Best Oncohematology clinics in France
Curie Cancer Institute in Paris (France)
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Pediatric oncology Radiology Transplantology more 1

  The Curie Cancer Institute is the leading cancer center in Europe, which is recognized by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and the Association of Pediatric Oncology of France (SFCE). Specialists of the clinic treat all types of cancer of stage 1-4 of varying degrees of complexity (with metastases, violation of the functions of organs that surround the tumor).

Pitie-Salpetriere State Hospital in Paris (France)
10 reviews
Pitie-Salpetriere is a multidisciplinary state hospital consisting of 10 specialized centers and 90 buildings. It was founded in 1656. Sigmund Freud and Jean-Martin Charcot worked here.
Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif (France)
9 reviews
Oncology Surgery Therapy Rehabilitation Oncohematology Radiology Pediatric oncology Proctology more 4
The GustaveRoussy Institute is a specialized center for the treatment of oncological diseases, being among the top ten medical institutions in the world in this profile. To optimize the methods, contracts were signed with leading specialized medical institutions in Europe, Asia and America.