Russia: best clinics (oncohematology)

Russia: best clinics (oncohematology)

24clinics in 1 country
Volgograd Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Volgograd
11 reviews
Oncohematology Oncology Pediatric oncology Radiology Surgery more 1
Specialized medical care for cancer patients in the Volgograd region has been provided since 1935. This function is effectively performed by theState budgetary healthcare institution“Volgograd Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary”(SBHI "VRCOD") since 1947. A large-scale modernization, aimed at technical re-equipment of the institution, improving the conditions of patient stay and general landscaping of the territory, was carried out here in 2017-2019.
Interregional Medical Center for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological Diseases in Voronezh (Russia)
Russia, Voronezh
10 reviews
Oncohematology Oncology Pediatric oncology Radiology
The Interregional Medical Center for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological Diseases started its work in July 2012. This institution specializes in the detection of oncological diseases at an early stage and their treatment. Since its opening, more than 75 thousand people have applied to the center.
Perm Regional Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Perm
10 reviews
Oncohematology Oncology Radiology
The Perm Regional Oncological dispensary has been operating since 1947 and today occupies a leading place among medical institutions in Russia
"Panacea" Medical Center in Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
Russia, Krasnoyarsk
10 reviews
Infectious diseases Hepatology Obstetrics and gynecology Gastroenterology Dermatology Cardiology Endocrinology Neurology Oncology Oncohematology Therapy Urology more 8
The medical center "Panacea" is the first clinic in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the main specialization of which is the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases.
A.I. Kryzhanovsky's Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Krasnoyarsk
10 reviews
 Krasnoyarsk State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary named after A. I. Kryzhanovsky” (KSBHI “KRCOD named after A. I. Kryzhanovsky") counts its history since 1945, and it has been operating in its modern form since 2014. Every year, more than 175 thousand people apply to this institution, 34 thousand of the munder go various courses of treatment.
Regional Children's Clinical Hospital in Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
Russia, Rostov-on-Don
10 reviews
The Regional Children's Clinical Hospital of Rostov-on-Don is a large state multidisciplinary medical center providing highly qualified, high-tech medical care. Every year, more than 20 thousand children are treated at the hospital.
National Medical Research Center of Oncology of Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
Russia, Rostov-on-Don
10 reviews
Oncohematology Oncology Pediatric oncology Rehabilitation Radiology more 1

The National Medical Research Center of Oncology of Rostov-on-Don (FSBI "NMRC of Oncology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) is one of the leading medical institutions in Russia, where specialized advisory assistance, diagnosis and treatment of various oncological diseases are provided.
Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center in Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
Russia, Rostov-on-Don
10 reviews
The Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center (OСDC) is a leading medical and diagnostic institution in the South of Russia, provided with high-tech modern equipment.
RZD-Medicine Clinical Hospital in Samara (Russia)
Russia, Samara
10 reviews
RZD- Medicine Clinical Hospital is a modern multidisciplinary medical center offering services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, as well as a wide range of rehabilitation services. The hospital consists of a polyclinic for children and adults, therapeutic, surgical and endosurgical hospitals.
Samara Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Samara
10 reviews
Oncology Pediatric oncology Oncohematology Radiology Neurosurgery Pediatric neurosurgery Surgery Plastic surgery Rehabilitation more 5
The state budgetary healthcare institution "Samara Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary" is the largest cancer center in Europe that provides specialized medical care to patients with various neoplasms.
The hospital complex consists of a polyclinic, 37 medical and diagnostic departments, a 24-hour hospital and an operating unit, where up to 60 operations are performed daily.
Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Omsk
10 reviews
Pediatric oncology Oncology Oncohematology Radiology
 Omsk Clinical Oncological Dispensary is one of the largest state medical and preventive institutions in the region, which provides high-tech medical care to patients with malignant neoplasms of almost all localizations, with the exception of tumors of the central nervous system and visual organs.
Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary in Kazan (Russia)
Russia, Kazan
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Pediatric oncology Therapy Rehabilitation more 1
 The Kazan Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary is the leading medical institution of the Republic of Tatarstan specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases. The dispensary is a member of the European Association of Cancer Institutions (OECI), which unites more than 70 leading European cancer institutes.
Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (Russia)
Russia, Chelyabinsk
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Pediatric oncology Radiology
 The Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, founded in 1947, is the largest oncology clinic in the Southern Urals. The Center closely cooperates with the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIITF named after academician E. I. Zababakhin, the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", the European Association of Nuclear Medicine.
K-Test Oncology Clinic in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod
10 reviews
Immunology Surgery Oncology Oncohematology
 K-Test Cancer Clinic is a specialized private medical center that successfully uses the most modern methods of cancer treatment. It is headed by Professor I. D. Karev, who developed and introduced into clinical practice a method for treating malignant neoplasms with the help of ultrahigh-frequency hyperthermia.
Sverdlovsk Regional Oncological Dispensary in Yekaterinburg (Russia)
Russia, Yekaterinburg
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Therapy
  Sverdlovsk Regional Oncological Dispensary is the largest cancer center in the Urals. This is a well-equipped medical institution, where the leading specialists of the region work. The staff of the dispensary is regularly trained in modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, and then put them into practice.
E.N. Meshalkin Research Institute of Pathology of Blood Circulation in Novosibirsk (Russia)
Russia, Novosibirsk
10 reviews
Cardiac surgery Neurosurgery Radiology Oncohematology Rehabilitation Oncology more 2
 Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology named after academician E. N. Meshalkin is the largest specialized medical institution in the east of the country. It specializes in heart and vascular surgery. Operations for patients with disorders of cerebral circulation and malignant neoplasms are also performed here.
V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Russia, St. Petersburg
10 reviews
Rehabilitation Neurosurgery Cardiac surgery Cardiology Urology Oncology Pediatrics Oncohematology Ophthalmology Rheumatology Endocrinology Surgery more 8
 Almazov National Medical Research Center is a large multidisciplinary medical institution that provides high-tech specialized care to all the categories of the population. More than 185 thousand people apply here for consultations every year. Another 40 thousand receive full treatment.
N.N. Petrov's National Medical Research Center of Oncology in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Russia, St. Petersburg
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Radiology
   Medical Center named after N. N. Petrov is a state scientific and medical institution that is engaged in the search for new methods of treating oncological diseases and introducing them into clinical practice. NMRC was founded as the Institute of Oncology by Nikolai Nikolaevich Petrov in 1927. 
Family Clinic Network in Moscow (Russia)
Russia, Moscow
10 reviews

 Family Clinic is a network of multidisciplinary clinics that provide medical services in all areas. The first medical center with this name opened more than 25 years ago. Since then, the network has been constantly expanding, attracting the best specialists – doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, doctors of the highest category.

Network of clinics "On" in Moscow (Russia)
Russia, Moscow
10 reviews

 On Clinic is an international network of multidisciplinary clinics. Six of them are located in the center of Moscow, in close proximity to metro stations. The best specialists in more than 60 areas work here. This allows them to treat successfullyadults and children with any diseases.

Clinics: 1 - 20 of 24
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