Zvezda Medical Center in Kazan (Russia)
10 reviews

Zvezda Medical Center in Kazan (Russia)

Russia , Казань

Clinic specialization

Obstetrics and gynecology
Orthopedics and traumatology
Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology
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The network of multidisciplinary medical centers "Zvezda" includes five medical clinics provided with advanced medical equipment of the world's best manufacturers for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The first clinic of the network was founded in 2008.
The main directions of the work are the following:
  • diagnostics;
  • gynecology;
  • urology;
  • neurology;
  • cardiology;
  • oncology (mammology);
  • ophthalmology;
  • endocrinology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • surgery;
  • orthopedics and traumatology;
  • pediatrics;
  • rehabilitation, etc.
The diagnostic department of the center is equipped with the most modern ultrasound devices, including 3D ultrasound, and performs all types of ultrasound diagnostics. The center’s own laboratories allow it to take all types of tests, including DNA studies.
Zvezda Centers offer their patients innovative LAENNEK therapy. The therapy is based on the use of the Japanese drug Laennek (human placenta hydrolysate), which promotes rejuvenation of the body and restoration of health, being an immunomodulator and hepatoprotector.

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Prices for diagnostics and treatment ($)

Attention! The price may vary depending on the complexity of the medical case or the recommendations of the doctors for treatment.

Prices in $
Doctor visit
Pregnancy management
от 207
от 4
Gastrectomy with a Da Vinci robot
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Distal pancreatectomy
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Capsule endoscopy
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Neurological rehabilitation
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LOTCA testing
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Children's rehabilitation
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Free consultation
Phone number
You need your consent to the processing of personal data.
We will contact you ASAP

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7

Patient feedback on treatment:
Zvezda Medical Center in Kazan (Russia)

We publish only real reviews
When comparing services, the clinic does not occupy a leading position in the city, there are pros and cons. From the pros - parking in the city center, feedback was immediately given, young specialists who delve into the area of treatment in detail, from the cons - the cost of repeated appointments to one specialist differs by 10% from the initial treatment.
Reviews for 5 stars at the med center are fake, clearly biased. And now to the point.

We made an appointment in advance (!).
I couldn't get through to any number for 10 minutes to get to the Clinic.
We waited an hour under the doors, the doctor was sarcastic and did not comment on his boorish behavior in any way. We didn't go to the reception.
We probably won't come again.
They do a "favor" for our money.

The reputation of this clinic has fallen below the baseboard, I advise you to choose any other, it will not be worse.
A good medical center is Zvezda on Chistopolskaya. I arrived by car. I got to the parking lot very quickly, called the call center and drove in within a minute.There is a lot of Parking space near the medical center, I parked quietly.
There was a slight delay in the reception, the administrators apologized for the delay and explained the reason to me.The doctor was in surgery. At the reception, he explained everything clearly and competently, and prescribed treatment. Thanks.
I also had an appointment with a neurologist, a competent doctor, solved my long-standing back problem, now I feel much better. The prices in the clinic are quite reasonable.
I recommend this center to everyone.
She visited the Zvezda Medical Center on 38 Chistopolskaya St. in April 2020. I really liked the center, convenient location, there are Parking spaces. The center itself is very comfortable. I really liked the staff: administrators and doctors. We were greeted warmly. The administrator who issued the card explained everything in detail, told me about all the services that interested me. It was comfortable at the doctor's appointment, the doctor is a competent specialist. In the future, if necessary, I will contact this center and recommend it to my friends.
I felt comfortable due to the fact that the doctor was kind to me, attentive and completely endeared to me. I came to her in this medical center with a small, but still a problem that she was able to solve. After the examination, she told me what was the matter and gave recommendations for further actions. I followed her advice and my condition improved. Now I will come only to her, because I am sure of her professionalism and competence. Thanks!
I do not know why there are so few reviews about Chulpan Marsovna. After all, this is a doctor from God! She has a lot of work experience, she took on such a problem that no one took on, and I was already desperate, and was ready to go under the knife. But she was able to remove everything without surgery, prescribed very competent treatment and there were no complications. In addition, she does an ultrasound herself, you can immediately see what and how, no need to run from doctor to doctor with papers.
Good afternoon!
I visited the medical center at 38 Chistopolskaya recently. I would like to note the cordial attitude of all staff, pleasant atmosphere, professional doctors! I would like to note separately the work of the clinic administrators. You can contact the administrators for any question, they are always ready to help and prompt.
Thanks! I recommend it to everyone!!!
I suffered with hemorrhoids for a long time, I was afraid to go to the doctor. A friend advised a specialist of this medical center, since her husband had previously been treated by him. After the examination, the doctor recommended surgery. The doctor turned out to be very polite, sensitive, attentive, explained everything in detail. The operation was painless, now I feel great! I understand that I was afraid in vain, and I am glad that I met such a doctor on my way!
ZVEZDA Medical Center AT FIRST EVERYTHING WAS FINE , I HAD a MASSAGE, I was with a Chiropractor , I also liked the attitude to patients not badly, I was with a traumatologist at Ilgiz Insafovich Shaikhutdinov, a good experienced doctor also received me well , I paid 2500 rubles for a session twice , and suddenly I come to the third session , and at the registry they show me 2500 rubles + 350 rubles for an examination , they saw a rich man in me, they decided to raise the price, this is what kind of attitude to clients, they see only money in us . My whole family went to this medical center now my family's feet will not be in this center. I do not advise anyone to visit this medical center assessment 2. POZOV SPARTAK ALEXANDROVICH
The specialist in this medical center is a professional in his field!
Many years of experience proves it!
Many thanks to the doctor for his help, treatment and understanding of the whole problem!
When comparing services, the clinic does not occupy a leading position in the city, there are pros and cons. From the pros - parking in the city center, feedback was immediately given, young specialists who delve into the area of treatment in detail, from the cons - the cost of repeated appointments to one specialist differs by 10% from the initial treatment.
Reviews for 5 stars at the med center are fake, clearly biased. And now to the point.

We made an appointment in advance (!).
I couldn't get through to any number for 10 minutes to get to the Clinic.
We waited an hour under the doors, the doctor was sarcastic and did not comment on his boorish behavior in any way. We didn't go to the reception.
We probably won't come again.
They do a "favor" for our money.

The reputation of this clinic has fallen below the baseboard, I advise you to choose any other, it will not be worse.
A good medical center is Zvezda on Chistopolskaya. I arrived by car. I got to the parking lot very quickly, called the call center and drove in within a minute.There is a lot of Parking space near the medical center, I parked quietly.
There was a slight delay in the reception, the administrators apologized for the delay and explained the reason to me.The doctor was in surgery. At the reception, he explained everything clearly and competently, and prescribed treatment. Thanks.
I also had an appointment with a neurologist, a competent doctor, solved my long-standing back problem, now I feel much better. The prices in the clinic are quite reasonable.
I recommend this center to everyone.
She visited the Zvezda Medical Center on 38 Chistopolskaya St. in April 2020. I really liked the center, convenient location, there are Parking spaces. The center itself is very comfortable. I really liked the staff: administrators and doctors. We were greeted warmly. The administrator who issued the card explained everything in detail, told me about all the services that interested me. It was comfortable at the doctor's appointment, the doctor is a competent specialist. In the future, if necessary, I will contact this center and recommend it to my friends.
I felt comfortable due to the fact that the doctor was kind to me, attentive and completely endeared to me. I came to her in this medical center with a small, but still a problem that she was able to solve. After the examination, she told me what was the matter and gave recommendations for further actions. I followed her advice and my condition improved. Now I will come only to her, because I am sure of her professionalism and competence. Thanks!
I do not know why there are so few reviews about Chulpan Marsovna. After all, this is a doctor from God! She has a lot of work experience, she took on such a problem that no one took on, and I was already desperate, and was ready to go under the knife. But she was able to remove everything without surgery, prescribed very competent treatment and there were no complications. In addition, she does an ultrasound herself, you can immediately see what and how, no need to run from doctor to doctor with papers.
Good afternoon!
I visited the medical center at 38 Chistopolskaya recently. I would like to note the cordial attitude of all staff, pleasant atmosphere, professional doctors! I would like to note separately the work of the clinic administrators. You can contact the administrators for any question, they are always ready to help and prompt.
Thanks! I recommend it to everyone!!!
I suffered with hemorrhoids for a long time, I was afraid to go to the doctor. A friend advised a specialist of this medical center, since her husband had previously been treated by him. After the examination, the doctor recommended surgery. The doctor turned out to be very polite, sensitive, attentive, explained everything in detail. The operation was painless, now I feel great! I understand that I was afraid in vain, and I am glad that I met such a doctor on my way!
ZVEZDA Medical Center AT FIRST EVERYTHING WAS FINE , I HAD a MASSAGE, I was with a Chiropractor , I also liked the attitude to patients not badly, I was with a traumatologist at Ilgiz Insafovich Shaikhutdinov, a good experienced doctor also received me well , I paid 2500 rubles for a session twice , and suddenly I come to the third session , and at the registry they show me 2500 rubles + 350 rubles for an examination , they saw a rich man in me, they decided to raise the price, this is what kind of attitude to clients, they see only money in us . My whole family went to this medical center now my family's feet will not be in this center. I do not advise anyone to visit this medical center assessment 2. POZOV SPARTAK ALEXANDROVICH
The specialist in this medical center is a professional in his field!
Many years of experience proves it!
Many thanks to the doctor for his help, treatment and understanding of the whole problem!

Clinic doctors

How it works

You are sending a request
We will select a specialized coordinator for you
You receive a personal offer with an action plan and cost
We will arrange the trip. From appointment with a doctor to buying tickets
You go to the clinic, and our medical assistant stays in touch with you 24/7