroke. The specialists of the center will help to make sure that this does not happen. Another area of activity of the clinic "Europe-Asia" is the treatment of facial pain. A multidisciplinary team, which includes neurologists, dentists, and otolaryngologists, takes part in their diagnosis. Most often, sharp shooting pain in the face is associated with trigeminal neuralgia.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
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Gastroenterological diagnostics
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CT of the thoracic, abdominal cavities and pelvic organs
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CT of the abdominal cavity
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CT scan of the large intestine
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Skin plastic
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Reducing the Adam's apple
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Europe-Asia Medical Center in Yekaterinburg (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
I regularly visit the neurologist Lebedeva E.R. and cardiologist Serditova A.A. I am satisfied with the medical center, the result of the treatment at Leedeva is not yet obvious, but I hope it's a matter of time) I like Dr. Serditova very much, she is intelligent and competent
This is a very good clinic where a neurologist for facial and headaches works , who helped me with headaches that tormented me for years and now I am not tormented by pain.I am grateful to Lebedeva E.R.
A good center, but expensive
excellent medical center with a wide range of services
Good time of day. I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the headache treatment center "Europe-Asia". My head began to spin often, my right temple ached, sometimes my right eye stopped seeing, and I suffered from insomnia. I applied at my place of residence, had an ultrasound of the carotid arteries, which showed a blockage of the right carotid artery of about 50%, and was sent to the Regional Hospital. They advised to wait until the blockage is 60-70%, then they will do the operation. A friend from Nizhny Tagil told about the Europe-Asia center, recommended contacting Lebedeva E. R. I made an appointment, the day before the appointed date, they called and reminded me. Elena Razumovna questioned everything in detail, looked at the results of the ultrasound brought with her, and offered to undergo an ultrasound at their center, with Dr. Elena Vladimirovna Butorina. A knowledgeable doctor, everything is clear and thorough. I did an ultrasound, asked to wait, then with the result again to Lebedeva E. R. According to new data, I had a blockage of 71%. Lebedeva advised to urgently contact the 40th hospital, to the head of the 2nd neurosurgical department Shamov A. Yu., who, after consultation, sent for a CT scan. After the tomography, the day of the operation to install the stent was determined. On November 25, 2019, an operation was performed (surgeon - Ulitsky I. R.), on November 29 he was discharged from the hospital. In December 2019, I came to see Lebedeva E. R. again to adjust the treatment. Thank you for having such doctors as Lebedeva E. R., Butorina E. V., Shamov A. Y. Sincerely, Kozlov S. N., Novouralsk.
Hello. I would like to write a review, or rather, words of gratitude to this center and, in particular, to its two doctors Lebedeva Elena Razumovna and Serditova Anna Andreevna. But about everything in order. Making an appointment with "reminders", which is very important for me, with my ability to forget. A small, cozy center with very comfortable sofas and courteous administrators. And the most important thing is the attitude and professionalism of the two aforementioned doctors. They treated me not just as a patient, but as a loved one. I was very concerned about the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, weakness, heavy sweating, weakness and discomfort in the heart area. After an examination and prescribed treatment for 4 months, I finally began to remember what a normal life is. I am very glad that we still have such specialists and people. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
They helped me here. For many years, headaches tormented me, I constantly had to drink painkillers. I applied both to my polyclinic and to private centers, nothing helped. Only in this clinic I was able to choose the right drugs, finally the pain stopped! It's just happiness for me. Many thanks to the specialists!
My visit to the center was limited to just a preliminary appointment. On the appointed day, the reception did not take place (the center did not notify me about this in any way at all!), I signed up again on my own call, again there was no! Registrars either do not work here at all, or they are irresponsible about their immediate duties! At this level (of registrars), the work of the center is simply terrible!
The doctors are good. But the administrators are completely incompetent, neither hello nor waiting, no organization, speech is not related. I didn't like that the reception started late, they could have called and warned me, I would have adjusted the plans.
After 40 years, headaches began to visit. I tried to get help at the polyclinic at my place of residence, to no avail. They prescribed cheap useless medicines, advised not to pay attention. At the Europe-Asia clinic, she finally gave me the right diagnosis, prescribed modern treatment, and generally treated me with attention. Headaches began to bother much less often. I trust this center and the doctors.
I regularly visit the neurologist Lebedeva E.R. and cardiologist Serditova A.A. I am satisfied with the medical center, the result of the treatment at Leedeva is not yet obvious, but I hope it's a matter of time) I like Dr. Serditova very much, she is intelligent and competent
This is a very good clinic where a neurologist for facial and headaches works , who helped me with headaches that tormented me for years and now I am not tormented by pain.I am grateful to Lebedeva E.R.
A good center, but expensive
excellent medical center with a wide range of services
Good time of day. I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the headache treatment center "Europe-Asia". My head began to spin often, my right temple ached, sometimes my right eye stopped seeing, and I suffered from insomnia. I applied at my place of residence, had an ultrasound of the carotid arteries, which showed a blockage of the right carotid artery of about 50%, and was sent to the Regional Hospital. They advised to wait until the blockage is 60-70%, then they will do the operation. A friend from Nizhny Tagil told about the Europe-Asia center, recommended contacting Lebedeva E. R. I made an appointment, the day before the appointed date, they called and reminded me. Elena Razumovna questioned everything in detail, looked at the results of the ultrasound brought with her, and offered to undergo an ultrasound at their center, with Dr. Elena Vladimirovna Butorina. A knowledgeable doctor, everything is clear and thorough. I did an ultrasound, asked to wait, then with the result again to Lebedeva E. R. According to new data, I had a blockage of 71%. Lebedeva advised to urgently contact the 40th hospital, to the head of the 2nd neurosurgical department Shamov A. Yu., who, after consultation, sent for a CT scan. After the tomography, the day of the operation to install the stent was determined. On November 25, 2019, an operation was performed (surgeon - Ulitsky I. R.), on November 29 he was discharged from the hospital. In December 2019, I came to see Lebedeva E. R. again to adjust the treatment. Thank you for having such doctors as Lebedeva E. R., Butorina E. V., Shamov A. Y. Sincerely, Kozlov S. N., Novouralsk.
Hello. I would like to write a review, or rather, words of gratitude to this center and, in particular, to its two doctors Lebedeva Elena Razumovna and Serditova Anna Andreevna. But about everything in order. Making an appointment with "reminders", which is very important for me, with my ability to forget. A small, cozy center with very comfortable sofas and courteous administrators. And the most important thing is the attitude and professionalism of the two aforementioned doctors. They treated me not just as a patient, but as a loved one. I was very concerned about the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, weakness, heavy sweating, weakness and discomfort in the heart area. After an examination and prescribed treatment for 4 months, I finally began to remember what a normal life is. I am very glad that we still have such specialists and people. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
They helped me here. For many years, headaches tormented me, I constantly had to drink painkillers. I applied both to my polyclinic and to private centers, nothing helped. Only in this clinic I was able to choose the right drugs, finally the pain stopped! It's just happiness for me. Many thanks to the specialists!
My visit to the center was limited to just a preliminary appointment. On the appointed day, the reception did not take place (the center did not notify me about this in any way at all!), I signed up again on my own call, again there was no! Registrars either do not work here at all, or they are irresponsible about their immediate duties! At this level (of registrars), the work of the center is simply terrible!
The doctors are good. But the administrators are completely incompetent, neither hello nor waiting, no organization, speech is not related. I didn't like that the reception started late, they could have called and warned me, I would have adjusted the plans.
After 40 years, headaches began to visit. I tried to get help at the polyclinic at my place of residence, to no avail. They prescribed cheap useless medicines, advised not to pay attention. At the Europe-Asia clinic, she finally gave me the right diagnosis, prescribed modern treatment, and generally treated me with attention. Headaches began to bother much less often. I trust this center and the doctors.

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7