Jaume Mora Graupera

Jaume Mora Graupera

Spain , Барселона
Main stream
Pediatric oncology
Speaks in tongues
English, Spanish

 Jaume Mora Graupera is the head of the Oncology Department and the head of the Tumor laboratory at the Children's Hospital of San Joan de Deu.

The doctor treats all types of childhood cancer of various stages of severity. Actively participates in research activities in the field of oncology.

He is an honorary member of: the Spanish and Catalan Society of Pediatrics; the American Society for Cancer Research( AACR); the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO); the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP); the International Society of Histiocytosis; the Spanish Society of Pediatric Oncology (SEHOP).