Network of clinics "On" in Moscow (Russia)
10 reviews

Network of clinics "On" in Moscow (Russia)

Russia , Moscow

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Infectious diseases
Orthopedics and traumatology
Plastic surgery
Phlebology · Vascular Surgery
Maxillofacial surgery
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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 On Clinic is an international network of multidisciplinary clinics. Six of them are located in the center of Moscow, in close proximity to metro stations. The best specialists in more than 60 areas work here. This allows them to treat successfullyadults and children with any diseases.
The clinic has done everything necessary for the comfort of patients:
  • convenient working hours-until 21.00, including weekends and holidays;
  • home visits of children's specialists of all profiles;
  • home visits of laboratory staff for sampling tests;
  • own laboratory;
  • issuance of sick leavesand other medical documents.
Both outpatient and inpatient treatment is possible.
A number of outpatient attachment programs have been developed, which allow you to receive medical care from the leading doctors of the clinic during the year. This is a medical insurance that allows you to contact your personal doctor-supervisor at any time, get advice from narrow specialists, pass all the necessary tests and undergo the treatment. The contract can be concluded for both an adult and a child.
There are programs for pregnancy management and infertility treatment. As well as an additional program for patients with diabetes.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids)
925 - 1390
от 22
60 - 120
Proton beam therapy
7000 - 90000
Spinal cord tumor removal
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Removal of melanoma
Find out the price
CT of one jaw (upper/lower)
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Find out the price
Dental treatment with sedation
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Free consultation
Phone number
and (optional)
You need your consent to the processing of personal data.
We will contact you ASAP

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Network of clinics "On" in Moscow (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
I won't write nasty things. Basically, they didn't do anything wrong to me.

But I didn't feel much joy from visiting this clinic either. We have already been with a child in the On clinic Baby. Now I had a chance to visit the adult department.

What is "wrong" for me there

First, the prices. It is higher than in similar other places. But I needed a special study, which in other places would have to wait in turn. Only, probably, this prompted me to visit the On clinic.
Although some people said to me: think about why there is a queue everywhere, but there is no one in this clinic. Oh well...

Secondly, not competent girls are administrators. They told me one amount on the phone. When I arrived, I found out that I would have to pay another couple of thousand more, allegedly for a doctor's appointment (we won't do an analysis without an appointment, and we don't care that another doctor prescribed this analysis for you, and not you yourself invented it). Actually, I did not understand what the doctor's appointment was, worth 1,500 rubles, for which I was forced to pay.

But this is not even the most unpleasant. And the fact that after arriving, I spent another half hour trying to find out from the receptionist girls how much money I would have to pay in the end. Only after I said that I was limited in money, and if they didn't tell me the full amount, I would be forced to leave, the girls started calling someone and finding out how much it was worth.

Third, I don't like it when I have to pull every word out of him at a doctor's appointment. I don't need to quote medical encyclopedias, but when I'm the only one talking, I'm not satisfied either.

I don't know, maybe there is such a policy in ON clinics (in principle, the same was observed in the children's department), maybe they are forbidden to talk a lot, so as not to say too much.

Well, what is the logical conclusion of my visit:

the results were promised to be sent by e-mail. I didn't get the results at the right time-I started calling the clinic.
There is no direct phone number. Communication is only through the cool center. They connect, the clinic does not pick up the phone. On the 25th attempt I was lucky. They connected, stated their problem, promised to send it right away (and why was it not sent at the right time).
An hour has passed - there are no letters.
Again, the same rigmarole with a dialer, again they promise to send it right away.
In general, the sensations are not pleasant. The sediment is cloudy .

PS And also, I'm very interested in why they need so many female administrators with such a small building? There are several girls on each floor, in addition to those who meet at the entrance. Or does each of their doctors have a personal secretary?
In the middle of the cycle, I felt discomfort in a feminine way. I handed over smears and a band to a gynecologist at a local polyclinic for consultation. I was completely disappointed with the reception. Not only did I spend more than an hour in the queue, but they didn't really tell me anything at the reception. Like, everything is fine, make baths with chamomile.
After that, I signed up at the On Clinic on Zubovsky Boulevard to Elena Vasilyevna Ionova. When I went to the clinic, I was worried that the doctor would not take tests from another med. institutions, will force them to retake. But no, there is a service right here-interpretation of the results obtained in another institution.
Firstly, the doctor paid full attention to me. She was in no hurry, was not distracted by anything, spoke only to me, clearly, clearly. Secondly, my tests were fully studied and one of the first questions of the gynecologist put everything in its place. She asked if I had visited any reservoirs, pools, saunas, etc. Indeed, I went to the pool several times and once after the swim I went to the sauna right there in the sports complex. Here, due to contact with bleach, the microflora was slightly disturbed.
The doctor calmed down, explained everything in detail - why this is happening, what symptoms, etc. Prescribed candles to restore normal microflora.
I am grateful for the professional reception, calmness and correct appointment.
Unfortunately, in recent years, health has deteriorated dramatically. Constant work, business trips, loads, etc. weakened the immune system and overall health. At the insistence of his wife, he immediately turned to a paid clinic, he is a clinic, motivated by the fact that there are good specialists here, the opportunity to be examined on the spot. I turned to Zubovsky Boulevard, a therapist's appointment, after which 4 types of ultrasound, ECG, Echocardiography were prescribed. In general, such a comprehensive examination is not cheap for payment.
But I can see for myself that they did not prescribe anything superfluous and everything was necessary for a complete diagnosis and in the future, for determining treatment. What I liked: the polite staff, the internal arrangement of the hospital, soft sofas in the corridor, a TV, even a table with a book, although I think that the book is superfluous, you won't be here for so long to have enough time to read the book.
As for the therapist, I was with Fedorova L. G., as the doctor impressed me, correctly conducted the appointment, was in the office for a long time, first she listened to me, and then I listened to her. Today the situation is like this, I am undergoing treatment according to an individual plan. In general, it's too early to talk about recovery, since the sores have been accumulating for years, but I can note a good result, this is a reduction in headaches and stability of blood pressure. I continue the treatment. I do not plan to change the doctor, so far everything is fine.
Greetings to everyone who came here to read my review! I really want my story to save you from unnecessary expenses and save your nerves!

For a long time I was tormented by regular and very abundant bleeding from the anus. They passed absolutely without pain, so it was difficult to make a diagnosis without an appropriate examination. I needed a colonoscopy (a procedure in which a tube with a camera is inserted into the rectum as in gastroscopy and look at what's inside). The procedure is very informative, helps to identify the slightest inflammation or tumor.

I, having heard about the horrors of this study (pain, discomfort), decided to do it only under medical sleep. During the procedure, the patient is not conscious and does not feel anything. And after waking up, he wakes up within 15 minutes and can continue to go home. The perfect option for me!
In a dream, this procedure is not done everywhere, because this requires an anesthesiologist and special equipment, which is not available in all medical centers. After studying the prices on the market of medical services, I decided to opt for "ON Clinic", they also had the procedure "colonoscopy + gastroscopy in a dream". That is, under the same anesthesia, both the stomach and the esophagus and the intestines are examined simultaneously. I decided to do everything at once, for prevention.

To make it clear, this study is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, and also 3 days before the procedure, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet (eat some broths) and a day before the colonoscopy, you need to stop eating ANY FOOD and drink 4 liters of laxative. That is, so that you understand, a person goes to this procedure very hungry and exhausted.

My appointment was at 15:00. I came to the clinic in advance, half an hour in advance. The first impression turned out to be very positive: friendly staff, clean cozy corridors, there are all amenities and a wardrobe. I signed all the necessary papers, took an ECG, donated blood, talked to a therapist and an anesthesiologist. They asked me to wait in the corridor, they said they would call me. That's all. I waited under the doors of the office for 1.5 hours! I was constantly running to the reception and swearing that I was insanely hungry and was going to faint, please hurry up the doctor. They answered me: "We have a problem patient, wait." As a result, I was allowed into the office only at 16:15! And for such an attitude to myself, I paid 15 thousand!

I might have left if I didn't have to prepare for this procedure for 3 days. It's not for nothing that I suffered from a diet and 4 liters of laxative, it's not for nothing that I came to the other end of the city on an empty stomach.

I will omit the details about the procedure itself, I will only say that it is very comfortable and did not cause me any problems.

After the procedure, the doctor said that I had extensive foci of inflammation and he had to take a biopsy. The "pieces" of the material were sent to the laboratory and then, based on the examination under the microscope, a diagnosis will be made. And then I will need to come to their specialist to be prescribed treatment.
I agreed that the doctor did everything right and waited for the results.

When I received them, I was in complete shock and I was depressed for 2 weeks. I was diagnosed with "chronic erosive colitis". But I was in no hurry to run for the appointment of treatment, the diagnosis shocked me. There can be no such disease without symptoms and pain!
I decided to double-check the diagnosis in another clinic. I chose "Invitro". This is an independent diagnostic laboratory, they are not particularly interested in falsifying the results.

And what would you think? After doing a study in 2 months in "Invitro", I heard that I have a perfect intestine and there is no hint of inflammation, and the bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids! The doctor said that he didn't even have to take a biopsy, because everything is already visible - the intestines are healthy! According to the doctor: "It could not pass by itself, with this diagnosis, strong drugs and a diet are prescribed. You didn't have erosive colitis."
That is, it turns out that "ON Clinic" added an extra 3,500 rubles to the 12,000 rubles I paid for a biopsy, which they did not take (because there was nothing to take) and sent me a fake conclusion about the disease with the hope that I would return to them "to be treated".
And what would have happened if I hadn't double-checked the result and started drinking medications I didn't need? How long would this money-sucking last?

I do not advise anyone to apply here and finance this sharazhkin's office! They will strip you like a stick and plant your nerves and health, writing out medicines that you do not need!

P.S. I put one star only for the anesthesiologist, who I liked, so I would give zero at all.
I had an ultrasound today at the On Clinic, I had to confirm the pregnancy. I was very worried that there was a uterine and that everything was in order at all. They received me on time, provided me with a clean disposable diaper, shoe covers and paper towels to wipe off the gel. At first, they just looked at the stomach, then intravaginally. When I was there, the ultrasound technician printed out a new condom and put it on the device. The procedure itself was carried out very carefully, just as much as possible, I am very grateful for this, my excitement was probably noticeable. During the ultrasound, the doctor touched her stomach several times and at the same time put a napkin under her hand (which was already in a glove). That is, great care was taken about the patient. They talked to me calmly as soon as the doctor saw that the pregnancy was uterine - she immediately said about it, did not torment, did not test patience. Encouragingly told me that everything is fine! The pregnancy was confirmed!!! Hooray! 4 weeks! It's all right! They gave me a picture, we admire it with my husband all day)) Thank you for the delicacy, accuracy and support during the procedure!
Good day to all! I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the on-line baby clinics on Vorontsovskaya. On August 4 of this year, I came with my child to take a general blood test and bacterial culture from the nose. In general, my child is not a timid one, but the walls of any polyclinic frighten him. He does not throw tantrums, but it goes very badly for a conflict with doctors or nurses. This time, too, I came very tense. The nurse girls saw it right away and started talking not about the analysis, but about other things that interested my child. And in a short time he was able to relax a little and allowed to take blood. I can't say that I was very happy, I was worried anyway, but at least I didn't twitch, which made the nurse's work easier. It was easier with the nose, everything went without any problems. Thank you for your attentiveness, patience and understanding of what is happening. It's nice when the medical staff finds an approach to children. I recommend the clinic, we were comfortable at the time of our stay. And of course, good health to everyone!
I was presented with a certificate for cosmetic procedures in an onclinic =) Here is a gift made for my modest anniversary. By the way, I look good for 30 years, but I, like any woman, sometimes want to treat myself to care, and not at home, but in a salon or at a cosmetologist. So the gift was very successful, without a hint that it was time to start taking care of yourself.
I signed up for the OnClinic for the first time just a week ago. So far, I have only gone to the consultation, where I was told what can be done for me: peeling, massage, removal of a mole (which does not particularly bother me), epilation. Nothing so super special was recommended, and I probably will go to all this until the certificate runs out. Only I won't touch the mole.
Actually, the review will affect only the clinic itself so far. The impression she made on me - WOW! AND THAT'S ALL FOR ME? The building where it is located is impressive in size. There is a large private Parking for cars in the courtyard. There are several entrances (separate for children's and adult departments).
Beauty, order and some kind of solemnity reign inside. You immediately realize that you did not come to some sharashkin's office, but to a serious but beautiful place. Doctors are busily scurrying back and forth, smiling at the meeting. The girls at the reception are kindness and politeness itself. The documents were issued quickly, showed where to go. The cosmetology department is located separately from the rest of the clinic, on a separate floor.
I waited for the cosmetologist for 10 minutes. But then we worked with her to the fullest. I was pleasantly surprised that there was no outright imposition of services. Everything is somehow by itself, in the format of recommendations. And I wasn't offered something that my skin frankly doesn't need. That's why I have such a simple list of recommended procedures. I left the office with the desire to go through almost everything, in a great mood and without feeling deceived and have already signed up for the epilation procedure. Due to the fact that there are a lot of patients in the clinic, it was difficult to get to a convenient time after 19 o'clock, and I was booked a week later than planned. Well, I will now make an appointment for the rest of the sessions in advance.
From the point of view of beauty and aesthetics, the clinic is a real storehouse of benefits. I can't say anything in other areas, but cosmetology here is at a high and very professional level.
I strongly do not recommend this clinic for vaccination. There are no complaints about the reception (3600 rubles for two visits to the therapist) and the vaccine itself. But that's not the main thing. You can also go for free in polyclinics and even parks. Going to a private clinic, you count on quality and service first of all.
As a result, at the first stage you get an incorrectly issued certificate. You ask (you ask to redo it), you agree to pick it up another day. You give time for correction. But alas and ah, they return it to you from the Deputy head of the doctor Egorova M. Yu. without comments. A personal visit to this employee gave a certain understanding that you are not understood. Firstly, they claim that they see your incorrectly issued certificate for the first time, and secondly, if you want to fix it, write a statement!!! Passport, policy and opa... SNILS, because according to some new rules, snils is mandatory. but no one asked him when they did 2 vaccinations and everyone who was in the queue for the vaccine also came without snils. The situation is clear: every gopher in the field is an agronomist. After checking in their database, they do not find a second vaccination, they promise to correct the situation. They issue a duplicate certificate. It was 16.07. Today 4.08 the situation is not fixed. There is still no second vaccination on public services (it was carried out on 26.06), respectively, and the QR code too. No calls to the call center and a telephone conversation with Egorova solve the problem. You leave your data, no one calls you, and I'm not talking about apologizing for the nerves, money and time spent. Since the deputy head of the doctor Egorov does not cope with the task, then apparently the head of the doctor Lysenko is satisfied with everything. I will contact the relevant authorities to conduct an audit of this organization. And I strongly recommend not to get vaccinated in this clinic. PS my data is in the phone calls, so please do not write a response asking me to contact. I've already knocked on all the doors, the result is zero.
Hello everyone Since last year, I have had a problem with my nails. They not only became weak and brittle, but also signs of fungus began to appear. I think that all this could have happened due to the fact that for several years I have been building up gel nails for myself. In the pursuit of beauty, I lost healthy nails. And the most unpleasant thing is when the master removes the old nails and sees an obvious problem, he says that it's okay that he will clean everything now, we will make new nails and there will be beauty. This is certainly good, but the problem is not eliminated from this, but on the contrary, deepens. And just recently, having taken off my beautiful nails once again, I decided that it was time to take a break, or rather to start treating them. Since I have not encountered this before, I immediately went to a dermatologist. Without tests, it is impossible to make an exact conclusion about how and what to treat, so the doctor gave a referral for examination. Advanced seeding for fungal diseases and plate examination. The result of the tests certainly did not please, we need serious treatment to restore! It's my own fault that I allowed such a state, I saw it, it was necessary to take measures quickly, and not wait for something! But I am glad that I got here to a good doctor, I was able to pass the necessary tests on the spot. Now there is a long period of treatment ahead
Not so long ago, I underwent a comprehensive examination by an osteopath. Because of some violations, the doctor told me to take certain tests. Some things could be taken at the polyclinic at the place of residence, and an important analysis was advised to take in a paid laboratory in order to get an accurate result. My wife referred me to on-line clinics, as she herself repeatedly used their services. I called beforehand, clarified what was needed for this. We consulted by phone from A to Z. It's good that we were warned, otherwise I would have come in vain. An analysis on an empty stomach is given, previously before that the food is not fatty, exclude alcohol and without physical exertion. Preliminary registration is not required for the analysis, on a first-come, first-served basis. the service is paid before the procedure. Medical care is normal, in a word, I liked it.
I won't write nasty things. Basically, they didn't do anything wrong to me.

But I didn't feel much joy from visiting this clinic either. We have already been with a child in the On clinic Baby. Now I had a chance to visit the adult department.

What is "wrong" for me there

First, the prices. It is higher than in similar other places. But I needed a special study, which in other places would have to wait in turn. Only, probably, this prompted me to visit the On clinic.
Although some people said to me: think about why there is a queue everywhere, but there is no one in this clinic. Oh well...

Secondly, not competent girls are administrators. They told me one amount on the phone. When I arrived, I found out that I would have to pay another couple of thousand more, allegedly for a doctor's appointment (we won't do an analysis without an appointment, and we don't care that another doctor prescribed this analysis for you, and not you yourself invented it). Actually, I did not understand what the doctor's appointment was, worth 1,500 rubles, for which I was forced to pay.

But this is not even the most unpleasant. And the fact that after arriving, I spent another half hour trying to find out from the receptionist girls how much money I would have to pay in the end. Only after I said that I was limited in money, and if they didn't tell me the full amount, I would be forced to leave, the girls started calling someone and finding out how much it was worth.

Third, I don't like it when I have to pull every word out of him at a doctor's appointment. I don't need to quote medical encyclopedias, but when I'm the only one talking, I'm not satisfied either.

I don't know, maybe there is such a policy in ON clinics (in principle, the same was observed in the children's department), maybe they are forbidden to talk a lot, so as not to say too much.

Well, what is the logical conclusion of my visit:

the results were promised to be sent by e-mail. I didn't get the results at the right time-I started calling the clinic.
There is no direct phone number. Communication is only through the cool center. They connect, the clinic does not pick up the phone. On the 25th attempt I was lucky. They connected, stated their problem, promised to send it right away (and why was it not sent at the right time).
An hour has passed - there are no letters.
Again, the same rigmarole with a dialer, again they promise to send it right away.
In general, the sensations are not pleasant. The sediment is cloudy .

PS And also, I'm very interested in why they need so many female administrators with such a small building? There are several girls on each floor, in addition to those who meet at the entrance. Or does each of their doctors have a personal secretary?
In the middle of the cycle, I felt discomfort in a feminine way. I handed over smears and a band to a gynecologist at a local polyclinic for consultation. I was completely disappointed with the reception. Not only did I spend more than an hour in the queue, but they didn't really tell me anything at the reception. Like, everything is fine, make baths with chamomile.
After that, I signed up at the On Clinic on Zubovsky Boulevard to Elena Vasilyevna Ionova. When I went to the clinic, I was worried that the doctor would not take tests from another med. institutions, will force them to retake. But no, there is a service right here-interpretation of the results obtained in another institution.
Firstly, the doctor paid full attention to me. She was in no hurry, was not distracted by anything, spoke only to me, clearly, clearly. Secondly, my tests were fully studied and one of the first questions of the gynecologist put everything in its place. She asked if I had visited any reservoirs, pools, saunas, etc. Indeed, I went to the pool several times and once after the swim I went to the sauna right there in the sports complex. Here, due to contact with bleach, the microflora was slightly disturbed.
The doctor calmed down, explained everything in detail - why this is happening, what symptoms, etc. Prescribed candles to restore normal microflora.
I am grateful for the professional reception, calmness and correct appointment.
Unfortunately, in recent years, health has deteriorated dramatically. Constant work, business trips, loads, etc. weakened the immune system and overall health. At the insistence of his wife, he immediately turned to a paid clinic, he is a clinic, motivated by the fact that there are good specialists here, the opportunity to be examined on the spot. I turned to Zubovsky Boulevard, a therapist's appointment, after which 4 types of ultrasound, ECG, Echocardiography were prescribed. In general, such a comprehensive examination is not cheap for payment.
But I can see for myself that they did not prescribe anything superfluous and everything was necessary for a complete diagnosis and in the future, for determining treatment. What I liked: the polite staff, the internal arrangement of the hospital, soft sofas in the corridor, a TV, even a table with a book, although I think that the book is superfluous, you won't be here for so long to have enough time to read the book.
As for the therapist, I was with Fedorova L. G., as the doctor impressed me, correctly conducted the appointment, was in the office for a long time, first she listened to me, and then I listened to her. Today the situation is like this, I am undergoing treatment according to an individual plan. In general, it's too early to talk about recovery, since the sores have been accumulating for years, but I can note a good result, this is a reduction in headaches and stability of blood pressure. I continue the treatment. I do not plan to change the doctor, so far everything is fine.
Greetings to everyone who came here to read my review! I really want my story to save you from unnecessary expenses and save your nerves!

For a long time I was tormented by regular and very abundant bleeding from the anus. They passed absolutely without pain, so it was difficult to make a diagnosis without an appropriate examination. I needed a colonoscopy (a procedure in which a tube with a camera is inserted into the rectum as in gastroscopy and look at what's inside). The procedure is very informative, helps to identify the slightest inflammation or tumor.

I, having heard about the horrors of this study (pain, discomfort), decided to do it only under medical sleep. During the procedure, the patient is not conscious and does not feel anything. And after waking up, he wakes up within 15 minutes and can continue to go home. The perfect option for me!
In a dream, this procedure is not done everywhere, because this requires an anesthesiologist and special equipment, which is not available in all medical centers. After studying the prices on the market of medical services, I decided to opt for "ON Clinic", they also had the procedure "colonoscopy + gastroscopy in a dream". That is, under the same anesthesia, both the stomach and the esophagus and the intestines are examined simultaneously. I decided to do everything at once, for prevention.

To make it clear, this study is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, and also 3 days before the procedure, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet (eat some broths) and a day before the colonoscopy, you need to stop eating ANY FOOD and drink 4 liters of laxative. That is, so that you understand, a person goes to this procedure very hungry and exhausted.

My appointment was at 15:00. I came to the clinic in advance, half an hour in advance. The first impression turned out to be very positive: friendly staff, clean cozy corridors, there are all amenities and a wardrobe. I signed all the necessary papers, took an ECG, donated blood, talked to a therapist and an anesthesiologist. They asked me to wait in the corridor, they said they would call me. That's all. I waited under the doors of the office for 1.5 hours! I was constantly running to the reception and swearing that I was insanely hungry and was going to faint, please hurry up the doctor. They answered me: "We have a problem patient, wait." As a result, I was allowed into the office only at 16:15! And for such an attitude to myself, I paid 15 thousand!

I might have left if I didn't have to prepare for this procedure for 3 days. It's not for nothing that I suffered from a diet and 4 liters of laxative, it's not for nothing that I came to the other end of the city on an empty stomach.

I will omit the details about the procedure itself, I will only say that it is very comfortable and did not cause me any problems.

After the procedure, the doctor said that I had extensive foci of inflammation and he had to take a biopsy. The "pieces" of the material were sent to the laboratory and then, based on the examination under the microscope, a diagnosis will be made. And then I will need to come to their specialist to be prescribed treatment.
I agreed that the doctor did everything right and waited for the results.

When I received them, I was in complete shock and I was depressed for 2 weeks. I was diagnosed with "chronic erosive colitis". But I was in no hurry to run for the appointment of treatment, the diagnosis shocked me. There can be no such disease without symptoms and pain!
I decided to double-check the diagnosis in another clinic. I chose "Invitro". This is an independent diagnostic laboratory, they are not particularly interested in falsifying the results.

And what would you think? After doing a study in 2 months in "Invitro", I heard that I have a perfect intestine and there is no hint of inflammation, and the bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids! The doctor said that he didn't even have to take a biopsy, because everything is already visible - the intestines are healthy! According to the doctor: "It could not pass by itself, with this diagnosis, strong drugs and a diet are prescribed. You didn't have erosive colitis."
That is, it turns out that "ON Clinic" added an extra 3,500 rubles to the 12,000 rubles I paid for a biopsy, which they did not take (because there was nothing to take) and sent me a fake conclusion about the disease with the hope that I would return to them "to be treated".
And what would have happened if I hadn't double-checked the result and started drinking medications I didn't need? How long would this money-sucking last?

I do not advise anyone to apply here and finance this sharazhkin's office! They will strip you like a stick and plant your nerves and health, writing out medicines that you do not need!

P.S. I put one star only for the anesthesiologist, who I liked, so I would give zero at all.
I had an ultrasound today at the On Clinic, I had to confirm the pregnancy. I was very worried that there was a uterine and that everything was in order at all. They received me on time, provided me with a clean disposable diaper, shoe covers and paper towels to wipe off the gel. At first, they just looked at the stomach, then intravaginally. When I was there, the ultrasound technician printed out a new condom and put it on the device. The procedure itself was carried out very carefully, just as much as possible, I am very grateful for this, my excitement was probably noticeable. During the ultrasound, the doctor touched her stomach several times and at the same time put a napkin under her hand (which was already in a glove). That is, great care was taken about the patient. They talked to me calmly as soon as the doctor saw that the pregnancy was uterine - she immediately said about it, did not torment, did not test patience. Encouragingly told me that everything is fine! The pregnancy was confirmed!!! Hooray! 4 weeks! It's all right! They gave me a picture, we admire it with my husband all day)) Thank you for the delicacy, accuracy and support during the procedure!
Good day to all! I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the on-line baby clinics on Vorontsovskaya. On August 4 of this year, I came with my child to take a general blood test and bacterial culture from the nose. In general, my child is not a timid one, but the walls of any polyclinic frighten him. He does not throw tantrums, but it goes very badly for a conflict with doctors or nurses. This time, too, I came very tense. The nurse girls saw it right away and started talking not about the analysis, but about other things that interested my child. And in a short time he was able to relax a little and allowed to take blood. I can't say that I was very happy, I was worried anyway, but at least I didn't twitch, which made the nurse's work easier. It was easier with the nose, everything went without any problems. Thank you for your attentiveness, patience and understanding of what is happening. It's nice when the medical staff finds an approach to children. I recommend the clinic, we were comfortable at the time of our stay. And of course, good health to everyone!
I was presented with a certificate for cosmetic procedures in an onclinic =) Here is a gift made for my modest anniversary. By the way, I look good for 30 years, but I, like any woman, sometimes want to treat myself to care, and not at home, but in a salon or at a cosmetologist. So the gift was very successful, without a hint that it was time to start taking care of yourself.
I signed up for the OnClinic for the first time just a week ago. So far, I have only gone to the consultation, where I was told what can be done for me: peeling, massage, removal of a mole (which does not particularly bother me), epilation. Nothing so super special was recommended, and I probably will go to all this until the certificate runs out. Only I won't touch the mole.
Actually, the review will affect only the clinic itself so far. The impression she made on me - WOW! AND THAT'S ALL FOR ME? The building where it is located is impressive in size. There is a large private Parking for cars in the courtyard. There are several entrances (separate for children's and adult departments).
Beauty, order and some kind of solemnity reign inside. You immediately realize that you did not come to some sharashkin's office, but to a serious but beautiful place. Doctors are busily scurrying back and forth, smiling at the meeting. The girls at the reception are kindness and politeness itself. The documents were issued quickly, showed where to go. The cosmetology department is located separately from the rest of the clinic, on a separate floor.
I waited for the cosmetologist for 10 minutes. But then we worked with her to the fullest. I was pleasantly surprised that there was no outright imposition of services. Everything is somehow by itself, in the format of recommendations. And I wasn't offered something that my skin frankly doesn't need. That's why I have such a simple list of recommended procedures. I left the office with the desire to go through almost everything, in a great mood and without feeling deceived and have already signed up for the epilation procedure. Due to the fact that there are a lot of patients in the clinic, it was difficult to get to a convenient time after 19 o'clock, and I was booked a week later than planned. Well, I will now make an appointment for the rest of the sessions in advance.
From the point of view of beauty and aesthetics, the clinic is a real storehouse of benefits. I can't say anything in other areas, but cosmetology here is at a high and very professional level.
I strongly do not recommend this clinic for vaccination. There are no complaints about the reception (3600 rubles for two visits to the therapist) and the vaccine itself. But that's not the main thing. You can also go for free in polyclinics and even parks. Going to a private clinic, you count on quality and service first of all.
As a result, at the first stage you get an incorrectly issued certificate. You ask (you ask to redo it), you agree to pick it up another day. You give time for correction. But alas and ah, they return it to you from the Deputy head of the doctor Egorova M. Yu. without comments. A personal visit to this employee gave a certain understanding that you are not understood. Firstly, they claim that they see your incorrectly issued certificate for the first time, and secondly, if you want to fix it, write a statement!!! Passport, policy and opa... SNILS, because according to some new rules, snils is mandatory. but no one asked him when they did 2 vaccinations and everyone who was in the queue for the vaccine also came without snils. The situation is clear: every gopher in the field is an agronomist. After checking in their database, they do not find a second vaccination, they promise to correct the situation. They issue a duplicate certificate. It was 16.07. Today 4.08 the situation is not fixed. There is still no second vaccination on public services (it was carried out on 26.06), respectively, and the QR code too. No calls to the call center and a telephone conversation with Egorova solve the problem. You leave your data, no one calls you, and I'm not talking about apologizing for the nerves, money and time spent. Since the deputy head of the doctor Egorov does not cope with the task, then apparently the head of the doctor Lysenko is satisfied with everything. I will contact the relevant authorities to conduct an audit of this organization. And I strongly recommend not to get vaccinated in this clinic. PS my data is in the phone calls, so please do not write a response asking me to contact. I've already knocked on all the doors, the result is zero.
Hello everyone Since last year, I have had a problem with my nails. They not only became weak and brittle, but also signs of fungus began to appear. I think that all this could have happened due to the fact that for several years I have been building up gel nails for myself. In the pursuit of beauty, I lost healthy nails. And the most unpleasant thing is when the master removes the old nails and sees an obvious problem, he says that it's okay that he will clean everything now, we will make new nails and there will be beauty. This is certainly good, but the problem is not eliminated from this, but on the contrary, deepens. And just recently, having taken off my beautiful nails once again, I decided that it was time to take a break, or rather to start treating them. Since I have not encountered this before, I immediately went to a dermatologist. Without tests, it is impossible to make an exact conclusion about how and what to treat, so the doctor gave a referral for examination. Advanced seeding for fungal diseases and plate examination. The result of the tests certainly did not please, we need serious treatment to restore! It's my own fault that I allowed such a state, I saw it, it was necessary to take measures quickly, and not wait for something! But I am glad that I got here to a good doctor, I was able to pass the necessary tests on the spot. Now there is a long period of treatment ahead
Not so long ago, I underwent a comprehensive examination by an osteopath. Because of some violations, the doctor told me to take certain tests. Some things could be taken at the polyclinic at the place of residence, and an important analysis was advised to take in a paid laboratory in order to get an accurate result. My wife referred me to on-line clinics, as she herself repeatedly used their services. I called beforehand, clarified what was needed for this. We consulted by phone from A to Z. It's good that we were warned, otherwise I would have come in vain. An analysis on an empty stomach is given, previously before that the food is not fatty, exclude alcohol and without physical exertion. Preliminary registration is not required for the analysis, on a first-come, first-served basis. the service is paid before the procedure. Medical care is normal, in a word, I liked it.

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7