Best clinics Oncology

Best clinics Oncology

20clinics in 10 countries
Lopatkin’s Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology in Moscow (Russia)
Russia, Москва
Urology Proctology Oncology Obstetrics and gynecology Radiology Transplantology Nephrology more 3

Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology is a leading federal research center of urology and andrology in Russia. It was founded in 1985 and named after the outstanding scientist and surgeon Nikolai Alekseevich Lopatkin.

Neuperlach Clinic in Munich (Germany)
Germany, Munich
10 reviews
The Neuperlach Clinic was founded in 1972 as part of the development of Munich's infrastructure in preparation for the Olympics. About 100 thousand patients receive medical care here every year. In 2017, the stage of a major reconstruction of the clinic's buildings was completed. The modernization of the medical institution continues. The most powerful areas of the clinic's work are surgery and medicine of internal organs.
University Hospital of Greifswald (Germany)
Germany, Greifswald
10 reviews
The history of the university clinic of the University of Greifswald began in 1794. And in 2010, the clinic and the medical faculty of this university were merged into a Medical Center. Every year, about 180 thousand patients receive high-quality medical care here. The Medical Center has 21 clinics and 19 institutes.
University Hospital of Geneva (Switzerland)
Switzerland, Geneva
10 reviews
The polyclinic of the Swiss University dates back to 1535. Today, this institution combines 8 hospitals and 2 clinics. Every year, more than 1 million patients receive medical care here, including more than 22 thousand surgical interventions, respond to 190 thousand emergency cases, and help more than 4 thousand children to be born.
Salford Royal Hospital (United Kingdom)
Great Britain, Salford
10 reviews
The Royal Salford Hospital has been operating for more than 140 years. At the latest stage of its existence, the institution has undergone several reconstructions. In 2012, work on the renovation of the hospital was completed, and since 2018, the construction of the largest trauma center in the county of Greater Manchester is underway.
University Hospital of Salzburg (Austria)
Austria, Salzburg
10 reviews
The University Hospital of Salzburg today is an association of six state medical institutions with more than three hundred years of history. The modern stage of the clinic's activity began in 2004, after the creation of the non-profit organization for the management of the state clinic of Salzburg (SALK) on the basis of the State Hospital of Salzburg, the Christian Doppler Clinic, the State Clinic St. Veit and the Institute of Sports Medicine. SALK works closely with the Private Medical University of Paracelsus.
Curie Cancer Institute in Paris (France)
France, Paris
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Pediatric oncology Radiology Transplantology more 1

  The Curie Cancer Institute is the leading cancer center in Europe, which is recognized by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and the Association of Pediatric Oncology of France (SFCE). Specialists of the clinic treat all types of cancer of stage 1-4 of varying degrees of complexity (with metastases, violation of the functions of organs that surround the tumor).

Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif (France)
France, Villejuif
9 reviews
Oncology Surgery Therapy Rehabilitation Oncohematology Radiology Pediatric oncology Proctology more 4
The GustaveRoussy Institute is a specialized center for the treatment of oncological diseases, being among the top ten medical institutions in the world in this profile. To optimize the methods, contracts were signed with leading specialized medical institutions in Europe, Asia and America.
A.I. Kryzhanovsky's Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary (Russia)
Russia, Krasnoyarsk
10 reviews
 Krasnoyarsk State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary named after A. I. Kryzhanovsky” (KSBHI “KRCOD named after A. I. Kryzhanovsky") counts its history since 1945, and it has been operating in its modern form since 2014. Every year, more than 175 thousand people apply to this institution, 34 thousand of the munder go various courses of treatment.
Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (Russia)
Russia, Chelyabinsk
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Pediatric oncology Radiology
 The Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, founded in 1947, is the largest oncology clinic in the Southern Urals. The Center closely cooperates with the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIITF named after academician E. I. Zababakhin, the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", the European Association of Nuclear Medicine.
N.N. Petrov's National Medical Research Center of Oncology in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Russia, St. Petersburg
10 reviews
Oncology Oncohematology Radiology
   Medical Center named after N. N. Petrov is a state scientific and medical institution that is engaged in the search for new methods of treating oncological diseases and introducing them into clinical practice. NMRC was founded as the Institute of Oncology by Nikolai Nikolaevich Petrov in 1927. 
Professor Salat Day Clinic of Hematology and Oncology in Munich (Germany)
Germany, Munich
3 review
Oncology Oncohematology
The Clinic of Hematology and Oncology of Professor Salat is a multidisciplinary medical institution dealing with the problems of hematopoiesis. 
Otwock European Health Center (Poland)
Poland, Otwock
10 reviews
Oncology Cardiology Surgery Weight Loss Surgery Urology Phlebology · Vascular Surgery Radiology more 3

 Otwock European Health Center (F. Chopin Clinic) is a private hospital in Poland that specializes in the treatment of cancer in patients with cardiac problems.

Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hubertus in Berlin (Germany)
Germany, Berlin
13 reviews

The Evangelical Medical Clinic Hubertus was founded in 1931. Today, it is a multidisciplinary medical institution that provides a variety of medical services,being a part of the Charite medical centers. Every year, more than 6 thousand people undergo outpatient treatment here, and up to 5,5 thousand patients stay inpatient. 

Elbland Clinic in Grosenhain (Germany)
Germany, Grosenhain
2 review

The Elbland Clinic is the newest medical facility that started operating in 2008. 

Krakow University Hospital (Poland)
Poland, Krakow
15 reviews

The University Clinic in Krakow is a wide-profile medical institution in Poland, which unites 32 specialized departments and 60 polyclinics.

Every year, more than 75,000 inpatients and over 380,000 outpatients are treated at the clinic.

North Rhine-Westphalia Clinical Complex in Duisburg (Germany)
Germany, Duisburg
10 reviews
  The Nordrhein-Westfalen Clinic Complex dates back to the beginning of the last century. Of the five specialized centers included in the complex, the very first was founded in 1912. Every year, the complex provides medical care to more than 145 thousand patients.

Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), South Korea
South Korea, Seoul
10 reviews
 Seoul State University Hospital is one of the oldest medical institutions in South Korea.
St. Stamford Cancer Center in Guangzhou (China)
China, Guangzhou
10 reviews
Oncohematology Oncology Radiology Surgery
 St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has been operating since 2005 and specializes in the treatment of cancer with minimally invasive methods.