Perfecto Room Clinic in Kiev (Ukraine)
Clinic specialization
For more than a quarter of a century, the Perfecto Room clinic in Kiev has been helping its clients to emphasize their beauty, as well as to improve the quality of life. During the work of the clinic, 15 thousand patients passed through the doctors of the Perfecto Room. It provides medical care in the following main areas:
therapy (cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestion, genitourinary system, endocrine system, blood diseases);
dermatology and cosmetology;
gynecological surgery;
reconstructive surgery;
stem cell treatment;
plastic surgery;
intimate plastic surgery;
treatment of impotence;
treatment of type 2 diabetes.
The professionalism of the Perfecto Room team is confirmed by numerous certificates. Periodic internships abroad are an integral part of the training of the clinic's doctors. This approach has predetermined the openness of the Perfecto Room for foreign patients – because here they are spoken to in their own language. No doctor's decision is made without a preliminary diagnosis. The Perfecto Room uses the newest methods, including genetic screening, detailed laboratory tests to obtain reliable and complete information. The modern equipment of the clinic is complemented by a high level of comfort at every stage of your stay in this institution
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.