Private drug treatment clinic Medicine Plus in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)

Private drug treatment clinic Medicine Plus in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)

Russia , Nizhny Novgorod

Clinic specialization

Cardiac surgery
Narcology and alcoholism

Medicine Plus is a private narcological clinic that provides assistance to patients with alcoholism and drug addiction 24 hours a day. The specialists of the center are in touch with the relatives of patients around the clock and are ready to leave on an urgent call within 30 minutes.
  At the initial stage of treatment, the patient's body is detoxified. This can be done both in a hospital setting and at home. The procedure is necessary in order to reduce the negative impact of alcohol or narcotic substances, to weaken the withdrawal syndrome and to achieve the patient's sanity.
  Patients with alcohol dependence often need to be taken out of a binge. This procedure includes detoxification, symptomatic treatment of the consequences of prolonged alcohol consumption and the development of a persistent aversion to it.
  There are various types of exposure, used to prevent subsequent use of the drugs:
  • medical treatment;
  • psychological;
  • electrophysiological.
  After a thorough examination and determination of the severity of addiction, the narcologist develops an individual rehabilitation program.
  Rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts at the second and third stages of the disease is carried out in a specialized rehabilitation center according to the 12-step system. In this case, the patient is completely isolated from society and devotes all his time to healing. Hospitalization is possible only with the patient’s consent.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Diagnosis of alcoholism
от 23
Comprehensive diagnostics for drug addiction
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Consultation of a narcologist
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Treatment of drug addiction
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Online consultation of a rehabilitation doctor
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Inpatient rehabilitation (1 day)
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Rehabilitation for multiple sclerosis
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Free consultation
Phone number
and (optional)
You need your consent to the processing of personal data.
We will contact you ASAP

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Clinic doctors

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7