Cleveland Clinic (USA)
Clinic specialization
The Cleveland Clinic is one of the largest in the United States. It occupies the leading position in the ranking of hospitals in the country. In such areas as cardiac surgery and urology, it is number one, and the merits in gastroenterology, rheumatology and liver diseases put it in the second place. The history of the medical center began in 1921, when its specialization was limited to cardiovascular diseases. Since then, all areas of medicine have developed well in the clinic. In a hundred years, more than one important breakthrough has been made within its walls:
serotonin discovery;
conducting the world's first coronary artery bypass grafting and coronary angiography;
discovery of carpal tunnel syndrome;
laryngeal and facial transplants;
removal of the kidney by transvaginal method.
The clinic has become one of the most respected medical institutions. Every year, about 55 thousand patients are hospitalized. These are the main diseases that are treated at the Cleveland Hospital:
laryngeal cancer;
coronary heart disease;
gastrointestinal diseases.
The Cleveland Clinic is considered to be one of the best hospitals in the United States. This is affirmed by such international awards as ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). In addition, the hospital provides training and advanced training of specialists, which lead to a constant reduction in medical errors.
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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)
Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.
How it works
Patient feedback on treatment:
Cleveland Clinic (USA)
Everyone treats you well there. If an employee understands that you can get lost in this huge institution, the employee, including the doctors themselves, will direct you or lead you to your destination with a smile.
They have their own police department, so you feel safe every time you visit their campus. There are many magnificent open spaces and huge corridors inside, so it looks like a shopping center with shops, restaurants and other amenities.
Very effective planning. In one 7-hour working day, my wife passed three diagnostic tests and went to four doctors.
Everyone treats you well there. If an employee understands that you can get lost in this huge institution, the employee, including the doctors themselves, will direct you or lead you to your destination with a smile.
They have their own police department, so you feel safe every time you visit their campus. There are many magnificent open spaces and huge corridors inside, so it looks like a shopping center with shops, restaurants and other amenities.
Very effective planning. In one 7-hour working day, my wife passed three diagnostic tests and went to four doctors.