Gil Medical Center at Gachon University in Incheon (South Korea)
Clinic specialization
Gil Medical Center in South Korea was founded in 1958 and belongs to a private medical institution. Created as a gynecological center 50 years ago, it has grown into a multidisciplinary clinic, which includes the following
30 branches;
6 narrow-profile centers;
5 hospitals;
2 research institutes.
Every year, the hospital provides care to about 1.5 million patients, 400 thousand of whomare accepted for outpatient treatment. Every year, more than 25,000 surgical procedures are performed in the operating rooms of the Gil Center for various groups of patients, including patients with gastrointestinal disorders, suffering from musculoskeletal pathologies, with urological and gynecological diseases. Gil Medical Center is one of the leading research clinics in South Korea. Within its walls, medical practices are held and various seminars and conferences are attended by both beginners and experienced doctors from all over the world. This makes it possible to use the most modern methods in the work, especially since the equipment of the clinic allows you to do this. For example, the cancer center here uses the computer program IBM Watson, which allows you to diagnose cancer with maximum accuracy. Only 30 clinics around the world have experience in using this program. The effectiveness of the Gil clinic and the professionalism of its doctors is confirmed by several international certificates: JCI, CIGNA, International SOS.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.