Manipal Hospital Bangalore, India
Clinic specialization
Manipal Multi-Specialty Clinic in Bangalore is the leader of the Manipal network and is one of the top ten medical institutions in India. Having started operations in 1953, Manipal Clinics have integrated into a network of sixteen major medical centers in six states of India. On average, each clinic serves 125 thousand patients a year. Manipal Clinic in Bangalore provides assistance in the following main areas:
organ transplantation;
cardiology and cardiac surgery;
neurology and neurosurgery;
pediatrics and pediatric surgery;
IVF and infertility treatment;
obstetrics and gynecology;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Professionalism in everything – this is how you can briefly describe the Manipal clinic in Bangalore. The level of services provided here allowed the clinic to receive a national award in the category of " thebest service" in 2005 and eight times in a row to become the best medical institution in multi-million Bangalore. To earn such an assessment, the staff of the clinic constantly improves their professional skills. Being a country with a strong pharmaceutical industry, India trains high-level specialists. However, Manipal is not limited to domestic educational institutions: the clinic's doctors practice in hospitals in the UK, USA and Australia. The quality of the clinic's services meets the ISO 9001 standard.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.