Diagnostics and treatment Oncology from the best doctors in Ukraine

Diagnostics and treatment Oncology from the best doctors in Ukraine

5 doctors  ready give remote consultation. Information about doctors provided by clinics

Odarchenko Sergey Petrovich-Candidate of Medical Sciences, oncosurgeon of the highest category.

Oleg Grigoryevich Yarmak-Head of the Department. department of radiation therapy of the clinic "Spizhenko", radiation oncologist.
Radiology Oncology
Lina Nikolaevna Iragosova-Head of the Department. department of Oncogynecology of the clinic "Spizhenko", oncogynecologist.
Oncology Obstetrics and gynecology

 Sergey Bredun - oncologist, proctologist, clinical oncologist, urologist.

Oncology Urology

 Kukushkina Maria Nikolaevna-oncodermatologist, oncosurgeon.

Oncology Dermatology