Retina Ophthalmology Clinic in Warsaw (Poland)
Clinic specialization
Retina Ophthalmology Clinic is one of the best medical centers in Poland, which treats a wide range of eye diseases and is equipped with the latest technology.
In addition to treating eye diseases directly, the clinic also provides:
treatment of skin injuries,
eyelid surgery,
cryotherapy of the retina in diabetes mellitus and various forms of glaucoma,
studies of genetic predisposition to various eye diseases.
The clinic's specialists use the most accurate diagnostic methods to determine the cause of the disease and select the best treatment: OCT tomograph, biomicroscope, exophthalmometer, GDX device, as well as autorefractometer. All surgical interventions are carried outwithin a day without the need for a long stay in the hospital. A special feature of the clinic is to provide relatives and persons accompanying the patient with Internet control over the course of the operation, which allows them to follow all the manipulations of the surgeon in real time.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.