Medical Park Hospital Network in Istanbul (Turkey)
Clinic specialization
Medical Park is one of the most famous and largest hospital groups in Turkey. It includes multidisciplinary and specialized medical institutions. In addition, the center for genetic diagnostics is the part of the group, which conducts more than 250 tests daily. There are 30 hospitals in Medical Park in total. It is ranked 10th in the international ranking for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The network of medical centers is the holder of the JCI accreditation certificate, which indicates the high quality of service. The most famous clinics of the Medical Park group are:
Bahcelievler in Istanbul;
Goeztepe Medical Park;
Medical Park in Antalya;
Medical Park Batman;
Medical Park Izmir;
Medical ParkFatih;
Medical ParkGaziantep;
Medical ParkTarsus;
VM Medical Park in Bursa.
Specialists of the clinics are engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases in various areas, but the most popular ones are transplant programs, oncology and microsurgery. In three medical centers, the groups are engaged in bone marrow transplants. More than 450 organ transplants are performed annually. For the treatment of oncological diseases, the most advanced methods and technologies are used in clinics, including:
gamma knife;
The Medical Park group of hospitals employs only highly qualified specialists who have received training in the most advanced medical schools in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In their practice, they use all the innovative methods of treatment that they have acquired abroad.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.