Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
13 reviews

Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)

Israel , Jerusalem

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Cardiac surgery
Orthopedics and traumatology
Plastic surgery
Phlebology · Vascular Surgery
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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Hadassah University Hospital is one of the oldest in Israel. In 2018, it celebrated its centenary. But it is famous not only for its age, but also for its authority and the level of patient care. This is evidenced by the fact that the Hadassah clinic is a member of a number of prestigious medical communities in Europe and America. Hadassah is a multidisciplinary medical center, but the main focus of treatment is on oncology, cardiology and cardiac surgery, gynecology, pediatrics and orthopedics. More than a million patients receive care every year within the walls of the Hadassah Clinic. Their high-class service is facilitated by means of:

  • the latest diagnostic equipment (PET-CT, Kinevo 900 microscope, MRI);

  • 31 operating theaters with the latest equipment ( ArtisZeego and Renaissance robotic navigation devices, THULIUM medical laser, iAssist Knee orthopedic Surgery device, Da Vinci robot surgeon);

  • 9 specialized intensive care units.

Today, the clinics include 2 campuses: Mount Scopus campus (Hadassah Har ha-Tzofim) and Hadassah Ein Kerem. Hadassah Har ha-Tzofim is a general hospital located on Mount Scopus. It consists of 30 departments, including: the Guggenheim Rehabilitation Center, the Family Center for Children and Chronic Diseases. Eli Dower, Center for Arthroplasty and Joint Reconstruction. Hadassah Ein Karim is an 800-bed hospital designed to provide highly specialized medical care. It has more than 130 branches and occupies about 30 buildings. The hospital has such unique units as Russel’s Women's Health Center, Center for Brain Pathology, Heart Institute. The staff of the Hadassah Medical Center is highly qualified doctors, many of whom have various academic degrees and are experts in various specialties. And this has an impact on the quality of treatment, which is considered perfect.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
от 25000
Comprehensive diagnosis of lymphomas
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Treatment of glaucoma
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Treatment of strabismus
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Treatment of macular degeneration
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Free consultation
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How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)

We publish only real reviews
Alexander Ronov
Patient treated Prostate cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
On the recommendation of the attending physician of the Moscow Oncological Dispensary, in the period from November 10 to 18, I came to the Hadassah clinic for a prostate cancer examination. In Moscow, I was recommended to undergo a PET CT of PSMA, followed by the introduction of the drug lutetium.
The examination conducted at the Hadassah clinic showed that the disease is not so widespread that lutetium treatment is carried out, it is enough to point irradiation of several identified foci.
Dr. Meirovich very carefully reviewed the results of the studies conducted at the Hadassah clinic and recommended a course of spot radiation at the place of residence with the use of the medications recommended by him, which were provided to me at the clinic.
I thank Dr. Meirovich, the entire staff of the clinic and all employees for the highest quality of work and consultations, attentive attitude and hope for a successful outcome of treatment.
Natalia Mashchenko
Patient treated Nasopharyngeal cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
Good afternoon! At the end of 2019, my husband Alexander was diagnosed with a disappointing cancer of the nasopharynx. The disease is insidious, because due to the specifics of the location of the tumor, it is usually diagnosed at the last stages of development. On December 27, we arrived in Jerusalem at the Hadassah Clinic. After the examinations, the operation was scheduled for January 7. It lasted 10.5 hours. Professor Kaspi, Professor Sela, and Dr. Nir Hirshoren fought for Alexander's life and they won.
Thank you to these professionals! Regular postoperative monitoring, consultations and just human participation have done their job. After less than three weeks, we are at home, my husband is gaining strength for further treatment. Yes, we are going to continue the fight-radiation and chemotherapy are ahead. But we know that Dr. Meerovich and Dr. Zeke are waiting for us and will help us with the treatment. Who else doubts - undoubtedly, the HADASSAH CLINIC is a whole medical city with the most valuable specialists and the most complex medical equipment. Hadassah is a clinic where they give life and hope!
Anatoly Dushko
Patient treated Stomach cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
Good afternoon!
In 2016, I was diagnosed with stage two stomach cancer, Moscow doctors gave a maximum of 20% guarantee that I would live. I began to look for the possibility of treatment abroad, through the Internet I learned about the Hadassah clinic. On the same day, I sent the results of the biopsy tests and immediately received an answer that to confirm the disease, you need to come to them for medical examination. inspection. After 2 days (January 1, 2017), I flew to Israel, after two days of examination, I was given the conclusion that the cancer had already progressed to the 3rd degree with the spread of metastases in the lymph nodes. After that, the day of the operation was set.
Thanks to the high professionalism of the doctors (namely, Professor Alon Pikarsky, who performed the operation), and their quick response, I have been celebrating my second birthday for three years. I express my great gratitude to all the staff of the Hadassah clinic!!!
The Hadassah Clinic in Jerusalem is the worst clinic I have ever visited. Complete lack of professionalism of the staff, lack of basic sanitary and hygienic conditions for receiving patients, lack of culture in everything.
In short:
On December 15, 2019, we arrived at the clinic by appointment. The first impression is that we got to the train station: someone walks in outerwear, someone eats, while talking to the patient and at the same time accepting cash. All this takes place in a room of no more than 20-25 sq.m, in which at that time there are at least 20 people.
The next day in the morning, when taking blood, the nurse could not do it, as is usually done in any of our most run-down hospitals. She punctured both hands, leaving large bruises. The same situation was with my wife. At the same time, there is a complete absence of elementary dressing material. As a result, he tied his hands with a piece of some kind of tape with cotton wool. On the table where the blood collection took place, there was a plate with food, to which she periodically applied. The door, behind which people in outerwear were walking, was open all the time, all without shoe covers. Moreover, the blood tubes were lost during the day, and later I had to take them again. The horror!
The situation with other doctors was no better.
In the end, we could not get the results of tests and examinations of the so-called doctors for 3 weeks. They were sent only on January 11, 2020 without recommendations and descriptions, mostly in Hebrew and partly in English. And then, only after repeated calls to the clinic.
For all this pleasure, we paid $2500.
People! Don't believe the ads about the Hadassah Clinic!
I have been observed at the Hadassah clinic since 2014. Thank you for the high professionalism, attentiveness, sensitivity and kindness of Dr. Edelman and the certified nurse of the day oncology hospital Goldman Svetlana, who put so much effort into making me live! Thanks
Ilya Levin
Patient treated Breast cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
We are grateful for the attentive and very friendly attitude of the doctors and all the staff of the international department of the Hadassah clinic to us. Actually, this clinic was recommended to us by our very good friend. In Hadassah, she was cured of melanoma - in an almost hopeless state. She believed in Hadassah as a major scientific center. My wife has metastatic breast cancer. Prof. Uzieli is one of the most experienced specialists in breast cancer. The treatment prescribed by her, although very expensive,began to help almost immediately - about a week after the start of taking the medicine, the excruciating pain in the joint when walking stopped. I would like to note the attentive attitude of Prof. The ultrasound was sent to my wife. I would also like to mention the help from the radiologist, Dr. Vigoda. The radiation of the head prescribed by him has already led to a certain positive shift.
Unfortunately, we have to note not very high-quality housing - the dorm room was not clean enough, which caused even more annoyance than the lack of air conditioning.
Alexey Fokin
Patient treated Aortic aneurysm in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
For six months I was tormented by an unbearable headache. I went to many doctors in Moscow, everyone threw up their hands. They advised me to go to a private clinic. I turned to medsi and nothing has changed much. So I went from doctor to doctor until I got to the advertising of the examination in Israel. I was offered several clinics in Israel. The children chose the big old Hadassah Hospital near the Dead Sea.
It was very scary to go to another country. Like I smelled something. It's good that I went with my family. After several tests and examinations, the doctors gave me a picture of the head, which showed a small seal.
All this time, an aneurysm was growing in my head, which could kill me at any moment. It was one of the most difficult moments for my family. They told me to prepare for the operation. I did all the necessary examinations and scheduled an operation within a week. I was afraid that something would go wrong and I would be a vegetable. Thank God everything went well! I can live a full life again, without taking it out on my wife because of my pain. Now I'm being carefully monitored. Thank you to everyone who tolerates and understands us. Even more thanks to the doctors - that you are doing everything possible to help.
Patient treated Melanoma in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
I hope that my story will be able to support and inspire the same patients as I once would have myself. I was diagnosed with stage 4 skin melanoma. The doctors said that there were only a few months left to live. More than a year has passed since then...and all thanks to Professor Lotem from Hadassah. I was lucky enough to get into the testing program of a new drug for melanoma. Even before the therapy, I was able to communicate with other patients who had already undergone this treatment. These conversations gave me and my family hope. The treatment itself was not easy - there were side effects and sometimes it seemed that all this was useless. But then I saw with my own eyes how the cancer recedes - the tumor gradually began to shrink. Soon I was able to return home to the considerable surprise of my doctors. Since then, my life has completely changed - I spend a lot of time with my family and children, relax and enjoy every new day.
The clinic was contacted again. This is a whole science city. I would like to note the friendly and professional staff. The equipment is at the highest level. My whole family is grateful for your work and kind attitude.
For a long time, we could not make a diagnosis. They assumed different diagnoses, one is scarier than the other. Only in the Hadassah clinic, they were able to determine the nature of the occurrence of vasculitis. Thank you so much for getting rid of these doubts and worries.
Disgusting, disgusting attitude towards the postoperative patient. You won't interrogate anyone. When your nerves are on edge, running after the medical staff with your tail and asking for help is humiliating.
Colon cancer. Professor Alon Pikarsky operated. November 2019. A low bow. Golden hands. A doctor from "God". I recommend it. And besides professionalism, Alon has a real charisma, with direct communication - you know - he will do everything in his power. Yes, he is not a magician and does not always defeat the disease. But he is one of the best surgeons in our world .
Oncologist - Ayala Hubert. An expert in his field. Huge experience. Pleasant to communicate with. A high-class specialist. I recommend it.
Thanks to the junior medical staff of surgery. Well done.
One note - for medical sisters and brothers of surgery, additional courses on installing catheters into a vein are needed. They enter the vein from 6 times. They put a catheter 4 times and there are always problems.
More than once I had to seek help at this hospital and each time I received highly qualified medical care - doctors have golden hands and vast experience. With the diagnosis of Perthes' disease, the impossible was done for our doctors - the child recovered completely in 3 months!!!I bow low to them, but there are questions with the organization. Two weeks ago we came for a small plastic surgery of the same hip joint and we were offered to immediately pay for 6 days of hospitalization (there were such assumptions about the outcome of the operation), but everything went well and the child was discharged a day later. As we did not achieve- the money was not returned to us in 5 days....and the amount is not very small. Argument- no one kicked you out- paid- lie down....It is very difficult to deal with the financial department, the money is returned very reluctantly.There was an unpleasant aftertaste, and for everything else, thank you very much.
Alexander Ronov
Patient treated Prostate cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
On the recommendation of the attending physician of the Moscow Oncological Dispensary, in the period from November 10 to 18, I came to the Hadassah clinic for a prostate cancer examination. In Moscow, I was recommended to undergo a PET CT of PSMA, followed by the introduction of the drug lutetium.
The examination conducted at the Hadassah clinic showed that the disease is not so widespread that lutetium treatment is carried out, it is enough to point irradiation of several identified foci.
Dr. Meirovich very carefully reviewed the results of the studies conducted at the Hadassah clinic and recommended a course of spot radiation at the place of residence with the use of the medications recommended by him, which were provided to me at the clinic.
I thank Dr. Meirovich, the entire staff of the clinic and all employees for the highest quality of work and consultations, attentive attitude and hope for a successful outcome of treatment.
Natalia Mashchenko
Patient treated Nasopharyngeal cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
Good afternoon! At the end of 2019, my husband Alexander was diagnosed with a disappointing cancer of the nasopharynx. The disease is insidious, because due to the specifics of the location of the tumor, it is usually diagnosed at the last stages of development. On December 27, we arrived in Jerusalem at the Hadassah Clinic. After the examinations, the operation was scheduled for January 7. It lasted 10.5 hours. Professor Kaspi, Professor Sela, and Dr. Nir Hirshoren fought for Alexander's life and they won.
Thank you to these professionals! Regular postoperative monitoring, consultations and just human participation have done their job. After less than three weeks, we are at home, my husband is gaining strength for further treatment. Yes, we are going to continue the fight-radiation and chemotherapy are ahead. But we know that Dr. Meerovich and Dr. Zeke are waiting for us and will help us with the treatment. Who else doubts - undoubtedly, the HADASSAH CLINIC is a whole medical city with the most valuable specialists and the most complex medical equipment. Hadassah is a clinic where they give life and hope!
Anatoly Dushko
Patient treated Stomach cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
Good afternoon!
In 2016, I was diagnosed with stage two stomach cancer, Moscow doctors gave a maximum of 20% guarantee that I would live. I began to look for the possibility of treatment abroad, through the Internet I learned about the Hadassah clinic. On the same day, I sent the results of the biopsy tests and immediately received an answer that to confirm the disease, you need to come to them for medical examination. inspection. After 2 days (January 1, 2017), I flew to Israel, after two days of examination, I was given the conclusion that the cancer had already progressed to the 3rd degree with the spread of metastases in the lymph nodes. After that, the day of the operation was set.
Thanks to the high professionalism of the doctors (namely, Professor Alon Pikarsky, who performed the operation), and their quick response, I have been celebrating my second birthday for three years. I express my great gratitude to all the staff of the Hadassah clinic!!!
The Hadassah Clinic in Jerusalem is the worst clinic I have ever visited. Complete lack of professionalism of the staff, lack of basic sanitary and hygienic conditions for receiving patients, lack of culture in everything.
In short:
On December 15, 2019, we arrived at the clinic by appointment. The first impression is that we got to the train station: someone walks in outerwear, someone eats, while talking to the patient and at the same time accepting cash. All this takes place in a room of no more than 20-25 sq.m, in which at that time there are at least 20 people.
The next day in the morning, when taking blood, the nurse could not do it, as is usually done in any of our most run-down hospitals. She punctured both hands, leaving large bruises. The same situation was with my wife. At the same time, there is a complete absence of elementary dressing material. As a result, he tied his hands with a piece of some kind of tape with cotton wool. On the table where the blood collection took place, there was a plate with food, to which she periodically applied. The door, behind which people in outerwear were walking, was open all the time, all without shoe covers. Moreover, the blood tubes were lost during the day, and later I had to take them again. The horror!
The situation with other doctors was no better.
In the end, we could not get the results of tests and examinations of the so-called doctors for 3 weeks. They were sent only on January 11, 2020 without recommendations and descriptions, mostly in Hebrew and partly in English. And then, only after repeated calls to the clinic.
For all this pleasure, we paid $2500.
People! Don't believe the ads about the Hadassah Clinic!
I have been observed at the Hadassah clinic since 2014. Thank you for the high professionalism, attentiveness, sensitivity and kindness of Dr. Edelman and the certified nurse of the day oncology hospital Goldman Svetlana, who put so much effort into making me live! Thanks
Ilya Levin
Patient treated Breast cancer in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
We are grateful for the attentive and very friendly attitude of the doctors and all the staff of the international department of the Hadassah clinic to us. Actually, this clinic was recommended to us by our very good friend. In Hadassah, she was cured of melanoma - in an almost hopeless state. She believed in Hadassah as a major scientific center. My wife has metastatic breast cancer. Prof. Uzieli is one of the most experienced specialists in breast cancer. The treatment prescribed by her, although very expensive,began to help almost immediately - about a week after the start of taking the medicine, the excruciating pain in the joint when walking stopped. I would like to note the attentive attitude of Prof. The ultrasound was sent to my wife. I would also like to mention the help from the radiologist, Dr. Vigoda. The radiation of the head prescribed by him has already led to a certain positive shift.
Unfortunately, we have to note not very high-quality housing - the dorm room was not clean enough, which caused even more annoyance than the lack of air conditioning.
Alexey Fokin
Patient treated Aortic aneurysm in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
For six months I was tormented by an unbearable headache. I went to many doctors in Moscow, everyone threw up their hands. They advised me to go to a private clinic. I turned to medsi and nothing has changed much. So I went from doctor to doctor until I got to the advertising of the examination in Israel. I was offered several clinics in Israel. The children chose the big old Hadassah Hospital near the Dead Sea.
It was very scary to go to another country. Like I smelled something. It's good that I went with my family. After several tests and examinations, the doctors gave me a picture of the head, which showed a small seal.
All this time, an aneurysm was growing in my head, which could kill me at any moment. It was one of the most difficult moments for my family. They told me to prepare for the operation. I did all the necessary examinations and scheduled an operation within a week. I was afraid that something would go wrong and I would be a vegetable. Thank God everything went well! I can live a full life again, without taking it out on my wife because of my pain. Now I'm being carefully monitored. Thank you to everyone who tolerates and understands us. Even more thanks to the doctors - that you are doing everything possible to help.
Patient treated Melanoma in the clinic Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel)
I hope that my story will be able to support and inspire the same patients as I once would have myself. I was diagnosed with stage 4 skin melanoma. The doctors said that there were only a few months left to live. More than a year has passed since then...and all thanks to Professor Lotem from Hadassah. I was lucky enough to get into the testing program of a new drug for melanoma. Even before the therapy, I was able to communicate with other patients who had already undergone this treatment. These conversations gave me and my family hope. The treatment itself was not easy - there were side effects and sometimes it seemed that all this was useless. But then I saw with my own eyes how the cancer recedes - the tumor gradually began to shrink. Soon I was able to return home to the considerable surprise of my doctors. Since then, my life has completely changed - I spend a lot of time with my family and children, relax and enjoy every new day.
The clinic was contacted again. This is a whole science city. I would like to note the friendly and professional staff. The equipment is at the highest level. My whole family is grateful for your work and kind attitude.
For a long time, we could not make a diagnosis. They assumed different diagnoses, one is scarier than the other. Only in the Hadassah clinic, they were able to determine the nature of the occurrence of vasculitis. Thank you so much for getting rid of these doubts and worries.
Disgusting, disgusting attitude towards the postoperative patient. You won't interrogate anyone. When your nerves are on edge, running after the medical staff with your tail and asking for help is humiliating.
Colon cancer. Professor Alon Pikarsky operated. November 2019. A low bow. Golden hands. A doctor from "God". I recommend it. And besides professionalism, Alon has a real charisma, with direct communication - you know - he will do everything in his power. Yes, he is not a magician and does not always defeat the disease. But he is one of the best surgeons in our world .
Oncologist - Ayala Hubert. An expert in his field. Huge experience. Pleasant to communicate with. A high-class specialist. I recommend it.
Thanks to the junior medical staff of surgery. Well done.
One note - for medical sisters and brothers of surgery, additional courses on installing catheters into a vein are needed. They enter the vein from 6 times. They put a catheter 4 times and there are always problems.
More than once I had to seek help at this hospital and each time I received highly qualified medical care - doctors have golden hands and vast experience. With the diagnosis of Perthes' disease, the impossible was done for our doctors - the child recovered completely in 3 months!!!I bow low to them, but there are questions with the organization. Two weeks ago we came for a small plastic surgery of the same hip joint and we were offered to immediately pay for 6 days of hospitalization (there were such assumptions about the outcome of the operation), but everything went well and the child was discharged a day later. As we did not achieve- the money was not returned to us in 5 days....and the amount is not very small. Argument- no one kicked you out- paid- lie down....It is very difficult to deal with the financial department, the money is returned very reluctantly.There was an unpleasant aftertaste, and for everything else, thank you very much.

Clinic quality certificates

Joint Commission International (JCI)
Joint Commission International accreditation and certification is recognized as a global leader for health care quality of care and patient safety

Clinic doctors

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7