Euromed Clinic network in Omsk (Russia)
10 reviews

Euromed Clinic network in Omsk (Russia)

Russia , Омск

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Plastic surgery
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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The network of clinics "Euromed" provides a full range of medical services in all major areas of adult and pediatric medicine. The network includes three multifunctional medical centers, a specialized children's medical center and a Medical Examination Center.
The main directions of the clinics are the following:
  • diagnostics and laboratory tests;
  • outpatient services;
  • emergency medical care;
  • inpatient treatment;
  • recovery and rehabilitation;
  • conducting medical examinations, examinations, issuing permits and certificates.
  The clinical and diagnostic laboratory of the center is one of the leading divisions of the network, focused on impeccable quality and the shortest possible time for performing a research. The latest technologies of laboratory diagnostics are used at all the stages: the latest generation equipment, specialized software, advanced sampling technologies.
The diagnostic department of "Euromed" is equipped with all the necessary devices for accurate and early diagnosis of serious diseases: ultrasound (3D and 4D), endoscopic examinations, functional diagnostics (ECG, echocardiography, etc.), MRI, MSCT, X-ray examinations, mammography, etc.).
The Center for Rehabilitation Medicine "Euromed" provides highly qualified rehabilitation assistance to children and adults both on an outpatient basis and in a round-the-clock hospital. The rehabilitation center consists of:
  • Vertebroneurological Center (Pain Treatment Center);
  • Kinesotherapy and Massage Center;
  • Department of Physical Therapy;
  • Department of heat and water treatment.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
10 - 27
MRI of one area
103 - 200
2000 - 18000
Artificial insemination (IVF)
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Esophageal resection
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MRI of the abdominal cavity
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Reducing the Adam's apple
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Pectoral muscle implants
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Removal of breast implants
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Free consultation
Phone number
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Euromed Clinic network in Omsk (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
I did FGDS on July 8, 2021. The procedure was performed by Sergey Alexandrovich Zyryanov. Quickly. Painlessly. Quietly. He explained what he saw in an accessible way. Conclusion-immediately. The nurse is polite, friendly. There was no queue, it passed before the appointed time. I recommend it! EFGDS - without general anesthesia.
I passed the driver's commission, everything is at the highest level: the staff is friendly, the queue, no matter how big it is, moves confidently quickly, especially in comparison with our polyclinics, in which you can forget about plans for the next few hours. The staff also helped to solve all my questions and problems, starting from the registration stage, now only here for such questions!
It was the first time at the registration stage everything is fine, very nice courteous receptionist Baburo Darya Andreevna,blood sampling also liked very polite people, but abdominal ultrasound is expensive and so far everything is fine.Health to all!!!
My son has been going to the doctors since December, visited two cardiologists and neuropathologists, who all said with one voice that everything is fine with you, there are no problems with the heart. Although the patient complained, he said that there are syncopations. But none of them could diagnose a grade 3 AV blockade! A lot of money was spent, as a result, the son was taken by ambulance to the intensive care unit in the OKB, where a pacemaker was installed for him.
Everything is fine as always. Cleanliness, beauty, will be accepted on time, will explain in detail, to delve into the essence. I especially like the ultrasound doctor Frolova E. Thank you for your knowledge!
Passed honey. the examination, doctors took it quite qualitatively, the results of the tests come to the personal account, which is very convenient and fast, lowered the assessment, since a couple of doctors came to the workplace later than the appointed one, than they created a queue
I decided to put a vaccine against a new coronavirus infection, the choice fell on this clinic. I made an appointment on the phone, I was assigned a date and time. On the specified day I arrived, there was no queue, which pleased me. I went into the treatment room, filled out a couple of forms, talked to the therapist about contraindications and my medical history, and then gave the go-ahead for vaccination.
The second time was also fast in recording time, without queues. The clinic staff is very polite and sensitive.
This is the most terrible clinic in Omsk, the attitude is bestial, as if someone owes them something, they do tests for a very long time. It was necessary to take an analysis urgently, with a child it is necessary to go to surgery, I called to find out how much time will be done, they said 3-4 days, well. I've been waiting for 5 days, I call and they tell me that it's been done for 10 days, and I have to go to bed the next day. I'm just in shock. The child's free analysis is already ready in one day (they don't take it for free from us adults) and I don't know what to do now ((((((( I will never go to this clinic again
There was an awfully long queue at the reception desk at the Congress, only three windows were working.
I arrived in advance before the doctor's appointment and waited in line for more than 30 minutes, as a result, I was late for the doctor's appointment.
At my request that I be issued an invoice for payment as soon as possible, the operator explained everything in the order of the queue.
People sit close to each other, the distance is not observed, some without masks at all.
I am very dissatisfied with the service of this clinic, do I really have to arrive 1 hour in advance and wait in the crowd.
Polite responsive staff help and explain, but the problem of queues is even if you signed up in advance, then approaching the appointed time you stand at the reception desk and at the reception, on average, you get to the reception an hour later.
I did FGDS on July 8, 2021. The procedure was performed by Sergey Alexandrovich Zyryanov. Quickly. Painlessly. Quietly. He explained what he saw in an accessible way. Conclusion-immediately. The nurse is polite, friendly. There was no queue, it passed before the appointed time. I recommend it! EFGDS - without general anesthesia.
I passed the driver's commission, everything is at the highest level: the staff is friendly, the queue, no matter how big it is, moves confidently quickly, especially in comparison with our polyclinics, in which you can forget about plans for the next few hours. The staff also helped to solve all my questions and problems, starting from the registration stage, now only here for such questions!
It was the first time at the registration stage everything is fine, very nice courteous receptionist Baburo Darya Andreevna,blood sampling also liked very polite people, but abdominal ultrasound is expensive and so far everything is fine.Health to all!!!
My son has been going to the doctors since December, visited two cardiologists and neuropathologists, who all said with one voice that everything is fine with you, there are no problems with the heart. Although the patient complained, he said that there are syncopations. But none of them could diagnose a grade 3 AV blockade! A lot of money was spent, as a result, the son was taken by ambulance to the intensive care unit in the OKB, where a pacemaker was installed for him.
Everything is fine as always. Cleanliness, beauty, will be accepted on time, will explain in detail, to delve into the essence. I especially like the ultrasound doctor Frolova E. Thank you for your knowledge!
Passed honey. the examination, doctors took it quite qualitatively, the results of the tests come to the personal account, which is very convenient and fast, lowered the assessment, since a couple of doctors came to the workplace later than the appointed one, than they created a queue
I decided to put a vaccine against a new coronavirus infection, the choice fell on this clinic. I made an appointment on the phone, I was assigned a date and time. On the specified day I arrived, there was no queue, which pleased me. I went into the treatment room, filled out a couple of forms, talked to the therapist about contraindications and my medical history, and then gave the go-ahead for vaccination.
The second time was also fast in recording time, without queues. The clinic staff is very polite and sensitive.
This is the most terrible clinic in Omsk, the attitude is bestial, as if someone owes them something, they do tests for a very long time. It was necessary to take an analysis urgently, with a child it is necessary to go to surgery, I called to find out how much time will be done, they said 3-4 days, well. I've been waiting for 5 days, I call and they tell me that it's been done for 10 days, and I have to go to bed the next day. I'm just in shock. The child's free analysis is already ready in one day (they don't take it for free from us adults) and I don't know what to do now ((((((( I will never go to this clinic again
There was an awfully long queue at the reception desk at the Congress, only three windows were working.
I arrived in advance before the doctor's appointment and waited in line for more than 30 minutes, as a result, I was late for the doctor's appointment.
At my request that I be issued an invoice for payment as soon as possible, the operator explained everything in the order of the queue.
People sit close to each other, the distance is not observed, some without masks at all.
I am very dissatisfied with the service of this clinic, do I really have to arrive 1 hour in advance and wait in the crowd.
Polite responsive staff help and explain, but the problem of queues is even if you signed up in advance, then approaching the appointed time you stand at the reception desk and at the reception, on average, you get to the reception an hour later.

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7