Family Clinic Network in Moscow (Russia)
10 reviews

Family Clinic Network in Moscow (Russia)

Russia , Moscow

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Pediatric cardiac surgery
Pediatric neurosurgery
Pediatric oncology
Infectious diseases
Cardiac surgery
Narcology and alcoholism
Orthopedics and traumatology
Plastic surgery
Phlebology · Vascular Surgery
Weight Loss Surgery
Maxillofacial surgery
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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Family Clinic is a network of multidisciplinary clinics that provide medical services in all areas. The first medical center with this name opened more than 25 years ago. Since then, the network has been constantly expanding, attracting the best specialists – doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, doctors of the highest category.
The clinic works in the following areas:
  • Diagnostics – all types of laboratory tests, ultrasound, CT, MRI, PD and endoscopy.
  • Treatment of adults – the clinic has specialists in all areas of modern medicine.
  • Treatment of children-leading pediatricians and specialized specialists work here.
  • Recovery – on the basis of the clinic, you can complete a full course of rehabilitation after a disease or injury.
  • Cosmetology-cosmetologists perform injection, laser and hardware procedures on modern equipment with the use of high-quality drugs.
  • Aesthetic surgery-all types of aesthetic and reconstructive operations are performed.
  • Field service – if necessary, you can call a doctor at home to both an adult and a child. It is also possible to carry out the necessary procedures at home.
  • Vaccination – adults and children are vaccinated.

For the convenience of patients, special programs have been developed that allow you to get high quality medical services and at the same time save money. There are packages for women, men, children, expectant mothers and people with certain health problems.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
15 - 65
Online consultation with an oncologist
200 - 1300
Consultation of a nephrologist
от 26
Nephrectomy with a Da Vinci robot
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Plastic surgery of the lower eyelid
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Plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids
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Plastic surgery of the upper eyelid
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Free consultation
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Family Clinic Network in Moscow (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
We came to the clinic on Polezhaevskaya for an ultrasound of the heart with a child. Inadequate doctor KROL Elena Valentinovna made me wait, and then scolded me for being late and taught life to me and my child. The ultrasound was never done. After the ultrasound, there was another examination tied to the ultrasound. We lost half a day, left without examination in complete bewilderment. A terrible attitude with not the lowest price tag. The matrons at the reception do not help in the situation, they have one answer - "the fool herself". Of the people who know how to do their job here, only the cloakroom attendant, all the best to him. I don't recommend it to anyone: money and time wasted
Those who live beyond the MKAD know that free medicine leaves much to be desired. Therefore, we try to reduce trips to the doctor to a minimum, but sometimes we still have to visit them.
And now such a case has come. The youngest son does not have a runny nose. So we decided to show it to the doctor. Next to our residential complex SAMPO there is only a paid clinic "Family". This is a network of clinics throughout Moscow and partly the Moscow region.
The prices are certainly not small. The initial appointment to the pediatrician cost us 2550 rubles. If you believe the price list, then we got to the leading specialist, since an ordinary specialist costs 1950 rubles. But when making an appointment by phone, we were not given a choice, they just called the name of the doctor and the cost.
The clinic is very large for a private clinic in such a "backwater". Apparently, a huge number of cottage settlements in New Riga obliges.
There is a children's department, an adult department, an X-ray, a laboratory, and even a dental clinic Dento el.
Before the initial reception, you will need to fill out a contract, and for this you need to bring a passport and a birth certificate of the child.
You can pay both in cash and by card.
There is even a small playroom in the children's department. There are not many people on a weekday afternoon, but there are still some.
As for the doctor himself, I can't say anything bad. But at the same time, she didn't tell me anything new. Maybe I'm so "smart", because I "survived" more than one illness of children, maybe the disease itself is not serious, but in fact I paid for the fact that I was confirmed that it's okay, continue to give what you started.
The visit left two feelings: on the one hand, I can't say anything bad about the clinic, on the other hand, the reception turned out to be a bit stupid and it's a pity for money.
But, in any case, it is very gratifying that there is a clinic nearby, albeit paid, but still with a large selection of services provided and specialist doctors. Diseases are still different and sometimes it is extremely important to be able to see a doctor.
On May 27, 2021, I was at an ultrasound specialist's appointment. In the clinic on the Kievskaya metro. I was diagnosed, in which the doctor should have already called an ambulance. Without my knowledge, he took me to the therapist Yastrebova, who did NOT conduct an examination. I didn'T need her reception. I needed an appointment with a gynecologist, but since she was not in the clinic, I was (after the diagnosis) brought to the therapist for some reason. WHICH did absolutely nothing, just called the state ambulance (by the way, it was in the powers of the ultrasound specialist) and took 2550 for it.
What do they charge money for? The call is cheaper than 2550. Absolutely no help was provided by the therapist. Absolutely useless technique. After they brought me to call an ambulance, they didn't even tell me that I had come to a paid appointment with a therapist. (The therapist just said, "Well, I'll make an appointment") although she JUST called an ambulance. And I didn't need a therapist's appointment at all.
The ultrasound doctor also said nothing, except that you need to go by ambulance. We will not go any more, the doctors understand absolutely nothing and think only about how to withdraw even more money from you. AND with this HELP 0.
I do not advise you to use the services of the Semeynaya clinic, a branch on Sergiy Radonezhsky. Complete lack of communication between the services! The doctor prescribes tests that the laboratory of this clinic does not do, the call center writes to a specialist who does not take material for analysis. As a result, the time was spent, the service was not rendered, the problem was not solved, I did not go to the clinic for nothing to do. In response to my claim, they sent a template unsubscribe that they were sorry. But they didn't publish my review on their website. They post only positive and laudatory reviews. If you need qualified help from competent doctors, it is clearly not in this clinic.
To get information about the possibility of passing and the cost of the brain encephalogram procedure, I contacted the phone number posted on the website of the Semeynaya clinic. They reported the cost of 950 rubles (without a description, only a diagram) at the nearest clinic on Khoroshevskoe Highway, 80.
After contacting this clinic half an hour later, I was informed at the reception that they do not do the procedure without a description and the cost of the procedure is 3000 rubles.
I called the same phone number. The girl says: "I'm not aware, I'll pass on the information who advised you." And merged!
Wasted time and money on travel.
A blow to the reputation of the Family clinic.
I arrived at the therapist at the appointed time, but it turned out that the patient who had not even come in front of me yet was another patient in the doctor's office. This is an outrage and disrespect. They don't value our time. Moreover, at the reception, the girl sweetly suggested that I not wait if I didn't want to. It turns out that she doesn't care about my personal time spent on a trip to the clinic.
I called the clinic at the expense of a rather scrupulous service, they tell me: come for a consultation. I come for a consultation and get an appointment with a doctor instead of a consultation. - 2500 tink. The doctor called the clinic, didn't get through to anyone, and in the end I didn't find out anything about the price and conditions. The clinic's strategy is clear: grab more money at the moment. In general, Sharashkin's office. Doctors may be good in the clinic, but it is better not to deal with polyclinics. Wasted time and money. And I'm social, but they snatched 100%. I probably didn't speak in Russian: I need a consultation on the service! and I was examined for 2500.
The Family Clinic is part of my child's VMI program and I called a Doctor at his house when he became very ill. There was a strong cough and fever. I do not know the name of the doctor who arrived, since he did not introduce himself, and signed the appointment illegibly. Call from 22/01/2020. The doctor is unfriendly, the careless attitude towards the child was struck in places, when during the examination he coughed (he seems to be sick with coughing attacks, that's why the doctor was called) the doctor asked to cough in the other direction... the child is 4 years old! He just listened and looked at the throat... and he said: you can be free... I didn 't even look at my nose or ears ... I have called doctors more than once, but I have not yet met such a superficial examination!
It is not the first year that we have been served by the whole family at the Semeynaya clinic on Kashirskoye Highway.
This includes an ecg of a grandfather, ultrasound of a pregnant wife, ultrasound of various organs in a two-year-old child, and finally a small surgical intervention for me personally.
The clinic itself is very clean, everything is strictly by appointment, you don't wait more than five minutes. The attitude of the doctors is friendly, and the specialists there are good. The only negative is the price. I'll make a reservation right away that the prices for ultrasound and ECG are still nothing, but the situation with doctors is completely different.
Here, by personal example, I removed a benign formation. Total: primary admission, blood tests, secondary admission, the twenty-minute operation with analgesic itself - 22.500. It cost so much to cure one sore. Impressive! The funniest thing is that at the secondary reception they treated the wound with a solution of the type of modern potassium permanganate (I forgot the name), a bottle of which costs 50 rubles at the pharmacy, and they took 800 rubles for it. I also treated myself at home by dropping a cotton swab into a vial, and then passing it over the wound. If I had been warned that this five-second action is paid, and even costs so much, I would naturally have refused. But the doctor removed the sore professionally (although he increased it in size for more payment; compared to ultrasound, the sore miraculously tripled), and this is the main thing. The only drawback in the operation was that only one suture was applied to the wound right in the middle, which ruptured on the same day.
Well, for the rest, it is still a commercial organization that aims to make a profit, although I think they should warn about unnecessary paid actions. I did not make a scandal and ask to reduce the amount for the operation and unnecessary services, although I think that the administration would have sided with me.

And recently I did a Pentaxime vaccination in the Family clinic for a child. Unfortunately, we did not do without complications. Although the pediatrician carefully examined her daughter beforehand, answered all the questions of interest and, in my opinion, carried out the procedure quickly and accurately.
However, the next day, when I called the clinic to consult about the condition of the child after the vaccine, I was rejected. Like come, pay and we'll tell you everything.
I did not expect it and made the appropriate conclusions.

In general, I probably advise the clinic, the specialists really know a lot, but of course there is a residue about the financial side.
I'll just say "pumping out money", the good thing is that I would have left all the money so. The employee is really competent, I do not argue. I also know that sick leave is like a sale, but not that much!!! I understand that this is my 1st sick leave this year. But why open for 5 days even though I asked for 3 days? I work in shifts and after 3 days of sick leave, I rest for 5 days. To the question why on 5, they answered that from February 1, such laws are no longer issued for 3 days. I called other clinics, no one will confirm this fact. I began to understand why? In the process of finding out, the doctor wanted to add "exacerbation" to my diagnosis and asked my permission, for what?? After such an impression, there is no desire to go to your clinic!!! As a result, the doctor calmed me down, said that it was possible to close ahead of schedule. But no one said that this would be a violation on my part and the sick leave in this case would not be paid.
We came to the clinic on Polezhaevskaya for an ultrasound of the heart with a child. Inadequate doctor KROL Elena Valentinovna made me wait, and then scolded me for being late and taught life to me and my child. The ultrasound was never done. After the ultrasound, there was another examination tied to the ultrasound. We lost half a day, left without examination in complete bewilderment. A terrible attitude with not the lowest price tag. The matrons at the reception do not help in the situation, they have one answer - "the fool herself". Of the people who know how to do their job here, only the cloakroom attendant, all the best to him. I don't recommend it to anyone: money and time wasted
Those who live beyond the MKAD know that free medicine leaves much to be desired. Therefore, we try to reduce trips to the doctor to a minimum, but sometimes we still have to visit them.
And now such a case has come. The youngest son does not have a runny nose. So we decided to show it to the doctor. Next to our residential complex SAMPO there is only a paid clinic "Family". This is a network of clinics throughout Moscow and partly the Moscow region.
The prices are certainly not small. The initial appointment to the pediatrician cost us 2550 rubles. If you believe the price list, then we got to the leading specialist, since an ordinary specialist costs 1950 rubles. But when making an appointment by phone, we were not given a choice, they just called the name of the doctor and the cost.
The clinic is very large for a private clinic in such a "backwater". Apparently, a huge number of cottage settlements in New Riga obliges.
There is a children's department, an adult department, an X-ray, a laboratory, and even a dental clinic Dento el.
Before the initial reception, you will need to fill out a contract, and for this you need to bring a passport and a birth certificate of the child.
You can pay both in cash and by card.
There is even a small playroom in the children's department. There are not many people on a weekday afternoon, but there are still some.
As for the doctor himself, I can't say anything bad. But at the same time, she didn't tell me anything new. Maybe I'm so "smart", because I "survived" more than one illness of children, maybe the disease itself is not serious, but in fact I paid for the fact that I was confirmed that it's okay, continue to give what you started.
The visit left two feelings: on the one hand, I can't say anything bad about the clinic, on the other hand, the reception turned out to be a bit stupid and it's a pity for money.
But, in any case, it is very gratifying that there is a clinic nearby, albeit paid, but still with a large selection of services provided and specialist doctors. Diseases are still different and sometimes it is extremely important to be able to see a doctor.
On May 27, 2021, I was at an ultrasound specialist's appointment. In the clinic on the Kievskaya metro. I was diagnosed, in which the doctor should have already called an ambulance. Without my knowledge, he took me to the therapist Yastrebova, who did NOT conduct an examination. I didn'T need her reception. I needed an appointment with a gynecologist, but since she was not in the clinic, I was (after the diagnosis) brought to the therapist for some reason. WHICH did absolutely nothing, just called the state ambulance (by the way, it was in the powers of the ultrasound specialist) and took 2550 for it.
What do they charge money for? The call is cheaper than 2550. Absolutely no help was provided by the therapist. Absolutely useless technique. After they brought me to call an ambulance, they didn't even tell me that I had come to a paid appointment with a therapist. (The therapist just said, "Well, I'll make an appointment") although she JUST called an ambulance. And I didn't need a therapist's appointment at all.
The ultrasound doctor also said nothing, except that you need to go by ambulance. We will not go any more, the doctors understand absolutely nothing and think only about how to withdraw even more money from you. AND with this HELP 0.
I do not advise you to use the services of the Semeynaya clinic, a branch on Sergiy Radonezhsky. Complete lack of communication between the services! The doctor prescribes tests that the laboratory of this clinic does not do, the call center writes to a specialist who does not take material for analysis. As a result, the time was spent, the service was not rendered, the problem was not solved, I did not go to the clinic for nothing to do. In response to my claim, they sent a template unsubscribe that they were sorry. But they didn't publish my review on their website. They post only positive and laudatory reviews. If you need qualified help from competent doctors, it is clearly not in this clinic.
To get information about the possibility of passing and the cost of the brain encephalogram procedure, I contacted the phone number posted on the website of the Semeynaya clinic. They reported the cost of 950 rubles (without a description, only a diagram) at the nearest clinic on Khoroshevskoe Highway, 80.
After contacting this clinic half an hour later, I was informed at the reception that they do not do the procedure without a description and the cost of the procedure is 3000 rubles.
I called the same phone number. The girl says: "I'm not aware, I'll pass on the information who advised you." And merged!
Wasted time and money on travel.
A blow to the reputation of the Family clinic.
I arrived at the therapist at the appointed time, but it turned out that the patient who had not even come in front of me yet was another patient in the doctor's office. This is an outrage and disrespect. They don't value our time. Moreover, at the reception, the girl sweetly suggested that I not wait if I didn't want to. It turns out that she doesn't care about my personal time spent on a trip to the clinic.
I called the clinic at the expense of a rather scrupulous service, they tell me: come for a consultation. I come for a consultation and get an appointment with a doctor instead of a consultation. - 2500 tink. The doctor called the clinic, didn't get through to anyone, and in the end I didn't find out anything about the price and conditions. The clinic's strategy is clear: grab more money at the moment. In general, Sharashkin's office. Doctors may be good in the clinic, but it is better not to deal with polyclinics. Wasted time and money. And I'm social, but they snatched 100%. I probably didn't speak in Russian: I need a consultation on the service! and I was examined for 2500.
The Family Clinic is part of my child's VMI program and I called a Doctor at his house when he became very ill. There was a strong cough and fever. I do not know the name of the doctor who arrived, since he did not introduce himself, and signed the appointment illegibly. Call from 22/01/2020. The doctor is unfriendly, the careless attitude towards the child was struck in places, when during the examination he coughed (he seems to be sick with coughing attacks, that's why the doctor was called) the doctor asked to cough in the other direction... the child is 4 years old! He just listened and looked at the throat... and he said: you can be free... I didn 't even look at my nose or ears ... I have called doctors more than once, but I have not yet met such a superficial examination!
It is not the first year that we have been served by the whole family at the Semeynaya clinic on Kashirskoye Highway.
This includes an ecg of a grandfather, ultrasound of a pregnant wife, ultrasound of various organs in a two-year-old child, and finally a small surgical intervention for me personally.
The clinic itself is very clean, everything is strictly by appointment, you don't wait more than five minutes. The attitude of the doctors is friendly, and the specialists there are good. The only negative is the price. I'll make a reservation right away that the prices for ultrasound and ECG are still nothing, but the situation with doctors is completely different.
Here, by personal example, I removed a benign formation. Total: primary admission, blood tests, secondary admission, the twenty-minute operation with analgesic itself - 22.500. It cost so much to cure one sore. Impressive! The funniest thing is that at the secondary reception they treated the wound with a solution of the type of modern potassium permanganate (I forgot the name), a bottle of which costs 50 rubles at the pharmacy, and they took 800 rubles for it. I also treated myself at home by dropping a cotton swab into a vial, and then passing it over the wound. If I had been warned that this five-second action is paid, and even costs so much, I would naturally have refused. But the doctor removed the sore professionally (although he increased it in size for more payment; compared to ultrasound, the sore miraculously tripled), and this is the main thing. The only drawback in the operation was that only one suture was applied to the wound right in the middle, which ruptured on the same day.
Well, for the rest, it is still a commercial organization that aims to make a profit, although I think they should warn about unnecessary paid actions. I did not make a scandal and ask to reduce the amount for the operation and unnecessary services, although I think that the administration would have sided with me.

And recently I did a Pentaxime vaccination in the Family clinic for a child. Unfortunately, we did not do without complications. Although the pediatrician carefully examined her daughter beforehand, answered all the questions of interest and, in my opinion, carried out the procedure quickly and accurately.
However, the next day, when I called the clinic to consult about the condition of the child after the vaccine, I was rejected. Like come, pay and we'll tell you everything.
I did not expect it and made the appropriate conclusions.

In general, I probably advise the clinic, the specialists really know a lot, but of course there is a residue about the financial side.
I'll just say "pumping out money", the good thing is that I would have left all the money so. The employee is really competent, I do not argue. I also know that sick leave is like a sale, but not that much!!! I understand that this is my 1st sick leave this year. But why open for 5 days even though I asked for 3 days? I work in shifts and after 3 days of sick leave, I rest for 5 days. To the question why on 5, they answered that from February 1, such laws are no longer issued for 3 days. I called other clinics, no one will confirm this fact. I began to understand why? In the process of finding out, the doctor wanted to add "exacerbation" to my diagnosis and asked my permission, for what?? After such an impression, there is no desire to go to your clinic!!! As a result, the doctor calmed me down, said that it was possible to close ahead of schedule. But no one said that this would be a violation on my part and the sick leave in this case would not be paid.

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7