JL Ophthalmology Clinic in Prague (Czech Republic)
Clinic specialization
Eye Clinic JLis a private medical institution,that began its history from 1995. The main activity is services for the treatment of eye diseases of adults and children. JL Hospital has achieved considerable success in:
microsurgery of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye;
ridding patients of strabismus of various origins;
performing operations for all types of glaucoma;
Since 2007, the range of services provided has been significantly expanded and today, in addition to ophthalmology, the clinic offers patients the following areas:
non-invasive examinations of the body (sonography, magnetic resonance imaging);
The medical staff of the clinic is represented by highly qualified doctors with many years of practical experience, also in leading European medical centers, as well as experience in teaching and research activities. Despite this, the staff is constantly improving their skills, which is confirmed by the high ratings of the professional community, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and positive feedback from patients. The clinic is located in the western part of Prague, just a five-minute walk from the Hůrka metro station, line B.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.