Hirslanden Klinik in Zurich (Switzerland)
Clinic specialization
The Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich is the part of the Hirslanden network of 18 Swiss medical institutions. The facility receives 2,000 doctors, and the support staff provides comfort and convenience for the patients during their treatment. The clinic has several main areas, which include:
gynecology and obstetrics;
cardiology and cardiac surgery;
vascular surgery;
radiotherapy department;
orthopedics and traumatology.
The Hirslanden clinic actively uses the most advanced technologies. This allows you to solve complex medical problems quickly and effectively. So, the Da Vinci cyber knife, which is actively used in the clinic, allows the doctors to perform operations with maximum accuracy in cancer patients. The Radiotherapy department is equipped with the most advanced equipment, such as brachytherapy units and linear accelerators for radiotherapy (Trilogy). The clinic also offers the possibility of performing surgical operations in hybrid rooms. In such a room, in addition to the traditional equipment for operations, there is the possibility of using computer visualization, the use of 3 D-technologies. All this makes it possible to perform surgical manipulations more efficiently and accurately. A hybrid operating room usually involves 20 specialists, each of whom is responsible for their own area of work during the operation.
Modern equipment and the use of a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment make the Hirslanden clinic the objects of attention of thousands of patients from around the world.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
Hirslanden Klinik in Zurich (Switzerland)
The operation was successful, everything went very professionally.
Thanks again to all the participants.
The operation was successful, everything went very professionally.
Thanks again to all the participants.