Best clinics Pediatric oncology

Best clinics Pediatric oncology

15clinics in 7 countries
Cancer Clinic Bad Triessl in Oberaudorf (Germany)
Germany, Oberaudorf
10 reviews
Oncology Pediatric oncology Rehabilitation Oncohematology Therapy Obstetrics and gynecology Psychiatry more 3
Bad Trissl is one of the oldest specialized cancer clinics in Germany. All types of conservative cancer treatment are practiced here, including innovative methods that have proven their effectiveness.
University Clinic Ulm (Germany)
Germany, Ulm
10 reviews
Over its almost 40-year history, the Ulm University Hospital has developed into a large modern medical center, where more than 300 thousand patients receive care every year. One of the largest maternity wards in the country operates here: every year more than 3 thousand births are taken in the hospital and about 3.5 thousand babies are born.
MedAustron Ion Therapy Center in Wiener Neustadt (Austria)
Austria, Wiener Neustadt
10 reviews
Pediatric oncology Oncology Rehabilitation Oncohematology Radiology more 1
MedAustron is a specialized ion therapy center that began its work in 2011. The best doctors and technical specialists from 18 countries of the world are gathered here. The clinic was created for the treatment of oncological diseases by irradiation with heavy charged particles.
University Hospital of Zurich (Switzerland)
Switzerland, Zurich
10 reviews
 The University Hospital of Zurich is the largest medical center in Europe with a rich history. It was here that the largest discoveries in the field of transplantology and neurosurgery were made, the first heart transplant operation in Switzerland was performed, Nobel laureates in the field of medicine worked.
Chung-Ang University Hospital in Seoul (South Korea)
South Korea, Seoul
20 reviews
The Chung-Ang Clinic is a multidisciplinary medical center, which includes 11 specialized centers and 30 departments. In recent years, it has regularly received state awards for clinical-oriented management and rapid medical care. 
Volgograd Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Volgograd
11 reviews
Oncohematology Oncology Pediatric oncology Radiology Surgery more 1
Specialized medical care for cancer patients in the Volgograd region has been provided since 1935. This function is effectively performed by theState budgetary healthcare institution“Volgograd Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary”(SBHI "VRCOD") since 1947. A large-scale modernization, aimed at technical re-equipment of the institution, improving the conditions of patient stay and general landscaping of the territory, was carried out here in 2017-2019.
Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (Russia)
Russia, Chelyabinsk
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Pediatric oncology Radiology
 The Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, founded in 1947, is the largest oncology clinic in the Southern Urals. The Center closely cooperates with the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIITF named after academician E. I. Zababakhin, the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", the European Association of Nuclear Medicine.
CDT-WEST Radiotherapy and Diagnostic Center in Cologne (Germany)
Germany, Cologne
10 reviews
Pediatric oncology Oncohematology Oncology
 CDT-WEST Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center offers patients services in the field of diagnosis and treatment of diseases using the most modern equipment.