Kirov’s Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Clinic specialization
Kirov’s Military Medical Academy was founded in 1798 by Russian Emperor Paul I, and for more than 200 years it has been one of the main institutions for training military and civilian medical specialists.
The Academy includes 32 specialized clinics that provide more than 5,000 different medical services for military personnel and the civilians. The academy employs highly qualified specialists, uses modern equipment and advanced treatment methods. The Academy offers various types of medical care, including diagnosis, disease treatment, rehabilitation and prevention.
Academy’s main directions:
- obstetrics and gynecology;
- allergology and immunology;
- gastroenterology;
- hematology;
- dermatovenerology;
- cardiology;
- radiology diagnostics;
- neurology;
- neurosurgery;
- otolaryngology;
- traumatology and orthopedics;
- surgery.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.