Best Oncology clinics in Poland
Otwock European Health Center (Poland)
10 reviews
Oncology Cardiology Surgery Weight Loss Surgery Urology Phlebology · Vascular Surgery Radiology more 3

 Otwock European Health Center (F. Chopin Clinic) is a private hospital in Poland that specializes in the treatment of cancer in patients with cardiac problems.

Western Hospital in Warsaw (Poland)
10 reviews
Orthopedics and traumatology Neurology Cardiology Oncology Urology Pediatrics Therapy Surgery Pediatric cardiac surgery Psychiatry Rehabilitation Oncohematology more 8

John Paul II Western Hospital is a multidisciplinary clinical hospital located in the suburbs of Warsaw.

Medical Center Enel-Med in Warsaw (Poland)
15 reviews
Neurosurgery Orthopedics and traumatology Oncohematology Otorhinolaryngology Cardiology Ophthalmology Urology Oncology Rehabilitation Proctology more 6

Medical Center ENEL-MED is located in Warsaw and consists of two medical clinics: Zacisze Hospital and Hospital Center.

Centrum CyberKnife in Veliszewo (Poland)
2 review
Oncology Urology Surgery Oncohematology

The Institute of Cybernetic Surgery Cyberknife is a unique medical center specializing in the treatment of malignant and benign tumors using non-invasive techniques.

Clinics: 1 - 4 of 5
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