Best clinics Oncology

Best clinics Oncology

16clinics in 11 countries
Kent Clinic in Izmir (Turkey)
Turkey, Izmir
10 reviews
Kent Alsancak Medical Center in Izmir has been operating since 2004. The medical institution provides services at the level of a university hospital and it is accredited by the Joint International Commission JCI.
Myongji Clinic in Koyange (South Korea)
South Korea, Koyange
10 reviews
Myongji Hospital is a relatively young medical institution. It opened its doors to patients in 1987. Today it is a large, modern medical center that has gained a high reputation as the best in Korea for the treatment of infectious diseases, kidney and liver diseases. The hospital consists of 33 departments, 28 specialized medical centers,and  24 clinics.
Central State Hospital in Dalian (China)
China, Dalian
1 review
The Central State Hospital in Dalian is a multidisciplinary medical institution that provides assistance to both Chinese citizens and foreigners. Thanks to the financial support of the state, the hospital management can maintain low prices for medical care. Treatment here will cost several times cheaper than in similar European clinics.
Clifford Clinic in Guangzhou (China)
China, Guangzhou
8 reviews
Clifford Hospital is the first clinic in China to receive international JCI accreditation. This is a modern medical center that provides assistance in almost all medical areas. Here, as in some other clinics of the East, they successfully combine modern methods of treatment with traditional Chinese medicine.
Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) in Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom)
Great Britain, Newcastle upon Tyne
10 reviews
The Royal Victoria Infirmary has been operating for more than 250 years. Today it is a modern medical institution in Newcastle, receiving about 140 thousand patients annually. The Royal Victoria Infirmary is the training base for the University of Newcastle. The clinic has a large maternity support center: more than 6 thousand babies are born here every year. 
Medistate Clinic in Istanbul (Turkey)
Turkey, Istanbul
20 reviews
Medistate is a large multidisciplinary clinic located in a picturesque area of Istanbul. It has received a JCI certificate, which confirms compliance with the highest European standards. Every year, patients from more than 40 countries come here.
Davidoff Cancer Center in Petah Tikva (Israel)
Israel, Petah Tikva
10 reviews
Oncology Rehabilitation Therapy Oncohematology Pediatric oncology more 1
The Davidoff Cancer Center (Davidoff Cancer Treatment and Research Center) is a modern medical institution opened in 2004. Since then, the popularity of the clinic has been constantly growing. Today, up to 30% of all cancer patients in the country apply here.
A.I. Kryzhanovsky's Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Krasnoyarsk
10 reviews
 Krasnoyarsk State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary named after A. I. Kryzhanovsky” (KSBHI “KRCOD named after A. I. Kryzhanovsky") counts its history since 1945, and it has been operating in its modern form since 2014. Every year, more than 175 thousand people apply to this institution, 34 thousand of the munder go various courses of treatment.
Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center in Moscow (Russia)
Russia, Moscow
10 reviews

Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center RAMS is one of the largest medical institutions of this profile in the world, the largest in Europe and Russia. The clinic is provided with modern equipment, which is constantly updated.

NeoLife Medical Center in Istanbul (Turkey)
Turkey, Istanbul
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Radiology Obstetrics and gynecology Urology Mammology Hematology Pulmonology Surgery Neurosurgery more 6

 NeoLife Medical Center is a specialized clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Evangelische Lungenklinik in Berlin (Germany)
Germany, Berlin
17 reviews
Pulmonology Therapy Oncology Surgery

The Evangelistic Clinic for Lung Diseases is one of the specialized centers of the Charite University Hospital. It provides assistance to patients suffering from lung diseases, including cancer. 

Salutaris Medical Center in Guadalajara (Mexico)
Mexico, Guadalajara
10 reviews
Plastic surgery Orthopedics and traumatology Obstetrics and gynecology Surgery Oncology Otorhinolaryngology Ophthalmology Radiology Urology Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology Maxillofacial surgery Proctology more 8
 Salutaris (Salutaris) – a surgical medical center of a wide profile, consisting of the department of plastic surgery, gastroenterology department, Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.